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GitLab Recurring Issues

A Docker image for creating recurring issues based on templates as part of a GitLab scheduled pipeline.

Forked from ⭐ ph1ll/gitlab-recurring-issues and adapted for my personal use.

The Docker image is available on DockerHub.

⚠️ Please note that I did not add any unit testing; so use with caution – especially added features like n-weekly occurrence, exceptions, adapting board labels, and creating standup meeting notes.


Create template issues in the .gitlab/recurring_issue_templates/ directory as Markdown files. Template issues use YAML front matter for configuration settings. The template body is used as the issue description.

title: "Biweekly reminder" # The issue title
labels: ["important", "to do"] # Optional; list of labels (will be created if not present)
confidential: false # Optional; defines visibility of issue (default for bool in Go is false)
duein: "24h" # Optional; time to due date from `crontab` as per (e.g "30m", "1h")
crontab: "@weekly" # The recurrance schedule for issue creation using crontab syntax
weeklyRecurrence: 2 # Optional; if stated, the `crontab` condition will only be applied to every n-th week, based on titles of present issues
(**You need to give a description, otherwise parsing will fail!**)

This is your biweekly reminder to perform the following actions:

* [ ] Action 1
* [ ] Action 2

Create a pipeline in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

recurring issues:
  image: tamslo/gitlab-recurring-issues
  script: gitlab-recurring-issues
    - schedules

Create project CI/CD variables:

Name Value
GITLAB_API_TOKEN The API access token for the user account that will create the issues (see: GitLab docs)
GROUP_WIKI_ID Optional. Set wiki for standup notes to a group wiki instead of the current project's wiki.
FORCE_STANDUP_NOTES_FOR_TODAY Optional. Force the creation of standup notes for today if setting to TRUE.

Finally, create a new schedule under the project CI/CD options, ensuring that the pipeline runs at least as often as your most frequent job.

Adding Recurrance Exceptions

To add exceptions to recurrances, create a file named recurrance_exceptions.yml in the templates folder. Note that exception dates are applied to the creation date given in crontab, not the due date.

It can contain exception definitions and rules that map issues by their IDs (need to be given in the issue template) to exception definitions.

Start and end dates are given in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If an exception occurs every year, the placeholder YEAR can be given (needs to be set for both start and end).

    id: "christmas-break"
    start: "YEAR-12-24"
    end: "YEAR-01-01"
    id: "vacation"
    start: "2022-05-13"
    end: "2022-05-20"
    id: "no-meeting"
    start: "2022-04-20"
    end: "2022-04-20"
    issue: "weekly-meeting"
    exceptions: ["christmas-break", "vacation", "no-meeting"]

Automatically Moving Issues on Board

The script also checks whether labels for custom issue management on a board view exist (see label definitions in constants and board_labels/board_labels.go).

If an issue is due, the TodayLabel or ThisWeekLabel will be added if it is not present and no OtherLabels exist that indicate that the issue is in progress. If the TodayLabel is added and the ThisWeekLabel present, the latter will be removed.

Add Standup Notes

A helper will create standup meeting notes on the day of the prepare-standup recurring issue, if the issue exists and no notes exist yet.

All issues that were updated between the last standup meeting note and the current one that were not closed before the last standup note will be included as a list to help filling out the table (included as template).

By default, the wiki page is created in the wiki of the current project. If the CI/CD variable GROUP_WIKI_ID is set to the ID of a group, the page will be created in the wiki of this group.

Issue for Vacation Start

A special recurring issue can be defined in the issue template This issue is created on the last workday before an upcoming vacation (identified as exceptions with IDs starting with vacation-).

⚠️ Not implemented yet, see #8.