Releases: svenhb/GRBL-Plotter
New features:
- #263 New form "Projector" shows the 2D-view in fix scale, to be shown on the workpiece with an projector [Machine control - Projector].
- Additional forms (e.g. setup-form or text-creation) are not pinned to the front anymore, but can be brought to front via menu-button.
To get the old mode (always in front) enable [Setup - Program appearance - 2D-View/Editor/Misc - Misc "Show other forms always in front"] - Changed layout in main GUI: Select use of Router/Plotter/Laser to control spindle speed / PWM adjustment
- Scan height-map: new option to scan just one axis and extrude the other - Application on a rotation axis: scan along the rotation axis, extrude along the perimeter.
- If program was not installed, but just copied to "C:\program...", access rights are making trouble, when storing data.
Fix: if the path "C:\program..." is recognized, a data-folder in User/documents will be created. - SVG-import: take care of pen-width scaling
- Recognize USB/COM disconnection - save streaming status
- Form 'Convert Image' rearrangement of the controls, conversion to grayscale or black and white for better laser support
- Improoved exception handling
Bug fixes
#268 (connetion to marlin firmware)
#270 (tangential axis just turns 270° instead of 360° on G2/3 command)
#272 (wrong offset for tangential axis after GCode rotation, when not using 360° per turn)
Fix #255
- implement bulge-import for DXFPolyline
- change variables for gcode generation from float to double (increases accuracy from 7 to 15 digits) to get rid of error 33 at large coordinates
- little improovement for telnet connection, but is still tricky
- add more exception handling
- changed installer-file - hope to get rid of access denied exceptions for the file current.csv
Snap on grid, when moving selected figure and pressing shift-key:
- snap on grid only on x or y axis, when gripped on edge of selection bounds (see scetch below - yellow)
- snap on grid on x and y axis, when gripped on corners of selection bounds (see scetch below - orange)
If text is imported, left-click selects whole text, shift left-click selects single character
New setup-option "Command extension", to add new axis with travel-distance related value:
New features:
Improoved Object handling in 2D-view: added handles to selected object (figure or group) for moving, scaling, rotation. Add raster.
To select a group (if enabled in [Setup - Graphics import - Path import - Grouping and tools] press "Ctrl" during selection of a figure.
Adding Text to existing (formerly imported) gcode
Tip: enable grouping in [Setup - Graphics import - Path import - Grouping and tools] to be able to select the whole text
Ethernet connection (only tested with ESP32 )
Frequency for status polling will be reduced automatically to 0.5 Hz.
Reworked use-case dialog
Bug fixes:
- avoid error message on M6 command, if tool change is not enabled
- avoid error message on empty tool-change-script filename
- improoved exception handling
Image - halftone conversion
- add background pattern
Add czech language
Some bug fixes:
- Z to S transform #245
- Improoved exception handling
Forgot to upload before release.
Also was changed after release.
- Move logfiles to sub directory 'logfiles'
- Add logging for serial COM (may reduce performance) including log of send and echoed data (see screenshot below) - can be enabled in [Setup - Program behavior - Program start - Logging]
- Run time counter for spindle, flood and mist - can be resetted in [Setup - Program behavior - Program control - Accessory run times]
Bug fixes:
- Fix penup path: missing arrows and ids
- More improvements to avoid program exceptions
More improvements to avoid program exceptions
Please provide feedback if any other exceptions arise
Improved exception handling, main problem: missing file-access rights after using setup-install-mode "Install for all users" (which needs admin rights).
Changed installation location for data-path, depending on setup-install-mode [Install for all users = admin] or [Install for me = non admin]
Data-path can be checked via "About" Menu-Item
Old (non admin): C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\GRBL-Plotter\GRBL-Plotter
Old (admin): C:\Program Files (x86)\GRBL-Plotter <- wrong, access protected
New (non admin): C:\Users\user-name\Documents\GRBL-Plotter
New (admin): C:\Users\public\Documents\GRBL-Plotter
Please provide feedback if any other exceptions arise
Other bug-fix:
When loading GCode with subroutine, Pen-down path was not visible, when using [Setup - Program appearance - 2D-view - Pen-down Color Mode]