const vectors = @import("thing").vectors;
nD vector types & operations
This packages provides a generic Vec
n-dimensional vector type factory and
several predefined common vector types listed below. Even though most operations
are available for all vectors, depending on chosen size and component type,
additional features are implemented (for boolean vectors obviously only a
reduced subset makes sense).
The generated structs are all zero-size, i.e. they're merely namespaces exposing
size & type-specific type aliases, constants and operations. The vectors
themselves are always pre-configured versions of Zig's built-in @Vector
which depending on target platform is SIMD capable/optimized.
Type generics used:
: Boolean vector type of sizeN
: vector sizeT
: Vector component type (e.g.f32
: Vector type (e.g.@Vector(N, T)
Op | Sizes | Types |
abs(a: V) V |
all | float / int |
acos(a: V) V |
all | float |
allEqDelta(a: V, b: V, eps: T) bool |
all | float / int |
angleBetween(a: V, b: V) T |
all | float |
asin(a: V) V |
all | float |
argmin(a: V) usize |
all | all |
argmax(a: V) usize |
all | all |
atan(a: V) V |
all | float |
atan2(a: V, b: V) V |
all | float |
ceil(a: V) V |
all | float |
center(a: V) V |
all | float |
centroid(a: []const V) V |
all | all |
clamp(a: V, b: V, c: V) V |
all | all |
clamp01(a: V) V |
all | float |
cos(a: V) V |
all | float |
cross(a: V, b: V) V |
2, 3 | float |
direction(a: V, b: V) T |
all | float |
distSq(a: V, b: V) T |
all | all |
dist(a: V, b: V) T |
all | float |
divN(a: V, n: T) V |
all | all |
dot(a: V, b: V) T |
all | all |
eqDelta(a: V, b: V, eps: T) B |
all | float / int |
equal(a: V, b: V) bool |
all | all |
exp(a: V) V |
all | float |
exp2(a: V) V |
all | float |
fill(buf: []V, val: V) void |
all | all |
fit(a: V, b: V, c: V, d: V, e: V) V |
all | float |
fitN(a: V, b: T, c: T, d: T, e: T) V |
all | float |
fitClamped(a: V, b: V, c: V, d: V, e: V) V |
all | float |
fitNClamped(a: V, b: T, c: T, d: T, e: T) V |
all | float |
fit01(a: V, b: V, c: V) V |
all | float |
floor(a: V) V |
all | float |
fract(a: V) V |
all | float |
fromBVec(a: B) V |
all | all |
fromVec(comptime S: type, a: @Vector(N, S)) V |
all | all |
fromVec2(a: @Vector(2, T), z: T) V |
3 | all |
fromVec2(a: @Vector(2, T), b: @Vector(2, T)) V |
4 | all |
fromVec2N(a: @Vector(2, T), z: T, w: T) V |
4 | all |
fromVec3(a: @Vector(3, T), w: T) V |
4 | all |
isZero(a: V) bool |
all | all |
heading(a: V) T |
2 | float |
invSqrt(a: V) V |
all | float |
log(a: V) V |
all | float |
log2(a: V) V |
all | float |
log10(a: V) V |
all | float |
maddN(a: V, n: T, b: V) V |
all | all |
mag(a: V) T |
all | float |
magSq(a: V) T |
all | all |
mean(a: V) T |
all | float |
min(a: V, b: V) V |
all | all |
minComp(a: V) T |
all | all |
mix(a: V, b: V, t: V) V |
all | float |
mixN(a: V, b: V, n: T) V |
all | float |
max(a: V, b: V) V |
all | all |
maxComp(a: V) T |
all | all |
mod(a: V, b: V) V |
all | float |
modN(a: V, b: T) V |
all | float |
mulN(a: V, n: T) V |
all | all |
normalize(a: V) V |
all | float |
normalizeTo(a: V, n: T) V |
all | float |
of(n: T) V |
all | all |
orthoNormal(a: V, b: V, c: V) V |
3 | float |
perpendicularCCW(a: V) V |
2 | float / int |
perpendicularCW(a: V) V |
2 | float / int |
pow(a: V, b: V) V |
all | float |
powN(a: V, n: T) V |
all | float |
product(a: V) T |
all | all |
reflect(a: V, n: V) V |
all | float |
refract(a: V, n: V, eta: T) V |
all | float |
rotate(a: V, theta: T) V |
2 | float |
rotateX(a: V, theta: T) V |
3 | float |
rotateY(a: V, theta: T) V |
3 | float |
rotateZ(a: V, theta: T) V |
3 | float |
round(a: V) V |
all | float |
sd(a: V) T |
all | float |
sdError(a: V) T |
all | float |
select(mask: B, a: V, b: V) V |
all | all |
sin(a: V) V |
all | float |
smoothStep(e0: V, e1: V, a: V) V |
all | float |
sqrt(a: V) V |
all | float |
standardize(a: V) V |
all | float |
step(edge: V, a: V) V |
all | all |
subN(a: V, n: Y) V |
all | all |
sum(a: V) T |
all | all |
tan(a: V) V |
all | float |
trunc(a: V) V |
all | float |
variance(a: V) T |
all | float |
_not(a: V) V |
all | int / uint |
_and(a: V, b: V) V |
all | int / uint |
_or(a: V, b: V) V |
all | int / uint |
_xor(a: V, b: V) V |
all | int / uint |
pow(a: V, n: T) V |
all | all |
are implemented for 2D, 3D and 4D vectors, e.g. vec3.zyx()
, vec4.xxzz()
all(v: V) bool
_not(a: V) V
_and(a: V, b: V) V
_or(a: V, b: V) V
any(v: V) bool
of(n: bool) V
select(mask: V, a: V, b: V) V
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