Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CompanyName | string | The company name to display to users | [optional] |
Domain | string | This is the whitelabeled domain that users will be entering to reach the UI | [optional] |
FakeApiUrl | string | This is a whitelabeled API URL, primarily used by the developer application | [optional] |
HideCredits | bool? | When checked this hides the credits | [optional] [default to false] |
HidePowered | bool? | When checked this hides the powered by 2600Hz on the bottom right | [optional] [default to false] |
HideRegistration | bool? | When checked this hides the ability to register for a new account | [optional] [default to false] |
InboundTrunksPrice | string | The price to show for inbound trunks, this is currently only for display purposes | [optional] |
Nav | WhitelabelNav | [optional] | |
OutboundTrunksPrice | string | The price to show for outbound trunks, this is currently only for display purposes | [optional] |
Port | WhitelabelPort | [optional] | |
TwowayTrunksPrice | string | The price to show for twoway trunks, this is currently only for display purposes | [optional] |