Table of Contents
ODBC is a widely adopted, standard, client-side API that works well for relational (i.e., tabular) data. However, many types of today's data may not fit well into a relational model. ODBC 4.0 defines extensions to support non-relational concepts such as:
- Dynamic columns (columns not defined in schema)
- Structured columns
- Collection-valued columns
- Untyped/Varying typed columns
In addition, general enhancements are added in order to improve interoperability of generic ODBC clients across diverse data sources, including enhanced discovery, authentication, syntax, and capability reporting.
ODBC 3.x is a relational API. Existing clients expect data to be modeled, queried, represented and updated relationally.
In order to be advertised as an ODBC 3.x driver, and returned from the control panel/driver manager, drivers must be 100% compatible with ODBC 3.x. Such drivers must expose a relational view of the data through the standard schema functions (SQLTables, SQLColumns, etc.) and continue to support standard Entry SQL-92 operations against this flattened view.
The flattened view may not be comprehensive (there may be data not available through the relational view, data modeled as strings representing structured content of a particular format, the data may not be updatable through that view, etc.) but existing ODBC 3.x clients must be able to meaningfully interact with the data.
The convenience to existing clients of representing hierarchical data through a relational lens sacrifices fidelity. Applications that specify a value for the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION
environment attribute of 4.x or greater may see a hierarchical structure containing row, collection, and variant-typed data values.
For more information on compatibility, see Section 5, Compatibility
The following errata are not intended to describe new functionality but to clarify apply to clarify existing expected ODBC behavior.
While the current ODBC Specification calls out the use of TargetType for specifying the type of data to be retrieved in SQLGetData, which may differ from the type in the APD or ARD, it is not clear that, when retrieving string or binary data in parts, the same C data type should be specified for each part.
The current ODBC Specification states the following:
When the driver returns fixed-length data, such as an integer or a date structure, the driver ignores BufferLength and assumes the buffer is large enough to hold the data. It is therefore important for the application to allocate a large enough buffer for fixed-length data or the driver will write past the end of the buffer.
In this context, "fixed-length data" refers to "non-character or binary data". As described in "Retrieving Variable-Length Data In Parts", SQLGetData can be used to retrieve any character or binary data in pieces, and drivers should always respect BufferLength when writing string or binary data.
ODBC 4.0 is extended to support common features across all types of data sources, as well as specific new features to support new schema concepts.
Drivers registered through the ODBC setup utility are available to all applications. All applications using the driver use the same version of the driver.
ODBC 4.0 enables applications to use their own private drivers. Such drivers are not visible to other applications and may support different versions from applications using the same driver.
Private drivers are not registered using the ODBC setup utility. The new SQL_ATTR_PRIVATE_DRIVER_PATH
environment attribute specifies a path, ending in "ODBC Drivers", which will be implicitly checked for private drivers. By default, this path is set to by appending "ODBC Drivers" to the path provided by GetModuleFileName with a NULL hModule. Note that the default path allows for simply dropping a private driver directory into an application directory in most cases, but scenarios where the running process is not in the same directory as the application (such as when using a test harness) will require calling SQLSetEnvAttr to set the path. Each private driver is represented in that directory by an .ini file whose name is the driver-name with the “.ini” suffix.
The .ini file follows the windows .ini file format. It is a text file whose first line is a section header containing the name of the driver, enclosed in square brackets, and followed by keyword=value pairs, one per line. Valid keyword-value pairs are the subkeys allowed for the driver specific section under ODBCINST.INI, along with a new “ApplicationKey” key-value pair which, if specified, is passed by the driver manager to the driver in a call to SetEnvAttr with the new SQL_ATTR_APPLICATION_KEY
attribute. The driver developer can use this to validate that the calling application is permitted to use the driver, for example, by using a signed hash of the application’s publisher validated against the calling application at runtime.
SQLDrivers enumerates the drivers registered under the ODBCINST.INI registry key as well as the drivers bin-deployed within the current application’s install directory as described above. The DriverAttributes returned by SQLDrivers for a bin-deployed driver is the set of key-value pairs read from the corresponding .ini file.
This expanded set of drivers is also available in the data source configuration dialog for creating new DSNs.
SQLDataSources filters the set of DSNs based on the underlying driver, enumerating only those data sources whose driver is available to the application. This also restricts the list of available data sources that are enumerated in the data source connection dialog.
When resolving a driver for a registered DSN, the Driver Manager first looks to the Driver keyword within the named DSN that is a direct child of the ODBC.INI subkey. If this string matches the name of a directory under the current “ODBC Drivers” directory, then the driver is loaded according to the .ini file defined in that directory. Otherwise, the Driver Manager looks for a registry entry under the “Drivers” section within ODBCINST.INI. Failing that, the Driver Manager treats the string as a file path and attempts to load the driver using that path.
This allows bin-deployed drivers to work like any other driver from the application’s perspective, including the creation of DSNs, and allows DSNs to be shared across applications that each have their own copy of the driver.
Applications can connect to drivers that require web-based authentication through SQLDriverConnect or SQLBrowseConnect.
Applications can connect to services requiring web authentication by calling SQLDriverConnect.
If the input connection string contains the required information (for example, access token, scope, refresh token, and expiration, as appropriate) in addition to any driver-specific properties, and the access token has not expired, no additional information should be required. If a provided access token has expired and the connection string contains a refresh token, the driver attempts to refresh the connection using the supplied refresh token. If the access token has expired and the connection string does not contain a refresh token, SQLDriverConnect fails as described in Token Expiration.
