Project description
Some usage instructions
An nvmrc
file is included if using nvm.
- Node 6.13.0
- etc
Route: /review/:reviewId Response:
- Valid Id: 200
reviewId: Number,
productId: Number,
color: String,
configuration: String,
isBestSeller: Boolean,
category: String,
customerId: Number,
customerName: String,
customerCountry: String,
profilePicUrl: String,
title: String,
description: String,
rating: Number,
isVerifiedPurchase: Boolean,
isHelpfulCount: Number,
imageUrls: Array,
reviewDate: Date,
easeToUse: Number,
voiceRecognition: Number,
techSupport: Number,
valueForMoney: Number,
qualityOfMaterial: Number,
batteryLife: Number
- Invalid Id: 404 { error: 'No review exists by this id.' }
Route: /review Body required:
reviewId: Number,
productId: Number,
color: String,
configuration: String,
isBestSeller: Boolean,
category: String,
customerId: Number,
customerName: String,
customerCountry: String,
profilePicUrl: String,
title: String,
description: String,
rating: Number,
isVerifiedPurchase: Boolean,
isHelpfulCount: Number,
imageUrls: Array,
reviewDate: Date,
easeToUse: Number,
voiceRecognition: Number,
techSupport: Number,
valueForMoney: Number,
qualityOfMaterial: Number,
batteryLife: Number
- Valid Body: Post body with additional properties _id and _v
- Invalid Body: 500 { error: err.message }
Route: /review/:reviewId Body: An object containing keys and values to update Response:
- Valid Id + Body: 200 { "n": Number, "nModified": Number, "ok": Number }
- Invalid Id or Body: 500 { error: err.message }
Route: /review/:reviewId Response:
- Valid Id: 200 { "n": 1, "ok": 1, "deletedCount": 1 }
- Invalid Id: 404 { error: 'No review exists by this id.' }
From within the root directory:
npm install -g webpack
npm install