Batch Processing FedData
+ +Last update: 2025-01-02
+ + Source:vignettes/Batch-Process-Raster-from-FedData.Rmd
+ Batch-Process-Raster-from-FedData.Rmd
Batch Processing +
+This is an example for batch processing multiple years of NLCD data. +It requires creating a folder with two subfolders where the tif’s can be +stored. The NCLD data is unprojected when it’s downloaded, so you will +need to project it to your preferred coordinate system. It’s a +multi-step process.
+Setup +
+ recursive = TRUE)# create a folder and first subfolder for storing unprojected tif's. Use relative paths if you know how to and/or have an R project set up.
+my.path<-'C:/Users/Lyonst/Desktop/NLCD' # save the parent folder path as an object, not just the lowest folder
+years_to_dl<-c(2010,2015,2020) # object referencing the years of NCLD you'd like to download
+# Older NLCD data was only released about every 3 years, but now USGS is going back and using different processing to generate/estimate/interpolate annual data sets. Upshot is, you now have annual data if you think you need it
Now use the vector of years to iteratively download the data from +[FedData].
+# pass the vector of years to the map function to iteratively call FedData::get_nlcd_annual
+ ~FedData::get_nlcd_annual(,
+ label='MO_noproj',
+ year=.x,
+ product='LndCov',
+ extraction.dir=paste0(my.path,'/unproj')
+ )
This writes 3 tif files with “MO_noproj” in the file name. The files +are 2010, 2015, and 2020 annual NLCD landcover. The way FedData works is +it creates a rectangle of min/max X and Y for the template and crops to +that. So our rasters contain a good chunk of KS, IL and a little bit of +IA and AR. We’ll clean that up in the next step
+Reproject +
+To reproject, you’ll need to create an object of the full file paths +of all the unprojected files, setup another subfolder to hold the +reprojected tif’s,
+# List the tif files in the folder
+ pattern='.tif$', # regex for files that end in .tif
+ full.names = TRUE)
+#create a vector of new names
+ ~paste0('NLCD_Y',stringr::str_extract(.x,pattern='20\\d{2}'),'_proj'))
+#tif file names will now look like 'NLCD_Y2010_proj.tif' after reprojections
+dir.create('C:/Users/Lyonst/Desktop/NLCD/prj') # Create a directory to hold the projected files
+ # write a function to take the list of unprojected files and names we'd like to have for the new projected files, and reproject, crop/mask and write them
+ terra::project(terra::rast(X),'EPSG:26915')->Z#NAD83 UTM15N code
+ terra::mask(Z,terra::vect(>W # assign raster cells outside the state boundary an NA value
+ terra::writeRaster(W,
+ filename=paste0(my.path,'/prj/',rast.names,'.tif'))
+# use future to run these in parallel
+# this takes approximately 10 minutes for 3 NLCD rasters for the state of MO
+future::plan('sequential') # reset
You can stop here and delete all the entire +…/unproj/ folder if you like. Alternatively, you can +combine all the annual raster files into a multiband raster object. The +advantage is you only have to read in one object to get all your +rasters. The downside is it’s probably more efficient to process the +data by creating lists of files and passing it to [purrr::map] as we +have done above. Still…if you want to try…
+ pattern='.tif$', # regex for files that end in .tif
+ full.names = TRUE)
+# read in multiple rasters
There are additional functions in terra that help you process the +bands together or separately. Note that the multiband raster only works +if all the bands have the exact same spatial extent. So if you think you +might want to crop or clip different years in different ways, it’s best +to keep the individual years as separate files and objects, even if it +is less efficient with memory.