Applications that don’t have a complete connection string, but are willing to allow drivers to pop up dialogs to obtain necessary information from the user, can call SQLDriverConnect, specifying a DriverCompletion value of SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT
When SQLDriverConnect is called with a DriverCompletion value other than SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT
, drivers that require web authentication not present in the input connection string conduct the necessary authentication flow, including presenting browser windows as necessary, and return to the application a completed connection string containing driver-specific properties, an access token, scope (as appropriate) and, if the access token has an expiration, the expiration (as an ISO 8601 datetime with timezone) and refresh token:
This connection string contains all the information necessary to be used in a subsequent call to SQLDriverConnect or SQLBrowseConnect to reconnect to the service. Note that this connection string may contain sensitive information and should be protected by the application.
Applications that are unable to allow drivers to pop up dialogs can call SQLBrowseConnect to connect to the service.
SQLBrowseConnect provides an iterative dialog between the driver and the application where the application passes in an initial input connection string. If the connection string contains sufficient information to connect, the driver responds with SQL_SUCCESS
and an output connection string containing the complete set of connection attributes used.
If the initial input connection string does not contain sufficient information to connect to the source, the driver responds with SQL_NEED_DATA
and an output connection string specifying informational attributes for the application (such as the authorization url) as well as required attributes to be specified in a subsequent call to SQLBrowseConnect. Attribute names returned by SQLBrowseConnect may include a colon followed by a localized identifier, and the value of the requested attribute is either a single question mark or a comma-separated list of valid values (optionally including localized identifiers) enclosed in curly braces. Optional attributes are returned preceded with an asterix (*
In a Web-based authentication scenario, if SQLBrowseConnect is called with an input connection string containing an access token that has not expired, along with any other required properties, no additional information should be required. If the access token has expired and the connection string contains a refresh token, the driver attempts to refresh the connection using the supplied refresh token.
If SQLBrowseConnect is called without an access token, with an expired access token and the driver is unable to refresh the token, or with other required information missing, SQLBrowseConnect returns with SQL_NEED_DATA
In cases where different authentication methods may be supported, the driver can initially return an OutConnectionString allowing the application to select from an enumerated set of authentication methods.
"Auth_Type={OAuth_1.0, OAuth_2.0}"
Common keywords for Auth_Type
include “Basic
”, “Integrated
”, “OAuth_1.0
”, “OAuth_2.0
”, and “None
”. Drivers should use these keywords for the corresponding authentication types, where supported, and may specify other driver-specific authentication types.
In order to specify an authentication method, the application calls SQLBrowseConnect with a connection string specifying one of those allowed authentication methods, and SQLBrowseConnect returns an output connection string requesting the connection attributes required for that particular choice.
For OAuth 2.0, SQLBrowseConnect returns an OutConnectionString requesting a redirect uri, along with a client ID, a client secret, and a scope, as required, along with any required provider-specific properties.
"Auth_BaseRedirectUri:Redirect Uri=?;Auth_Client_ID:ClientID=?;Auth_Client_Secret:Client Secret=?;*Auth_Scope:Scope={XXX:xxx,YYY:yyy,ZZZ:zzz}"
If the service supports scopes but the driver is unable to enumerate those scopes, it simply returns a question mark (?) as the value for Auth_Scope
in the output connection string:
"Auth_BaseRedirectUri:Redirect Uri=?;Auth_Client_ID:ClientID=?;Auth_Client_Secret:Client Secret=?;*Auth_Scope:Scope=?"
For an OAuth 1.0, the output connection string would also ask for Auth_Realm
and Auth_Token_Secret
"Auth_BaseRedirectUri:Redirect Uri=?;Auth_Client_ID:ClientID=?;Auth_Client_Secret:Client Secret=?;*Auth_Scope:Scope=?;Auth_Realm:Realm=?;Auth_Token_Secret:Token Secret=?"
The application next calls SQLBrowseConnect with a connection string containing the redirect uri, the client ID, and client secret, along with scope, realm, and token secret, as appropriate:
The driver responds with a connection string containing the authorization url and requesting the final redirect uri. For the best client UI experience, the output connection string should also include suggested window height and width (in pixels) for the browser window:
The application navigates the browser to the Url specified by the authorization url. Auth flow is complete once the browser reaches the redirect uri.
At that point, the application calls SQLBrowseConnect again, supplying the completed redirect uri (including any query string parameters). The driver uses the query string parameters returned in this uri to complete any additional flow required and returns SQL_SUCCESS
with an OutConnectionString containing driver-specific properties, an access token, and scope, expiration (as an ISO 8601 datetime with timezone), and refresh token as appropriate:
"Auth_AccessToken=xxx;Auth_Expires=xxx;Auth_RefreshToken=xxx;Auth_Scope=ZZZ;Prop1=xxx; "
This connection string contains all the information necessary to be used in a subsequent call to SQLDriverConnect or SQLBrowseConnect to reconnect to the service. Note that this connection string may contain sensitive information and should be protected by the application.
ODBC 4.0 defines the following new Connection string key/value pairs:
defines common types of authentication. Drivers that support multiple types of authentication can request Auth_Type
in the output connection string returned by BrowseConnect in order to allow the client to select from an enumerated list of authentication mechanisms.
