This example is where you should start. It walks you through creating the classic TodoMVC application using a simple Flux implementation.
- ES6
- React
- Exposure to the high-level concepts of Flux, this tutorial will be an application of those concepts
Clone and build the flux repo:
git clone
cd flux
npm install
Copy and build flux-shell:
cp -R examples/flux-shell examples/my-todomvc
cd examples/my-todomvc
npm install
npm run watch
Open examples/my-todomvc/index.html
in your browser.
- You should see a blank page that says "Hello World!"
Copy assets from examples/todomvc-common
cp -R ../todomvc-common todomvc-common
Update examples/my-todomvc/index.html
to include the assets:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flux • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="todomvc-common/base.css">
<section id="todoapp"></section>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
<p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p>
<script src="./bundle.js"></script>
Update examples/my-todomvc/src/root.js
to render into correct element:
ReactDOM.render(<div>Hello World!</div>, document.getElementById('todoapp'));
Refresh examples/my-todomvc/index.html
in your browser.
- The page should now have some styling and still say "Hello World!" in the center.
- If it doesn't, make sure
npm run watch
is still running
- If it doesn't, make sure
Set up folder structure:
├── containers
│ └── AppContainer.js
├── data
│ ├── TodoActions.js
│ ├── TodoActionTypes.js
│ ├── TodoDispatcher.js
│ └── TodoStore.js
├── root.js
└── views
└── AppView.js
Set up TodoDispatcher
. Here we just need to import dispatcher from Flux
and instantiate a new dispatcher to use throughout the application.
import {Dispatcher} from 'flux';
export default new Dispatcher();
Create the actions and action types. Let's set up the files that will eventually contain all of the actions in the application.
Set up data/TodoActionTypes.js
. This is a simple enum to list the kinds of
actions we will be creating.
const ActionTypes = {
export default ActionTypes;
Set up data/TodoActions.js
. Each function here dispatches an action.
import TodoActionTypes from './TodoActionTypes';
import TodoDispatcher from './TodoDispatcher';
const Actions = {
addTodo(text) {
type: TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO,
export default Actions;
Now we can set up our first store! Open data/TodoStore.js
. This will save
information about all of the Todo objects in our application. It will use an
Immutable map as the state.
import Immutable from 'immutable';
import {ReduceStore} from 'flux/utils';
import TodoActionTypes from './TodoActionTypes';
import TodoDispatcher from './TodoDispatcher';
class TodoStore extends ReduceStore {
constructor() {
getInitialState() {
return Immutable.OrderedMap();
reduce(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO:
// Do nothing for now, we will add logic here soon!
return state;
return state;
export default new TodoStore();
Let's set up a really simple view using React. Open views/AppView.js
import React from 'react';
function AppView() {
return <div>Hello from Flux!</div>;
export default AppView;
Containers are what connects the state from stores to views, let's set up
import AppView from '../views/AppView';
import {Container} from 'flux/utils';
import TodoStore from '../data/TodoStore';
function getStores() {
return [
function getState() {
return {
todos: TodoStore.getState(),
export default Container.createFunctional(AppView, getStores, getState);
Finally, let's update the root of our application to render this new
. Open root.js
import AppContainer from './containers/AppContainer';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
ReactDOM.render(<AppContainer />, document.getElementById('todoapp'));
- Reload the page, it should look basically the same as the last step but say "Hello from Flux!"
We will use Immutable.js to hold onto data about each Todo. This will give us
a nice API to update their information without needing to worry about
accidentally mutating the Todo. Create data/Todo.js
import Immutable from 'immutable';
const Todo = Immutable.Record({
id: '',
complete: false,
text: '',
export default Todo;
Now we can use this structure, along with a simple
to implement the ADD_TODO
action. Update
class TodoStore extends ReduceStore {
reduce(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO:
// Don't add todos with no text.
if (!action.text) {
return state;
const id = Counter.increment();
return state.set(id, new Todo({
text: action.text,
complete: false,
return state;
Let's update our view to actually render the Todos that are being stored. Update
function AppView(props) {
return (
<Header {...props} />
<Main {...props} />
<Footer {...props} />
function Header(props) {
return (
<header id="header">
function Main(props) {
if (props.todos.size === 0) {
return null;
return (
<section id="main">
<ul id="todo-list">
{[...props.todos.values()].reverse().map(todo => (
<li key={}>
<div className="view">
// Empty function for now, we will implement this later.
