diff --git a/wca-regulations.md b/wca-regulations.md index 26799686..e3791295 100644 --- a/wca-regulations.md +++ b/wca-regulations.md @@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ Note: Because Article and Regulation numbers are not reassigned when Regulations - E2a1) Before the attempt has begun, the competitor must not write on any paper intended for the attempt. Exception: the competitor may write information to identify the attempt (see [Regulation E2c1](regulations:regulation:E2c1)). If they write this information on the paper that contains the scramble sequence, they must write only on the side without the scramble sequence before the attempt. Penalty for writing anything other than information to identify the attempt: disqualification of the attempt (DNF). - E2b) All competitors have a total time limit of 60 minutes to find and write a solution. - E2b1) The judge should call "5 MINUTES REMAINING" at 55 minutes, and must call "STOP" at 60 minutes. + - E2b2) If a competitor joins an attempt that is already in progress (see [Regulation E6](regulations:regulation:E6)), their time limit is the time remaining (i.e. they must finish when other competitors reach their 60 minute time limit). - E2c) At 60 minutes, each competitor must submit to the judge a single piece of paper with a written solution and information to identify the attempt. The competitor's solution is considered correct if starting with a solved puzzle and applying the scramble sequence followed by the solution results in a solved puzzle. Penalty for an incorrect solution: disqualification of the attempt (DNF). - E2c1) Information to identify the attempt is: the competitor's name, WCA ID, or competition registrant ID (at least one, optionally multiple), and optionally the competition name, round, or attempt number. Penalty for a submitted solution without information to identify the attempt: disqualification of the attempt (DNF). Information to identify the attempt may be added by the competitor after the attempt has been submitted but before the end of the competition, at the discretion of the WCA Delegate and under the direct supervision of a judge. The competitor must not write anything after the time limit without the judge's supervision and must not make any changes to the solution. Penalty: disqualification of the attempt (DNF). - E2c2) The solution must be an unambiguous sequence of moves with each move written out in sequential order. Penalty for an ambiguous solution: disqualification of the attempt (DNF).