While the driver can return custom values, the following common values should be used where applicable:
Keyword | Description |
None |
No authentication is required; the driver supports anonymous access |
Basic |
Basic authentication using User ID (UID) and Password (PWD) is supported by the driver |
Trusted |
The driver supports connecting using trusted (i.e., Kerberos or NTLM) Authentication. |
OAuth_1.0 |
The driver supports an OAuth 1.0 authentication flow, as described in Web Authorization. |
OAuth_2.0 |
The driver supports an OAuth 2.0 authentication flow, as described in Web Authorization |
The driver supports authentication through LDAP |
In a Web Authorization Flow, the driver may request the application to provide a Uri to be called when the authentication completes. This is typically a URI to an endpoint supported by the application. The driver will construct an AuthorizationUrl using this callback URL.
In a Web Authorization Flow, the driver may provide an AuthorizationUrl that the application must invoke in order to initiate the authorization.
In a Web Authorization Flow, the driver may ask for a CompletedRedirectUri that is the result of invoking the AuthorizationUrl. This CompletedRedirectUri will generally contain information, i.e. through query string parameters, used by the driver to complete the authorization flow.
In a Web Authorization Flow, the driver may request a Client ID and Client Secret from the application. This information is typically used to construct the AuthorizationUrl used to initiate authorization.
In a Web Authorization Flow, the driver may request a Scope from the application. The driver may provide an enumerated list of known scopes that the application can pick from, or may allow the application to provide an arbitrary scope. This information is typically used to construct the AuthorizationUrl used to initiate authorization.
In a OAuth 1.0 Authorization Flow, the driver may request a Realm from the application. This information is typically used to construct the AuthorizationUrl used to initiate authorization.
In a OAuth 1.0 Authorization Flow, the driver may request a Secret from the application. This information is typically used to construct the AuthorizationUrl used to initiate authorization.
In a Web Authorization Flow, the application may have to provide a window (i.e., through a browser) to collect input from the user. The driver may provide WindowHeight and WindowWidth keywords in the output query string, for example along with the AuthorizationUrl, as hints to the application as to the size of the window to present to the user.
Applications can determine whether or not the access token has expired by calling SQLGetConnectAttr with the SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD
attribute. As this connection attribute is also used by the Driver Manager in connection pooling, getting this attribute is performance critical and the driver SHOULD NOT make a round trip to determine the status of the connection, but should return SQL_CD_TRUE
if it has previously determined that the connection is dead.
, or the driver is unable to refresh the token, attempting to call an operation that requires a connection after the access token has expired returns SQL_ERROR
with a SQLState value of 08006 (Connection Failure). Applications can attempt to refresh the connection by calling SQLSetConnectAttr with SQL_ATTR_REFRESH_CONNECTION
and, if successful, retry the failed operation. If refreshing the connection fails, the application must close the connection (resulting in any dependent statement or descriptor handles being implicitly freed) and start over.
Access tokens can be refreshed automatically by the driver, or manually by the application.
Applications can retrieve the current connection information, including (for web authorization scenarios) the current access token, along with refresh token and expiration, as appropriate, by calling SQLGetConnectAttr for the new SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
connection attribute.
Applications can update credentials by calling SQLSetConnectAttr for SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
and specifying the value retrieved in a previous call to GetConnectionAttr for SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
to the same data source.
This information returned by SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
is an encoding of the necessary connection information sufficient to create a new connection to the same source by passing to SQLDriverConnect or SQLBrowseConnect, or enable refreshing credentials for the same source by calling SQLSetConnectAttr with the new SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
connection attribute.
Note that, while drivers should encode sensitive information within the string, applications should treat the credentials as sensitive information.
A new connection attribute, SQL_ATTR_REFRESH_CONNECTION
, is added to allow applications to control how and when drivers refresh a connection.
(the default), the driver attempts to automatically refresh connections (i.e., access token) as required, using the current value of SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
. Upon successful refresh, the value of SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
is updated with the new credentials (i.e., access token, and refresh token and expiration, as appropriate.)
, the driver attempts to refresh the connection (i.e., access token) using the current value of SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
. Upon successful refresh, the value of SQL_ATTR_CREDENTIALS
is updated with the new credentials (i.e., access token, and refresh token and expiration, as appropriate.) Setting SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION
does an immediate refresh of the connection but does not change the persisted value of connection option. Drivers may, but are not required to, return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO
and 01S02
, Optional Value Changed, since the value of SQL_ATTR_REFRESH_CONNECTION
is not actually changed to the specified value.
, the driver should not attempt to automatically refresh access tokens.
ODBC is designed as an API to provide a common way to connect to, describe, execute a command, and retrieve results from a relational store. ODBC relies on ANSI/ISO SQL to provide a common grammar across relational stores, and supplies a way to report levels of conformance and support for optional syntax elements.
Drivers that support ANSI SQL syntax must follow SQL semantics for that syntax or fail the request.
As per ANSI, a single-quote character within a string literal is escaped by a single-quote character. Drivers must translate double-single quotes to whatever is the native syntax for an escaped single quote.
Drivers should support nesting of escape clauses, as appropriate (for example, using an escape clause within an expression passed to a scalar function).