() => {}
// Empty function for now, we will implement this later.
() => {}
function Footer(props) {
if (props.todos.size === 0) {
return null;
return (
<footer id="footer">
<span id="todo-count">
{' items left'}
To make sure it all works we have to create some fake data for now. Modify
to create some fake Todos after the initial render.
import AppContainer from './containers/AppContainer';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
ReactDOM.render(<AppContainer />, document.getElementById('todoapp'));
// We will remove these lines later:
import TodoActions from './data/TodoActions';
TodoActions.addTodo('My first task');
TodoActions.addTodo('Another task');
TodoActions.addTodo('Finish this tutorial');
- Refresh the page and you should see some data that is coming from your
!- Keep in mind that it's not interactive yet, so no buttons will work
Let's add a few more actions so that the buttons do something.
Update data/TodoActionTypes.js
const ActionTypes = {
Update data/TodoActions.js
const Actions = {
addTodo(text) {
type: TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO,
deleteTodo(id) {
type: TodoActionTypes.DELETE_TODO,
toggleTodo(id) {
type: TodoActionTypes.TOGGLE_TODO,
Update data/TodoStore.js
class TodoStore extends ReduceStore {
reduce(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case TodoActionTypes.DELETE_TODO:
return state.delete(;
case TodoActionTypes.TOGGLE_TODO:
return state.update(,
todo => todo.set('complete', !todo.complete),
Now our store is capable of deleting or toggling a Todo. Let's hook it up to
our view now. In a Flux app the only place that should have knowledge of
Flux is the container, this means we have to define the callbacks in
and pass them down to AppView
, the view does not dispatch the
actions directly. This makes it easier to reuse, test, and change views.
Update containers/AppContainer.js
function getState() {
return {
todos: TodoStore.getState(),
onDeleteTodo: TodoActions.deleteTodo,
onToggleTodo: TodoActions.toggleTodo,
Now we need to use the callbacks and update a small amount of rendering logic
that displays the number of completed todos. Update views/AppView.js
function Main(props) {
if (props.todos.size === 0) {
return null;
return (
<section id="main">
<ul id="todo-list">
{[...props.todos.values()].reverse().map(todo => (
<li key={}>
<div className="view">
onChange={() => props.onToggleTodo(}
onClick={() => props.onDeleteTodo(}
function Footer(props) {
if (props.todos.size === 0) {
return null;
const remaining = props.todos.filter(todo => !todo.complete).size;
const phrase = remaining === 1 ? ' item left' : ' items left';
return (
<footer id="footer">
<span id="todo-count">
- Refresh the page and you should be able to toggle todos and delete them. Toggling todos should also update the counter of todos remaining in the footer.
Now you should be familiar enough with the structure of the todo app to implement the remaining pieces on your own. This last step outlines a good ordering for completing them. Make sure to reference the full example implementation as needed.
- Create the NewTodo view
- Create the
which tracks the contents of the NewTodo input, it will respond to two actions:UPDATE_DRAFT
which changes the draft contentsADD_TODO
which clears the draft contents (because the todo was added and is no longer a draft)- Note: It would also be reasonable to keep track of this in React state, but in this tutorial we will make an effort to have all components be controlled so you get more experience dealing with stores.
- Create the
action and pass through container - Hook everything up to the view
- Add clear completed button to the Footer
- Create
action - Add button to fire action to the footer
- Add Mark all as complete button
- Create
action- If any todos are incomplete, this marks them all as complete
- If all todos are complete, this marks them all as incomplete
- Hook it up to Main view
- Add ability to edit todos on double click
- Create the
which tracks the ID of the Todo currently being edited - Create
actions - Create
action - Create TodoItem view component with editing functionality