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temporaer edited this page Jun 10, 2012 · 2 revisions


This project was created to analyze 3D MRI root data.

Raw MRI image of barley root Constructed model of barley root

Guide to the files

Vesselness measure and visualization

  • config.xml contains meta-information about raw data files
  • takes raw data, upsamples it and calculates vesselness measure
  • wurzel/* helper classes for and

Root tree generation and operations on root tree

  • dijkstra/grid.cpp transforms raw data and vesselness measure to root tree
  • dijkstra/treeinfo.cpp print info about a root tree, translate to other formats


  • wurzel/ defines some default views on 3D data for convenience
  • visualizes results of all other components, including c++ components using



For each raw data file, put a section like this in the config file:

<datafile read-dtype="float32">
	<read-shape x="410" y="96" z="96"/>
	<shape x="436" y="96" z="96"/>
  • read-dtype is the datatype of the elements
  • base-name is the basename (with prepended ../) as used lateron in BASE, which is used as a key
  • read-shape the size of the data as stored in the raw .dat file
  • shape the size of the data after upsampling (should be isotropic then!)
  • stem-plane index of plane in which to look for stem
  • stem-axis number of axis the plane index refers to
  • has-rohr true/false, whether the dataset contains a measuring tube
  • scale how to get from read-shape resololution to millimeters (factor)
  • noise-cutoff average noise level after normalization

Run everything at once

  • Makefile contains targets to run all steps separately.

    make BASE=GersteLA_96x96x410_normal sato

    upsamples data/GersteLA_96x96x410_normal and computes vesselness

    make BASE=GersteLA_96x96x410_normal grid

    given vesselness and upsampled raw data from previous step, find the root tree (in the graph-theoretical sense ^^)

    make BASE=GersteLA_96x96x410_normal treeinfo

    output some stats about the found root tree

  • Makefile has targets for running a dataset through the whole process, e.g.

    make BASE=GersteLA_96x96x410_normal

    does all of the above steps.

Parameters you can choose

  • Note that when running everything through make commands as suggested above, you need to adjust the dijkstra/grid parameters in the Makefile.

  • vesselness measure: You can mainly configure the scales at which the measure is calculated. Have a look at for that purpose.

  • root tree extraction: The grid program is configurable using command line parameters. Try running grid --help to find out more, e.g.

      Allowed options:
      	--help                                produce help message
      	--base                                the base name of the dataset
      	-c [ --cfg ] arg (=config.xml)        the config-file containing dataset
      	                                      descriptions (XML)
      	--force                               force recomputation of dijkstra
      	--stem-plane arg                      plane index in which to search for stem
      	                                      (read from config-file if not given)
      	--stem-axis arg                       the axis of stem-plane
      	                                      (read from config-file if not given)
      	-r [ --max-radius ] arg (=1.8)        maximum root radius (in mm)
      	-s [ --start-threshold ] arg (=0.1)
      	                                      minimum raw value to start tracking
      	-t [ --total-len-thresh ] arg (=1000000000)
      	                                      maximal total length
      	-d [ --dijkstra-stop-val ] arg (=1000000000)
      	                                      stop dijkstra when paths longer than
      	                                      this (decreases dijkstr runtime)
      	-l [ --leaf-select-method ] arg (=median_raw)
      	                                      method for selecting leaf candidates
      	-f [ --min-flow-thresh ] arg (=0.0001)
      	                                      minimal flow fraction
      	--no-gauss-fit                        save some time
      	--no-subpix-pos                       save some time
  • Note to some of the parameters:

    • force: after Dijkstra algorithm has been executed, the result is written to files d_map.dat and p_map.dat. When you re-run grid, these files will be loaded instead of re-running Dijkstra. After changing scales in the vesselness measure or dijkstra-stop-val, you have to use this parameter to ensure that the distance/predecessor maps are updated.
    • dijskstra-stop-val: Most of the MRI image volume does not belong to the root. You can avoid determining its connectivity (which takes a lot of time) by choosing a maximum distance from the root you want to explore.
    • leaf-select-method: a voxel is considered to be a leaf node if it is above start-threshold and its distance to the root node is less than total-len-thresh and
      • edge_detect is the method used in the VISAPP paper for maize. it is true if the upstream/downstream ratio is above min-flow-thresh.
      • subtree_weight: In the subtree defined by the current node, the sum of the weights above threshold must be larger than min-flow-thresh.
      • median_raw In a limited depth breadth first search towards the root, the median of the visited values must at least be min-flow-thresh.


Intermediate Results

All steps save intermediate outputs in the same directory as the original raw data. Subsequent runs will make use of (at least some) cached results:

  • upsampling is not repeated if avoidable
  • dijkstra is only run if no d_map/p_map file exists
  • treeinfo is very fast and operates only on serialized root tree

If in doubt, delete intermediate files and re-run everything.


Care has been taken to parallelize as many operations as possible:

  • Hessian computation of a single scale is parallelized with OpenMP using weave in Python. It will make use of all available cores.
  • Optionally, you can distribute the Hessian computation of different scales over multiple computers using a running ipcluster engine and the -p parameter to
  • Dijkstra is not distributed, the parallel implementation for dijkstra_shortest_path algorithm is currently only available for adjacency list graphs, not the new grid_graphs.
  • Most loops over vertices in grid.cpp have been parallelized using Intel Thread Building blocks. It automatically makes use of all available cores. The side-effect free action objects are implemented using C++0X lambda functions, which are available in gcc version >=4.5.