ODBC Drivers report supported SQL syntax through SQLGetInfo. The following SQLGetInfo information types and values are added to help drivers describe support for additional SQL constructs
ODBC 4.0 drivers may support the canonical string functions against binary strings.
A new SQLGetInfo information type, SQL_BINARY_FUNCTIONS
, is added to allow a server to report which of the string functions can be used with binary strings.
The following new bitmask values may be returned from SQL_BINARY_FUNCTIONS
Note: Each of these is defined with the same value as their existing SQL_FN_STR
A new GetInfo information type, SQL_ISO_BINARY_FUNCTIONS
, is added to allow a server to report which of the ANSI SQL Binary functions can be used.
The following bitmasks are used to determine which string functions are supported. Their values are the same as their SQL_SFF
A new SQLGetInfo information type, SQL_ISO_STRING_FUNCTIONS
, is added to allow a server to report which of the ANSI SQL String functions can be used. Its value is equal to the existing SQL_SQL92_STRING_FUNCTIONS
. Values are the existing SQL_SSF
, plus the following values:
The following SQLGetInfo information types are defined equivalent to existing SQL_SQL92
defines, but not specific to SQL92:
The following bitmasks are added to SQL_AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS
to advertise support for additional ANSI SQL-defined aggregation functions:
BitMask | ANSI SQL Function |
The value of SQL_AF_EVERY
is a synonym for the current SQL_AF_ALL
For common constructs that are not part of SQL-92 (i.e., outer joins, function execution, datetime literals), ODBC defines escape clauses as a way to embed functionality within native commands that can easily be scanned, tweaked, and then passed-through to the back-end. These escape clauses provide a level of interoperability for basic operations while allowing clients familiar with a native syntax to leverage constructs within that syntax.
The following new ODBC escape clauses are added to the ODBC grammar. These clauses are not dependent upon the version of ODBC; applications determine support for the clauses through SQLGetInfo.
Interactive applications typically need a way to “preview” results, for example by showing the first n rows. Applications may also “page” by selecting the next n rows after skipping m.
Different databases support this through different syntax (top, first, skip, start, fetch first, limit, etc.) ANSI SQL 2003 defines window functions for defining a ROW_NUMBER
that can then be filtered on and then selected out.
ODBC adds a new ODBC-limit-escape, defined as follows:
ODBC-limit-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator limit [skip-value comma] take-value ODBC-esc-terminator
Where skip-value is an integer specifying the number of rows to skip and take-value is an integer specifying the number of rows to return.
The optional ODBC-limit-escape clause immediately follows the order-by-clause, if present.
For example:
Select * from table {limit 10}
would fetch the first ten rows of the table, while
Select * from table {limit 20,10}
would skip twenty rows and then fetch the next ten.
Drivers advertise support for this escape clause through the new SQL_LIMIT_ESCAPE_CLAUSE
InfoType. The value of the SQL_LIMIT_ESCAPE_CLAUSE
is a bitmask made up of the following values:
- SQL_LC_NONE = 0 – the driver has no support for the limit escape clause
- SQL_LC_TAKE = 1 – the driver supports only the take portion of the limit escape clause
- SQL_LC_TAKE_AND_SKIP = 3 – the driver supports both take and skip in the limit escape clause
The ODBC-return-escape clause returns a table containing information from inserted, updated, and deleted records:
ODBC-return-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator return select-list from 'vendor-dml-statement' ODBC-esc-terminator
For Inserts and Updates, the returned values are the values of the affected rows following the insert or update operation. For delete operations, the returned values represent the values of the rows at the time they were deleted.
If no rows are affected by the statement, an empty result is returned.
For example, the following statement returns a table containing the columns named "OrderId", "Item" and "Total" of a newly inserted row:
{return OrderId, Item, Total from 'INSERT INTO Orders(Item, Price, Quantity) VALUES (''San Juan Islands Map'',24,2)'}
The following statement retrieves the new total of all rows with ids above 10 that were updated:
{return total from 'UPDATE table SET amount=amount*10 WHERE id > 10'}
The ODBC-return-escape should not be used as a nested query within another statement.
Single quotation marks within vendor-dml-statement must be doubled. The driver replaces two adjacent single quotations marks within the dml statement with a single quotation mark. A single quotation mark terminates the dml statement.
If an array of parameter values is specified, then whether there is a result set for each set of parameter values or a single result that merges the results from each set of parameter values is defined by the SQL_PARAM_ARRAY_SELECTS
SQLGetInfo InfoType.
If multiple rows are specified in an INSERT INTO...VALUES statement, or an array of parameter values are specified, then the order of rows returned matches the order of values specified. In all other cases, the order of returned rows is indeterminate.
The driver may limit the columns in the select-list to include only the best row id columns returned by SQLSpecialColumns, as specified in the SQL_RETURN_ESCAPE_CLAUSE
If the application requests columns that don't exist in the row and SQL_DYNAMIC_COLUMNS is false, or the driver only supports returning row id columns and the client specifies non-row id columns in the select-list, the driver returns 42S22
Column not found.
Drivers advertise support for this escape clause through the SQL_RETURN_ESCAPE_CLAUSE
InfoType whose value is a bitmask made up of the following values.
