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Windows Containers on Windows Server

Let's set the stage, we want to deploy a VM into Azure. This VM will be a Windows 2016 Server without docker. After this is deployed we will follow the manual steps to setup Windows Containers and Docker.

  1. Have a look at the WindowsVirtualMachine.json file that we will be deploying.

Create Resource Group

A resource group is a grouping of Azure resouces that can be managed and secured as a single unit. Read "I can delete every resource in a resource group by deleting the resource group"... kind of scary.

Create a resource group from the Azure-CLI:

azure group create {RESOURCE GROUP NAME} eastus

Replace {RESOURCE GROUP NAME} with whatever you like. The "eastus" at the end is the data center location. There something like 22+ DCs now...

Deploy the VM

Now it's time to create a VM...

Deploy an ARM Template using the Azure-CLI:

azure group deployment create {RESOURCE GROUP NAME} {DEPLOYMENT NAME} --template-uri

Replace {RESOURCE GROUP NAME} with the resource group name you just created.

Replace {DEPLOYMENT NAME} with whatever you like.

This command creates a deployment with the resource manager and passes the URI of the Windows template we just reviewed. It will also prompt you for the following parameters:

  1. Username (don't use "admin")
  2. Password (needs to be more than 8 chars and be complex)
  3. DNS Label (this will be the dns prefix used to connect to the box)

Remote Desktop to your new Windows Box

From the start menu open Microsoft Remote Desktop

The below content is preliminary content and subject to change.

This exercise will walk through basic deployment and use of the Windows container feature on Windows Server. After completion, you will have installed the container role and have deployed a simple Windows Server container. Before starting this quick start, familiarize yourself with basic container concepts and terminology.

From the VM we've just created in Azure:

1. Install Container Feature

The container feature needs to be enabled before working with Windows containers. To do so run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session.

Install-WindowsFeature containers

When the feature installation has completed, reboot the computer.

Restart-Computer -Force

2. Install Docker

Docker is required in order to work with Windows containers. Docker consists of the Docker Engine, and the Docker client. For this exercise, both will be installed.

Download and install the Windows-native Docker Engine

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
Restart-Computer -Force

Docker Engine is now installed and running as service. To verify Docker is running, type:

docker version

3. Install Base Container Images

Windows containers are deployed from templates or images. Before a container can be deployed, a base OS image needs to be downloaded. To search Docker Hub for Windows container images, run docker search Microsoft.

docker search microsoft

NAME                                         DESCRIPTION
microsoft/aspnet                             ASP.NET is an open source server-side Web ...
microsoft/dotnet                             Official images for working with .NET Core...
mono                                         Mono is an open source implementation of M...
microsoft/azure-cli                          Docker image for Microsoft Azure Command L...
microsoft/iis                                Internet Information Services (IIS) instal...
microsoft/mssql-server-2014-express-windows  Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express installe...
microsoft/nanoserver                         Nano Server base OS image for Windows cont...
microsoft/windowsservercore                  Windows Server Core base OS image for Wind...
microsoft/oms                                Monitor your containers using the Operatio...
microsoft/dotnet-preview                     Preview bits for microsoft/dotnet image
microsoft/applicationinsights                Application Insights for Docker helps you ...
microsoft/sample-redis                       Redis installed in Windows Server Core and...
microsoft/sample-node                        Node installed in a Nano Server based cont...
microsoft/sample-nginx                       Nginx installed in Windows Server Core and...
microsoft/sample-httpd                       Apache httpd installed in Windows Server C...
microsoft/sample-dotnet                      .NET Core running in a Nano Server container
microsoft/sqlite                             SQLite installed in a Windows Server Core ...

The following command will download the Windows Server Core base image.

docker pull microsoft/windowsservercore

This process can take some time, so take a break and pick back up once the pull has completed.

Once the image is pulled, running docker images will return a list of installed images, in this case the Windows Server Core image.

docker images

REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
microsoft/windowsservercore   latest              02cb7f65d61b        8 weeks ago         7.764 GB

4. Deploy Your First Container

For this exercise, you will download a pre-created IIS image from the Docker Hub registry and deploy a simple container running IIS.
Download the IIS image using docker pull.

docker pull microsoft/iis

The image download can be verified with the docker images command. Notice here that you will see both the base image (windowsservercore) and the IIS image.

docker images

REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
microsoft/iis                 latest              accd044753c1        11 days ago         7.907 GB
microsoft/windowsservercore   latest              02cb7f65d61b        8 weeks ago         7.764 GB

User docker run to deploy the IIS container.

docker run -d -p 80:80 microsoft/iis ping -t localhost

This command runs the IIS image as a background service (-d) and configures networking such that port 80 of the container host is mapped to port 80 of the container. For in depth information on the Docker Run command, see Docker Run Reference on

Running containers can be seen with the docker ps command. Take note of the container name, this will be used in a later step.

docker ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE          COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS             PORTS               NAME
09c9cc6e4f83  microsoft/iis  "ping -t localhost"  About a minute ago  Up About a minute>80/tcp  big_jang

From a different computer, open up a web browser and enter the IP address of the container host. If everything has been configured correctly, you should see the IIS splash screen. This is being served from the IIS instance hosted in the Windows container.

Note: if you are working in Azure, the external IP Address of the virtual machine will be needed to access the IIS website.

Back on the container host, use the docker rm command to remove the container. Note – replace the name of the container in this example with the actual container name.

docker rm -f big_jang

Delete the Resource Group

This command will remove everything you just created!

azure group delete {RESOURCE GROUP NAME} -q

Next Steps

Container Images on Windows Server

Windows Containers on Windows 10