- DynamicPPL.jl :: Implementation of domain-specific language (DSL) for dynamic probabilistic programming
- Gen.jl :: Probabilistic programming with programmable inference.
- Omega.jl :: Causal, Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programming.
- Soss.jl :: A library for probabilistic programming.
- Stan.jl :: A Julia wrapper for the Stan language.
- Stheno.jl :: Probabilistic programming with Gaussian processes in Julia.
- Turing.jl :: A Turing complete probabilistic programming language.
- ArviZ.jl :: A Julia interface to the ArviZ package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models, with functions for posterior analysis, model checking, comparison and diagnostics.
- BayesNets.jl :: Bayesian Networks for Julia.
- BayesianDataFusion.jl :: Implementation of data fusion methods.
- BayesEstDiffusion.jl :: Bayesian estimation of diffusion processes.
- BayesianNonparametrics.jl :: Bayesian nonparametrics in Julia.
- GaussianMixtures.jl :: Julia modules for Gaussian Mixture Models.
- GaussianProcesses.jl :: A Julia package for Gaussian Processes.
- POMDPs.jl :: A Julia framework for solving Markov decision processes.
- POMDPToolbox.jl :: Support tools for solving
. - HMMBase.jl :: A lightweight abstraction for hidden Markov models in Julia.
- CovarianceMatrices.jl :: Covariance Matrix Estimation in Julia.
- CurveFit.jl :: Simple least squares and curve fitting functions.
- FixedEffectModels.jl :: Fast estimation of linear models with IV and high dimensional categorical variables.
- FLSA.jl :: Computing the Fused LASSO Signal Approximator.
- GLM.jl :: Linear models (LM) and generalized linear models (GLM).
- Isotonic.jl :: This implements several algorithms for isotonic regression in Julia.
- LARS.jl :: Least angle regression.
- Lasso.jl :: Lasso solvers for linear and generalized linear models.
- Metida.jl :: Julia package for fitting mixed-effects models with flexible random/repeated covariance structure.
- MixedModels.jl :: A Julia package for fitting (statistical) mixed-effects models.
- NonNegLeastSquares.jl :: Some nonnegative least squares solvers in Julia.
- ParallelSparseRegression.jl :: A Julia library for parallel sparse regression, that implements solvers for regression problems including least squares, ridge regression, LASSO, non-negative least squares, and elastic net; and proposes to add fast methods to obtain regularization paths.
- QuantileRegression.jl :: Quantile regression in Julia.
- Regression.jl :: Algorithms for regression analysis (e.g. linear regression and logistic regression).
- SparseRegression.jl :: Statistical Models with Regularization in Pure Julia.
- AverageShiftedHistograms.jl :: David Scott's Average Shifted Histogram density estimation.
- KernelDensity.jl :: Kernel density estimators for continuous variables.
- KernelEstimator.jl :: A Julia package for nonparametric density estimation.
- LowRankModels.jl :: A Julia package for modeling and fitting generalized low rank models.
- ManifoldLearning.jl :: A Julia package for manifold learning and non-linear dimensionality reduction.
- MultivariateStats.jl :: A Julia package for multivariate data analysis (e.g. dimension reduction).
- GeoStats.jl :: High-performance geostatistical algorithms in Julia.
- GeoStatsImages.jl :: Training images for geostastical simulation.
- GslibIO.jl :: Utilities to read/write extended GSLIB files in Julia.
- BasisFunctionExpansions.jl :: Basis Function Expansions for Julia.
- ControlSystemIdentification.jl :: System Identification for LTI systems, compatible with ControlSystems.jl.
- DependentBootstrap.jl :: A module that implements several varieties of the dependent statistical bootstrap as well as the corresponding block-length selection procedures.
- DCCA.jl :: Detrended cross-correlations coefficient analysis : an easy to use Julia implementation.
- LPVSpectral.jl :: Least-squares (sparse) spectral estimation and (sparse) LPV spectral decomposition.
- PerronFrobenius.jl :: Estimating the transfer operator (Perron Frobenius operator) and invariant measures from time series.
- SmoothingKernels.jl :: Smoothing kernels for use in kernel regression and kernel density estimation.
- Temporal.jl :: Flexible and efficient time series class & methods for the Julia language.
- TimeSeries.jl :: Time-series toolkit for Julia.
- OnlineStats.jl :: Online algorithms for statistics.
- CoDa.jl :: Compositional Data Analysis in Julia
- ExtremeStats.jl :: Extreme Value Statistics in Julia.
- CauseMap.jl :: An implementation of Convergent Cross Mapping (CCM), a method for causal inference in non-linear dynamics systems, written in Julia.
- Bootstrap.jl :: Bootstrapping is a widely applicable technique for statistical estimation, especially in the absence of closed-form solutions.
- GeneralizedSampling.jl :: Generalized Sampling in Julia.
- Jackknife.jl :: Jackknife resampling and estimation in Julia.
- Jags.jl :: Julia package for using Just another Gibbs sampler.
- MonteCarloMeasurements.jl :: Uncertainty propagation by Monte-Carlo sampling: Real numbers with uncertainty represented by particle clouds.
- PSIS.jl :: Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) and PSIS leave-one-out cross-validation for Julia.
- RecombinatorKMeans.jl :: An implementation of the recombinator-k-means method.
- StableDQMC.jl :: Numerical stabilization routines for determinant quantum Monte Carlo.
- HypothesisTests.jl :: T-tests, Wilcoxon rank sum (Mann-Whitney U), signed rank, and circular statistics in Julia.
- RobustStats.jl :: A collection of robust statistical tests based on the R package WRS (R-Forge repository) by Rand Wilcox.
- BloomFilters.jl :: are a probabilistic data structure that can be used to test the inclusion and exclusion of items in a list.
- AdaGram.jl :: Adaptive Skip-gram implementation.
- Civecm.jl :: Cointegration in Vector Error Correction Models in Julia.
- CTDE.jl :: Continuous time, discrete event system in Julia.
- ConjugatePriors.jl :: A package to support conjugate prior distributions.
- DiscriminantAnalysis.jl :: A package for linear and quadratic regularized Discriminant Analysis.
- Divergences.jl :: A Julia package for evaluating divergences.
- DirichletProcessMixtures.jl :: This package implements Dirichlet Process Mixture Models in Julia using variational inference for truncated stick-breaking representation of Dirichlet Process.
- Distances.jl :: A Julia package for evaluating distances(metrics) between vectors.
- Distributions.jl :: Probability distributions in Julia.
- FactorModels.jl :: Factor models or diffusion index models.
- FeldtLib.jl :: Comparing two set of samples (empirical distributions)Baumgartner-Weis-Schindler statistic and tests.
- FreqTables.jl :: Frequency tables.
- GaussDCA.jl :: Multivariate Gaussian Direct Coupling Analysis for residue contact prediction in protein families.
- JointMoments.jl :: Tensors and statistics for joint central moments.
- KernSmooth.jl :: A direct port of the R package KernSmooth, (v2.23-10.), carrying an unlimited license.
- PowerLaws.jl :: A Julia package for power laws distributions.
- PValueAdjust.jl :: P-value adjustment methods for multiple testing correction.
- Rmath.jl :: Archive of functions that emulate R's d-p-q-r functions for probability distributions.
- RankAggregation.jl :: Rank aggregation in Julia.
- StatsBase.jl :: Basic statistics.
- TopicModels.jl :: TopicModels for Julia.
- PortHamiltonian.jl :: Port-Hamiltonian systems in Julia.