Value | Description |
The driver has no support for the return escape clause |
The driver supports returning row id fields for a single row from an INSERT INTO...VALUES statement |
The driver supports returning any fields for a single row from an INSERT INTO...VALUES statement |
The driver supports returning row id fields for multiple rows from an INSERT INTO...VALUES statement |
The driver supports returning any fields for multiple rows from an INSERT INTO...VALUES statement |
The driver supports returning row id fields from an INSERT INTO...SELECT statement |
The driver supports returning any fields from an INSERT INTO...SELECT statement |
The driver supports returning row id fields from an UPDATE statement |
The driver supports returning any fields from a UPDATE statement |
The driver supports returning row id fields from a DELETE statement |
The driver supports returning any fields from a DELETE statement |
The driver supports returning row id fields from a SELECT INTO statement |
The driver supports returning any fields from a SELECT INTO statement |
The ODBC-format-escape clause enables clients to return results as a JSON-formatted string.
ODBC-format-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator RETURNING data-type json-format-clause ODBC-esc-terminator
json-format-clause ::= FORMAT JSON [ENCODING {UTF8 | UTF16 | UTF32}]
For results returned as JSON, data-type must be a character string or binary type. If ENCODING is specified, then data-type must be a binary type.
Drivers advertise support for this escape clause through the SQL_FORMAT_ESCAPE_CLAUSE
InfoType whose value is a bitmask made up of the following values.
Value | Description |
The driver has no support for the format escape clause |
The driver supports returning results as a JSON character string |
The driver supports returning results as a JSON binary string |
ODBC clients use the SQL_NOSCAN
statement attribute to specify that the command text is in a native syntax and should not be parsed by the driver. In this case, the entire statement must be in a native syntax and escape clauses must not be used as the driver will not scan the statement but instead pass it directly to the server.
The ODBC-native-escape clause enables clients to embed native syntax within a SQL92 statement:
ODBC-native-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator native 'command-text' [passing-clause] [results-clause] ODBC-esc-terminator
passing-clause ::= PASSING ( argument-definition [, argument-definition]… )
argument-definition ::= argument-value [(native-type)] [AS identifier]
argument-value ::= literal | parameter-marker | expression
results-clause ::= columns-clause | scalar-returning-clause
columns-clause ::= COLUMNS ( field-definition [, field-definition]… )
scalar-returning-clause ::= RETURNING type [json-format-clause]
type ::= {data-type | ROW ( field-definition [, field-definition]… ) } [ARRAY | MULTISET]
field-definition ::= field-name type
Where command-text is a textual query in the native language of the service, and native-type is the native type of the argument. If native-type is not provided, the driver should attempt to use a default type (generally string) which may fail if the native syntax is unable to perform the necessary conversion.
Whether arguments in the passing-clause must be named is dependent upon the underlying native syntax.
The results-clause is required for retrieving results from the native syntax and when embedding the native syntax in place of a query expression within a standard SQL statement.
If json-format-clause is specified, type must be a string or binary type.
Single quotation marks within the native syntax must be doubled. The driver replaces two adjacent single quotations marks within the native syntax with a single quotation mark. A single quotation mark terminates the native command text.
Drivers advertise support for this escape clause through the new SQL_NATIVE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE
InfoType whose value is the character string “Y
” if the escape clause is supported; “N
” otherwise.
The ODBC-refresh-schema-escape clause to enable clients to request that schema be refreshed, defined as follows:
ODBC-refresh-schema-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator refresh [sql-identifier[, sql-identifier]*] ODBC-esc-terminator
The optional list of sql-identifiers provide a hint to the driver as to the specific objects from the information schema objects (tables, udts, etc.) that should be refreshed. The driver is always allowed to refresh additional schema objects, particularly in the case where the tables/udts/etc are virtualized based on a non-relational view.
The SAFECONVERT function, which can be invoked using the function escape clause, safely converts an expression to a given type.
SAFECONVERT ( value-exp, data-type )
The result of the SAFECONVERT function is the value of value-exp converted to data-type, where data-type is one of the keywords listed for the CONVERT function. If the value of value-exp cannot be converted to data-type, the result is null.
The SAFECONVERT function supports the same set of conversions as the CONVERT function (as reported by SQLGetInfo).
The following are added to the list of ODBC reserved words:
A new SQLCHAR*-valued descriptor field, SQL_DESC_MIME_TYPE
, is added to [ALL] descriptors to specify the format of a field or parameter whose SQL_DESC_TYPE
specifies a string or binary type. The value of this descriptor field is the mime type of the data (i.e., application/json, application/xml,…), or an empty string if the field or parameter is not a string or binary type, or if the format is not known.
Schema can be inferred over a schema-less source, such as a JSON, XML, or CSV document, to expose a standard relational view over the data.
Drivers that support schema inference return SQL_TRUE
when an application calls SQLGetInfo with the new SQL_SCHEMA_INFERENCE
A value between 1-100 specifying the accuracy of the inferred schema.
Setting this attribute to 100 means that all rows should be read in order to ensure that the inference is accurate for every row in the result.
Setting this attribute to zero specifies that the driver should not infer schema. In this case, a driver that does not have an explicit way to determine schema returns an empty result when calling SQLColumns, and every column is treated as a dynamic column. Applications can then do their own sampling of the data, and can impose column types in their queries using CONVERT.
A value between 1 and 99 gives an approximate estimation of the quality of the inference. The driver may adjust the number of rows sampled, the method of sampling, or how specific of a type or length to infer based on this setting.
