- Removed support for Python 2
- Changes to creating DER model instance using "DERModel" class.
- Removed the need to specify "modelType" when creating a model instance. The model type is specified in the config file now.
- "derID" is now a required argument.
- "powerRating" and "VrmsRating" can only be supplied through the config file now.
- Minor refactoring and code cleanup.
- Added Dockerfile for using high-performance Julia ODE solvers library - Acknowledgement to Abel Siqueira (Netherlands eScience Center)
- Removed pathlib module from setup.py
- Added Numba to setup.py
- Fixed bug due to logs folder not being found.
- Added current reference ramp rate limiter for all models.
- Fixed bug in HVRT logging.
- Fixed bug that multiplied m_limit with 1e1 in the current control loop integral reset logic.
- Changed controller gains for ConstantVdc models to make their response slightly underdamped. Previously the response was overdamped.
- Added minimum ride-through time before momentary cessation.
- Added additional logging information during voltage anomalies.
- Minor bug fixes and code clean up