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242 lines (210 loc) · 11.1 KB


C++17/20 STL replacement for realtime and memory-constrained domains.


Replace some of the C++17 STL with absolutely no concern for backwards compatibility. Backport and improve std::ranges ranges and range adaptors such as enumerate, sliding_window, etc. Provide a variety of containers which all use polymorphic allocators by default, and error by value instead of using exceptions. Additionally provide multithreading primitives for C++20 users, such as a thread pool and coroutine runtime. Optionally make use of C++20 modules for improved compile times without waiting for C++23 import std. Provide serialization to string and JSON for all types. Do bounds / error checking in both release and debug mode specifically to detect undefined behavior (with an OKAYLIB_FAST_UNSAFE macro to disable it).

okaylib is a personal project which is intended to focus many disparate efforts of mine to make C and C++ libraries into one mega-project. I have plan to use it myself in some of my other projects, but any actual releases (along with support for build systems that people actually use, like CMake) are a ways off.


This code demonstrates some views of an array: transforming, enumerating, and reversing. C++17.

int main()
    int forward[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};

    auto size_minus =
        transform([&](int i) { return ok::size(forward) - 1 - i; });

    fmt::println("Range using size_minus:");
    // std_for view to make okaylib ranges compatible with range based for
    for (auto [value, idx] : forward | size_minus | enumerate | std_for) {
        const char* sep = idx == ok::size(forward) - 1 ? "\n" : " -> ";
        fmt::print("{}: {}{}", value, idx, sep);

    fmt::println("Range using reverse:");
    for (auto [value, idx] : forward | reverse | enumerate | std_for) {
        const char* sep = idx == ok::size(forward) - 1 ? "\n" : " -> ";
        fmt::print("{}: {}{}", value, idx, sep);


Range using size_minus:
0: 0 -> 1: 1 -> 2: 2 -> 3: 3 -> 4: 4 -> 5: 5
Range using reverse:
0: 0 -> 1: 1 -> 2: 2 -> 3: 3 -> 4: 4 -> 5: 5

This code makes use of a polymorphic allocator, conditional defer statements, the res (result) type, and formatting of error values.

auto make_three_buffers = [](ok::allocator& allo)
    -> ok::allocator::res<std::array<ok::slice<u8>, 3>> {
    using namespace ok;
    // require allocator feature
    if (!(allo.features() & allocator::feature_flags::threadsafe)) {
        return allocator::error::unsupported;

    // do allocation using raw allocator, no owning ptrs. rare, but acceptable
    // when combined with defers.
    auto first_mem = allo.allocate_bytes(100);
    if (!first_mem)
        return first_mem.err();

    maydefer free_first_mem([first_mem, &allo] {
        allo.deallocate_bytes(, first_mem.size());

    auto second_mem = allo.allocate_bytes(100);
    if (!second_mem)
        return second_mem.err();

    maydefer free_second_mem([second_mem, &allo] {
        allo.deallocate_bytes(, second_mem.size());

    auto third_mem = allo.allocate_bytes(100);
    if (!third_mem)
        return third_mem.err();

    // okay, all initialization is good, dont free anything

    return std::array{first_mem.slice(), second_mem.slice(), third_mem.slice()};

int main()
    ok::c_allocator my_allocator; // malloc and free

    auto buffer_result = make_three_buffers(my_allocator);
    if (!buffer_result.okay()) {
        fmt::println("Allocation failure: {}", buffer_result.err());
        return -1;
    auto& buffers = buffer_result.release_ref();

    for (auto& slice : buffers) {
        // initialize to zero, just to demonstrate "stdmem" header
        ok::memfill(slice, 0);

        fmt::format_to_n(, slice.size(),
                         "Hello, world! in slice {}", slice);

        // cstdio still works fine of course!
        printf("printed: %s\n",;


printed: Hello, world! in slice [0x23c152a0 -> 100]
printed: Hello, world! in slice [0x23c15310 -> 100]
printed: Hello, world! in slice [0x23c15380 -> 100]