Setting this attribute (including setting to its current value) forces the driver to re-infer schema.
Attempting to get or set this attribute for drivers that do not support schema inference returns SQL_ERROR
with a diagnostic code of HYC00, Optional feature not implemented.
In ODBC 3.x, applications read large data values by placing them at the end of the select list and calling SQLGetData after all bound columns have been populated.
Applications can efficiently retrieve large data values (such as potentially large string or binary values, nested collections, and structured columns) that appear in any order by setting the SQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH
descriptor field to SQL_TRUE
. The application is notified during the fetch operation when data-at-fetch columns are available to be retrieved via SQLGetData, or a nested statement handle for nested collections and structured columns.
In order to be notified when an unbound column is available to be retrieved during the fetch operation:
For each regularly bound column, an ODBC 4.0 application calls SQLBindCol (or equivalent SQLDescField/SQLDescRec), specifying the following:
is the number of the column to be boundTargetType
is the type of the columnTargetValuePtr
, andStrLen_or_IndPtr
are the buffer, length and indicator for the bound value Binding a column automatically sets theSQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH
value toSQL_FALSE
For each column to be retrieved at fetch time, the application calls SQLDescField, specifying
with a value ofSQL_TRUE
for a column automatically unbinds the column by setting theTargetValuePtr
to null. -
App calls SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll
- Driver begins populating the bindings
- Driver returns
return code from SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll- Calling SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll in a data-available state results in a function sequence error.
- Calling SQLCloseCursor (or SQLFreeStmt(SQL_CLOSE)) cancels the fetch operation and closes the cursor.
App calls SQLNextColumn to find out which column is available. Applications must not assume that the columns are returned in any particular order.
- Driver returns the ordinal of the available column
- For rowset sizes greater than 1, the row for which the column is available can be determined through the
statement attribute. The client cannot assume that rows prior to the current value ofSQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR
are complete until the entire fetch sequence has completed until the initial fetch or a subsequent call to SQLNextColumn returns a value other thanSQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
. - The following operations are valid in a
state are. Any other operation on a statement handle in theSQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
case results in a function sequence error.- Changing binding information for the current column
- Calling SQLGetData for the current column (if not structured or a nested collection)
- Calling SQLGetNestedHandle for the current column (if structured or a nested collection)
- Attempting to fetch from a nested handle associated with the current column
- Calling SQLCloseCursor
- Calling SQLNextColumn
- Calling SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll
- Calling SQLDescribeCol/SQLGetDescField/SQLGetDescRecord
If rowset size is 1, the app can update the binding information for the current column only, which will used in the next call to SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll.
App typically retrieves the data for the current column by calling SQLGetData, or by reading data from the nested handle, as appropriate.
App calls SQLNextColumn to continue fetching the current row
- Any nested handles on the same statement are closed, unless
is specified and rowset size is equal to 1 (in which case any nested handles are closed upon the next call to fetch or close cursor on the parent statement handle.) - Driver returns
, along with the ordinal of the next column available to be retrieved, if additional columns are available - Driver returns
when all columns for which a binding has been specified have been retrieved. The application must not assume any bindings have been populated until SQLNextColumn returnsSQL_SUCCESS
- Any nested handles on the same statement are closed, unless
App can call SQLGetData, or retrieve nested data, for additional columns beyond the last bound column, or subject to the ordering constraints of the driver.
A new application row descriptor (ARD) field, SQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH
, is added to specify that a column is to be retrieved through a SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
state at fetch time.
(default) specifies that the driver will return data for the column directly to the application's buffer if a binding is specifiedSQL_TRUE
specifies that the driver will returnSQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
when reading the column. SettingSQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH
for a column automatically unbinds the column by setting theTargetValuePtr
to null.
Binding a column (through SQLBindCol or by setting the SQL_DESC_DATA_PTR
to a non-null value) sets the SQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH
value to SQL_FALSE
A new SQL GetData Extension, SQL_GD_CONCURRENT
, is added.
If the driver reports SQL_GD_CONCURRENT
, and rowset size is 1, fetching partial data from one column (using SQLGetData) or on a nested statement handle does not affect the position or state of any other column or nested handle. If the driver specifies SQL_GD_ANY_ORDER
and does not specify SQL_GD_CONCURRENT
, calling SQLGetData or retrieving data from a nested handle resets the position of any columns previously fetched using SQLGetData to the beginning and closes the cursor (but does not automatically free the hstmt) of any previously fetched nested columns for this row.
Note that SQL_GD_CONCURRENT does not imply that the driver supports multiple concurrent asynchronous requests associated with the same parent statement handle. The root statement handle defines the scope for concurrent asynchronous operations.
Variable typed columns are columns whose type is unknown or may change on a row-by-row basis.
Columns whose type may vary across rows are described to ODBC 4.0 clients using the SQL_VARIANT_TYPE
value for DATA_TYPE
in SQLColumns, and for the SQL_DESC_TYPE
descriptor fields when describing a result prior to fetching the first row. The SQL_VARIANT_TYPE
data type must not be used in SQLColumns, or returned in a parameter or row descriptor, for ODBC 3.5 and earlier clients.
Variable typed columns used in expressions should first be cast to an appropriate operand type. The SAFECONVERT function clause can be used to safely cast the variable typed column to the expected type, or null if the column cannot be cast to the expected type.
