Research can be divided into six steps. Following these steps, should results in good science.
- Observe phenomenon
- Search already existing work
- Formulate Explanation (Hypothesis)
- Gather Information (Experiment)
- Analyze Information
- Verify or Falsify Hypothesis
- Report/Publish
In these days it is most likely that there is already some work done regarding our observed phenomenon. To avoid already done mistakes or repeat work scientists use published research to learn.
A additional difficulty here is, that most of the published work is only accessible through payed subscriptions. In the last years a new form of publication occurs Open Access. After that the either found an explanation or have more questions to answer.
There are some tools on the Internet to help in the process of research:
Different methods that can be utilized to do gather information:
- Experiments
- Surveys
- Questionnairies
- Interviews
- Case studies
- Observations
- Participant
- Non-participant
- Trails
Not all methods are always suitable for each application. Some methods are more intended for human oriented research, where others work good with physical research.
Subjects of research in this field are
- Externally Observable
- Data not directly influenced by the way the research method is conducted.
- Not externally observable
- Can be influenced by the way the research method is conducted.
Data gathered in experiments is at first data. There is no obvious conclusion. Data has to be analyzed to make use of it and derive a conclusion.
This conclusion can either be the
- evidence that the hypothesis formulated is the explanation for the observed phenomenon
- or it is evidence that the hypothesis is not the explanation
- or it is indicating something completly different outcome
With the gathered data and the analysis the hypothesis can be confirmed to be correct or refuted.
In both cases it is important to explain the way of interpretation of the data.
The outcomes of the research should be published independent of their outcome. In this way research can base on already existing science.
And science is knowledge, and knowledge is only if it is known.
We will discuss publication in more detail later.
Search for research about:
- Light Emitting Diode
- Ethernet
- Digital Voltmeter
- Hypothesis
- Experiments
- Conclusion
Sent in your work:
- Go to Github and log in/register
- Fork: Seminar Repo
- Write a new markdown file with following information grouped by topics:
- Link to paper
- Answers to the Determine
- Date and time of your access to the paper.
# Task for research -> search
## Topic _Light Emitting Diode_
### Paper Title
[Link to paper](
#### Answers:
##### Hypothesis:
... Your answer ...
##### Experimets:
... Your answer ...
##### Conclusion
## Topic _Ethernet_