  • implicit context() for allocators, random number generators, current error message, etc.
  • modify context with context_switch type, which always restores changes when it is destroyed. it cannot be moved.
  • polymorphic allocator interface
  • arena allocator
  • block allocator
  • slab allocator
  • page allocator
  • remapping page allocator
  • wrapper / import of jemalloc for the allocator interface.
  • "result" type: optional with enum error value. like std::expected, kind of
  • "opt" type: optional but supports reference types with rebinding assignment
  • opt and result are constexpr + trivial, if their payloads are
  • slice type: like span but not nullable
  • defer statement
  • stdmem: functions for checking if slices are overlapping, contained within, etc
  • new iterators, with lower barrier to entry. c++17 compatible but not backwards compatible with algorithms that use legacy iterators or c++20 iterators. Designed for easy implementation, good codegen, and immediate rangelike support (type with iterator stuff should also be a range)
  • WIP SIMD vector and matrix types, explicit by default but with optional operator overloading. inspired by DirectXMath
  • A dynamic bit array and a static bit array with boolean-like iterators, to prove capability of new iterators
  • std::ranges reimplementation, with some new views. enumerate, zip, take, drop, join, keep_if, reverse, transform. Template specialization / optimization when the viewed type is array-like.
  • More views (which will require allocation + error handling): sliding window, chunking view, split view.
  • Add user-defined error values to the result. Also add some kind of anyhow error type result, and some initialization at program startup to pre-reserve space for errors.
  • "cresult" type, exactly like optional internally but with a different interface. On construction, it stores an info string in the thread context. Has a getter which returns a reference to the string in the context. Stands for "context result". Maybe instead "lresult" for "local result?". Potentially a debugmode check to make sure you haven't overwritten the value in the context when you access it from the result.
  • context handle: serializable replacement for a reference which is a unique index of an allocation along with a generation / magic value. when dereferencing, it asks the context for the corresponding memory and compares magic number to try to detect invalid allocator or use-after-free.
  • variants of context handle: explicit handle (dereferencing requires passing the allocator) and unique context handle
  • sane std::string replacement, inspired a bit by Godot's String
  • static_string: const char* replacement which stores its length and has a lot of nice string operations. never does allocation.
  • A low friction variant which is something like std::variant<int, float, string>
  • A fast hashmap, maybe one of the flat hash sets / maps from Google, with support for emplace_back which can error by value
  • A std::vector replacement with a better name (ok::arraylist?) which does not throw and supports emplace_back or push_back erroring by value. can yield its contents with some slice<T> release() function
  • A collection whose items can be accessed by a stable handle, instead of index, but keeps items in contiguous memory for fast iteration. Includes generation information in handle for lock and key type memory saftey and debugging.
  • An arraylist type which does not store its elements contiguously but rather in roughly cache-line-sized blocks, then has an array of pointers to blocks. constant time lookup and less memory fragementation
  • fold/reduce function(s) compatible with above views
  • reimplementation of <algorithm> stuff: stable_sort, sort, copy_if, copy, move, count, count_if mismatch find, starts_with, ends_with, contains, fill, find_if, any_of, all_of, is_sorted, unique, shuffle, rotate, reverse, swap, binary_search, equal, max_element, max, min, min_element, minmax_element, clamp, and copying vs. in-place variants for all algorithms. This is rangelike though- no need for begin() and end() as separate arguments
  • threadpool compatibility for some views which are embarassingly parellel, like count* or max_element. Specific threadsafe container iterator type? iterables are all extremely templated, so this will be interesting.
  • standard coroutine types: task, generator
  • coroutines which can use thread's context allocator
  • coroutine-running threadpool with work queues and task stealing, for copying off Go's homework. (potentially put threadpool and runtime into context for submitting coroutines upon construction?)
  • fmtlib included for IO, all types mentioned above include formatters
  • all okaylib types have nlohmann json serialization defined
  • Zig buildsystem module which makes it easy to import it into a zig project and propagate up information about compilation flags (get an error if you do something like enable bounds checking but a library youre calling into explicitly disables them)
  • One day, far down the line: c++ modules support for zig build system, add c++ modules support to okaylib.
  • (maybe) context contains an array of allocators so you can refer to allocators in a serializable way (not by pointer)? Could be possible for users who don't use pointers and only allocator handles to trivially serialize their whole program to binary

misc improvements / backlog

  • Remove dependency on <memory> header from okay/detail/addressof.h
  • Add option to disable undefined behavior checks which are normally on in both release and debug mode (such as array bounds checks on iterators)
  • Offer alternative version of (or redo) *_arc_t types so that weak pointers also keep the object alive. Maybe change the name of "weak" arc to something like "frozen" arc.
  • Create "minimum viable" ranges for forward, multipass, bidirectional, random access, and contiguous ranges, to test conformance of all the views
  • Add tests for all the views with a finite + random access range
  • Make sure every constructor of opt and res (converting constructors esp.) have test coverage
  • Add better static asserts for when you use an invalid range with a pipe operator- right now errors come from inside the range adaptor closure
  • Add some concept of being infinite and arraylike. Currently infinite ranges like ok::indices are not arraylike, which makes enumerate(array) more space efficient than zip(array, indices).