As data is read for a row the IRD is updated to reflect the actual type information for the current row. Columns whose SQL_DESC_TYPE
descriptor fields indicate SQL_VARIANT_TYPE
are updated to reflect the actual type of the data to be read.
Depending on the value of SQL_ATTR_TYPE_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR
, if the descriptor is changed for a column the driver may return SQL_METADATA_CHANGED
The application can set fields in the ARD directly or through SQLBindCol, but only for the current column. Any changes to the descriptor record persistent for future uses of that descriptor.
, the application can call SQLNextColumn to determine the index of the column that has changed, get the current information for that column, and either adjust bindings as necessary or call SQLGetData or SQLGetHandle, as appropriate for the type of the column.
The application then calls SQLNextColumn to continue fetching values. If SQLGetData has not been called for the column then any binding is applied, otherwise the column is skipped and processing continues for any remaining columns in the row. The application must not assume any bindings have been populated until SQLNextColumn returns SQL_SUCCESS
Clients can bind parameters using SQL_VARIANT_TYPE
. Input parameters that are bound with a type of SQL_VARIANT_TYPE
MUST be bound as data-at-exec parameters. When executing a statement that contains data-at-exec parameters, the driver returns SQL_NEED_DATA
. The application calls SQLParamData to find out which column the driver is requesting, makes sure the IPD reflects the actual data type for that parameter instance, and then calls SQLPutData for that parameter.
value that allows the client to control how type exceptions occur when retrieving bound values. It does not affect SQLGetData.
- SQL_TE_ERROR – (Default) Return an error if the data value is incompatible with the bound type.
value (if not null) toSQL_TYPE_EXCEPTION
if the data value is incompatible with the bound type and continue, or error ifstr_type_or_ind_ptr
is a null pointer. - SQL_TE_REPORT_EXCEPTION – Set the
if the data value is incompatible with the bound type and returnSQL_METADATA_CHANGED
. The application can retrieve the value for the column using SQLGetData or SQLGetNestedHandle, as appropriate. If the rowset size is 1, the application can update the binding for this column for the next call to SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll. - SQL_TE_REPORT_ALL – Set the
value (if not null) toSQL_TYPE_EXCEPTION
if the data value is incompatible with the bound type, or if the type information in the IRD (for rows) or IPD (for parameters) has changed. The application can retrieve the value for the column using SQLGetData or SQLGetNestedHandle, as appropriate. If the rowset size is 1, the application can update the binding for this column to be used in the next call to SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll.
Applications can use the CONVERT scalar function to specify a SQL_TYPE to be used when setting the value for a variable-typed column in an INSERT or UPDATE statement. In the absence of a CONVERT, the driver will store the value in an appropriate type given the value specified in the INSERT or UPDATE statement for the variable-typed column.
Applications can pass variable-typed parameters at execute time by setting the ParameterType in SQLBindParameter, or SQL_DESC_TYPE
, and StrLen_or_IndPtr
to indicate SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC
After calling SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect, the driver returns SQL_NEED_DATA
for any data-at-exec parameters. The application calls SQLParamData to discover which parameter the driver is ready to process.
For output data-at-exec parameters, the application fills in the APD to bind the output parameter using an appropriate type based on the IPD, or calls SQLGetData or SQLGetNestedHandle as appropriate.
For input data-at-exec parameters, the application fills in the IPD to specify the type of the parameter (including the SQL_DESC_TYPE_NAME for UDTs) and either fills out the APD to bind the parameter, or calls SQLPutData or SQLGetNestedHandle, as appropriate, to send the information for the current parameter.
The application can set fields in the APD/IPD directly or through SQLBindParameter, but only for the current parameter and they must not change the input/output type of the parameter. Any changes to the descriptor record persistent for future uses of that descriptor.
The application calls SQLParamData to continue processing any remaining parameters, using the information in the IPD but ignoring any bound value if SQPutData or SQLGetNestedHandle has been called for this parameter.
Clients can call SQLGetTypeInfo with a DataType value of SQL_VARIANT_TYPE
to determine the implementation-specific name of any types that can be used to hold variable-typed data.
ODBC 4.0 drivers report the expected size of string and binary columns in SQLColumns. Applications generally base the allocation of bound buffers on this size.
In some cases, the size of the data may exceed the length of the bound buffer. In this case, the application has the option of ignoring the extra data as in ODBC 3.x (the driver returns 01004, String data right truncated) or having the driver return SQL_MORE_DATA
at fetch time, based on the value of the SQL_ATTR_LENGTH_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR
statement attribute.
When the length of data exceeds the bound buffer for string or binary data, and the application has set SQL_ATTR_LENGTH_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR
, the driver populates as much data as fits in the allocated buffer, sets str_len_or_ind_ptr
to indicate the total amount of data available, if known, or SQL_NO_TOTAL
if the driver does not know how much additional data is to be written, and returns SQL_MORE_DATA
. The application then calls SQLNextColumn in order to determine the column of partially fetched data. At this point the application can call SQLGetData in order to retrieve the remainder of the string or binary data. The application calls SQLNextColumn in order to continue processing additional columns.
value that allows the client to control how string and binary overflows are handled when retrieving bound values.
