Here is the list of configuration directives you can add in any .graph YAML files
Each .graph file represent a Graph that will be displayed on a dashboard.
Each directive represents an URL Parameter or a Function, as described in Graphite's Documentation:
See the Graphite Documentation for details on URL API Parameters
This sets the main title at the top of the produced graph
title: "A sample graph"
The vertical title that is shown along the left y axis of your graph
vtitle: "bytes/sec"
The physical width of the graph in pixels
width: 800
The physical height of the graph in pixels
height: 600
The timespan to graph for, this is specific in RRDTool AT-Style time format
from: "-2days"
until: "-1days"
This controls the area mode of the graph. Graphite supports 3 modes at present:
area: all
- all - all graph fields are filled
- first - the first field is stacked while the rest are lines
- stacked - all graph fields are filled and stacked ontop of each other
- none - everything are lines (default)
This is just some text associated with the graph, it is not shown on any graph but dashboards and the like can access this in the ruby code
description: "A graph of CPU usage"
The main legend can be force disabled or enabled. By default it will automatically be disabled if graphite thinks its too big but when set to true it will always show and never when set to false You can also set it to an integer : it will hide the legend only if the graph's height is under this value.
hide_legend: true
hide_legend: 400
These are the minimum and maximum values of the graph, only points between these will be shown.
ymin: 100
ymax: 200
The unit system for thousands, millions, etc. Graphite supports 3 systems at present:
yunit_system: binary
- si - powers of 1000 - K, M, G, T, P
- binary - powers of 1024 - Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti, Pi
- none - no interpretation (raw numbers)
Draw missing data from graphite as 0
draw_null_as_zero: true
Sets the global line width
linewidth: 2
Sets the global font size
fontsize: 15
Set all fonts to bold
fontbold: true
Set the name of the global font
fontname: "mono"
The timezone to convert all data into
timezone: Europe\London
Influence how all lines are drawn
linemode: slope
linemode: staircase
Disables the grid on the graph
hide_grid: false
Adjusts the colors for the grid lines
minor_grid_line_color: "green"
minor_grid_line_color: "#000"
Used to specify a template from graphTemplates.conf to use for default colors and graph styles.
theme: name_of_theme
Used to specify a margin between the graph and image borders
margin: 30
Use one color of the list for each target.
- FEA400
- #00FF22
- FFFF00
- blue
Display only unique legend items, removing any duplicates.
Sets the minimum pixel-step to use between datapoints drawn.
Takes a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 Sets the alpha (transparency) value of filled areas when using an areaMode
If set, draws the graph with a logarithmic scale of the specified base (e.g. 10 for common logarithm)
In dual Y-axis mode, sets the title of the right Y-Axis (See: vtitle)
See the Graphite Documentation for details on Functions
The following properties can be applied to any single field and applies to that field only. Fields appear in the graph in the order they are in the file.
The first argument - iowait above - is the field name and should be unique for this graph.
The main data for the field, this can be anything graphite will accept as a target. There are a number of properties that you can apply to this data so you can generally keep this pretty simple even for derived data etc.
data: fqdn.load.load
data: sumSeries(*.load.load)
The data is of an ever increasing type, you can derive the rate of change using this property.
data: fqdn.cpu.iowait
derivative: true
Corresponds to the graphite function derivative()
Some data are in milliseconds and you might want it in seconds, this let you scale the data by some fraction.
data: fqdn.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
Corresponds to the graphite function scale()
With derivative data, scale the data automatically to the desired rate in seconds. For example, put 60 to display the rate per minute.
data: fqdn.disk.reads
derivative: true
scale_to_seconds: 1
Corresponds to the graphite function scaleToSeconds()
Sometimes you have infrequent data like git commits. This allow you to draw any non zero value as a vertical line.
data: site.deploy
line: true
Corresponds to the graphite function drawAsInfinite()
Sets the line color either to one of graphites well known types or a hex value
data: site.deploy
line: true
color: red
Corresponds to the graphite function color()
Causes a line to be drawn as a dashed line rather than solid
data: site.deploy
line: true
dashed: true
Corresponds to the graphite function dashed()
Since graphite 0.9.9 you can draw data using both y axis, this allows you to set a specific field on the 2nd y axis
data: fqdn.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
second_y_axis: true
Corresponds to the graphite function secondYAxis()
You can set a custom legend caption for this field. By default this will be the graph name capitalized but you can adjust that easily.
data: fqdn.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
alias: "IO Wait"
Without the alias property the graph caption would have been Io_wait.
Corresponds to the graphite function alias()
Disables automatic aliasing of targets
Renders a data item in the same style as Cacti using current, min and max legends.
data: fqdn.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
alias: "IO Wait"
cacti_style: true
Draws the top n servers with the highest average value.
data: *.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
alias: IO Wait
highest_average: 5
Alias values based on a sub part of the data item names. For a negative index value, the number of the sub parts is added to the index.
data: *.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
alias_by_node: 0
This will create graphs with items aliased by the first part of each data item
Run series names through a regex search/replace.
data: *.disk.*.reads
alias_sub_search: '.*(\w+)\.reads'
alias_sub_replace: 'disk \1'
Corresponds to the graphite function aliasSub()
Appends a value to the metric, one of last, avg, total, min or max. Mutually exclusive to the above cacti_style option
data: *.cpu.iowait
scale: 0.001
legend_value: avg
The linewidth for this one specific field
data: *.cpu.iowait
field_linewidth: 2
legend_value: avg