issues Search Results · repo:tjanson/WifiLocationLogger language:Java
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intjanson/WifiLocationLogger (press backspace or delete to remove)Just wondering if this project is still maintained (no commits for almost 4 years). If not, may I suggest to archive it
(via its settings here in Github) to make it clear to see?
- 9
- Opened on Jan 11, 2019
- #22
According to the Freifunk forum discussion, the app requires the Play Services API FusedLocation , but in principle that
could be changed.
Not everybody uses Google services, so if this is not really ...
- 6
- Opened on Apr 23, 2015
- #21
Okay, it seems I was wrong all along: I had suspected that either the Wifi scan code, or the background behaviour
(wake-lock etc.) were the root of “incomplete” log bugs of any kind (#9 and #1), and I ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 17, 2015
- #19
As adorfer suggested in the forum, I d be really usefull to have the frequency locked to channel 1.
- Opened on Mar 17, 2015
- #18
2015-03-16 18:35:00.351,1,A0001,90cb8bd0-8d17-4691-8db4-33cc065b87b5,51.5498119,9.9388738,196.0,10.0,6.8314347,0,-1029,,02:56:5f:ab:59:ab,0,11, (.*)(F|f)reifunk(.*)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ ...
- Opened on Mar 16, 2015
- #17
It would be nice if you could see the measurement points of your current Log within the app on a map ...
- 8
- Opened on Mar 16, 2015
- #16
Change standart SSID Filter to .(star)[Ff]reifunk.(star) to catch all Freifunk-Networks
clarification needed
- 3
- Opened on Mar 16, 2015
- #15
Seen on the following device: 5.0.2, LXB22.46-28, XT1033. Trace log needed to investigate.
- 1
- Opened on Mar 15, 2015
- #13
SSID and the SSID regular expression filter really need to be escaped, or this’ll bite us someday when someone decides
to call their Wifi ,,, , 42.3,5, or something. The SSID filter is intentionally placed ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 15, 2015
- #12

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