- SQL_LE_CONTINUE – (Default) For string or binary values larger than the bound buffer length, set the
value to the total length available, if known, otherwiseSQL_NO_TOTAL
. When the driver completes fetching the row/executing the statement it will returnSQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO
, String data, right truncated. - SQL_LE_REPORT – Return
when the string or binary value of a row or parameter does not fit the bound buffer. The application can use SQLGetData to retrieve the remainder of the column/output parameter using the SQL_ARD_TYPE or SQL_APD_TYPE (or the equivalent C type), as appropriate, and then call SQLNextColumn or SQLParamData, as appropriate, to continue processing.
Columns that are known and consistent across rows are exposed in SQLColumns. Applications can bind to these columns in the regular way.
ODBC is extended to support dynamic columns (columns not returned in SQLColumns). The set of such “Dynamic” columns may vary in order, type, or existence from row to row.
Dynamic columns are discovered by the application when retrieving results.
A table may be entirely unschematized (in which case SQLColumns returns an empty result set) or partially schematized (in which case SQLColumns returns the columns that are known and consistent across rows).
statement attribute controls whether or not additional, dynamic columns may be returned for unbounded select results.
The default for this statement attribute is False.
Data sources with fixed schemas always return False for this value. Attempting to set this value for such a data source returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO
with a diagnostic code of 01S02, Option Value Changed, and reading this value will continue to return False.
If set to True, SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll and SQL_NextColumn return SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
if new columns are discovered/added to the IRD while retrieving results.
is true, then bound columns in the ARD that don’t apply to the current row have their len_or_ind_ptr
is false, then only known columns are allowed in a select list and only known columns are returned when * is specified.
Applications may change SQL_ATTR_DYNAMIC_COLUMNS from True to False at any time to ignore dynamic columns. Attempting to set SQL_ATTR_DYNAMIC_COLUMNS
from False to True on a statement handle with an open cursor results in HY010, Function Sequence Error.
is true, tables that support properties not defined in SQLColumns are returned from SQLTables using the new “OPEN TABLE”
is false, such tables are returned with a table type of "TABLE"
A fully explicit select-list (i.e., anything that doesn't contain *) imposes a structure on the results. Such results only contain the specified columns. A select list that includes * also includes any dynamic (unschematized) columns. Dynamic columns must be explicitly included in the select-list in order to be referenced by name or ordinal in the order-by clause.
Structured columns specified in a select list implicitly select all columns (declared and dynamic) of the structured type.
For OPEN TABLEs, any valid identifier for the driver is allowed as a column reference in a SQL Statement (select-list, expression in a where-clause, etc.). If more than one column-source is in scope, any references to unschematized columns MUST be qualified with the row source. Columns that aren’t defined for a particular row, or whose type is not compatible in an expression, are considered null in evaluating the expression. Such columns in a select list or an expression are treated as variable typed columns.
For tables not reported as open (including all tables for pre-ODBC 4.0 clients), it remains an error to reference an undefined column.
Result descriptor functions (SQLNumResultCols, SQLDescribeCol, SQLColAttribute(s), SqlGetDescField/Rec) called before the first call to SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll describe the known/fixed schema columns (i.e., those explicitly selected, or those defined in schema if * is specified in the select list). After that, these functions reflect the columns discovered so far. The driver appends records to the IRD as the application reads data to describe dynamic columns not explicitly selected or defined in schema. Once discovered, a column is added to the IRD for the lifetime of the IRD.
is set to true, the driver can return dynamic columns as data-at-fetch columns when fetching a row.
If the driver encounters a dynamic (unschematized) column that does not exactly match any existing IRD records, the driver
Creates a new IRD record for the column; this becomes a new, unbound column in the result. The application must bind the column, or set the 'SQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH' descriptor field to
, in order to retrieve the value in subsequent calls to SQLFetch. Once added to the IRD, dynamic columns become "known columns". If the type and length information changes on subsequent rows, the driver may return SQL_METADATA_CHANGED based on theSQL_ATTR_TYPE_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR
. Alternatively, the driver may create additional IRD records with the same name for dynamic columns of different types. Once added, the descriptor fields are a permanent part of the descriptor until it is freed. -
from SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll-
Application calls SQLNextColumn to retrieve the ordinal of the descriptor record that describes the column.
The application optionally retrieves the data using SQLGetData or a nested handle, as appropriate.
If rowset size = 1, the application can optionally call SQLBindCol (or equivalent) to bind the column for subsequent calls to SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll.
Application calls SQLNextColumn to continue fetching the current row.
Once discovered, dynamic columns can be bound like any other column. If a bound dynamic column does not exist for a row, the driver sets its str_len_or_indicator_ptr
. If str_len_or_indicator_ptr
is null for such a bound dynamic column that doesn't exist for the current row, SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, or SQLNextColumn returns an error (22002, Indicator variable required but not supplied).
If the driver returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
, the application must not assume that any bound columns have been populated, regardless of their ordinal, until the entire fetch operation completes with SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.
Open Tables may support inserting or updating dynamic columns.
To create/update dynamic columns, clients can specify column names outside of those returned in SQLColumns in the column list for an insert/update statement. An Insert or Update statement that specifies an unschematized column adds a dynamic column for that row in the table. Setting the value of a dynamic column to null removes that column from that row.
ODBC 4.0 adds support for structured columns.
The ability to report structured columns leverages the extensible type facility supported in ODBC 3.8 and greater. If a client has not called SQLSetEnvAttr with SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION
attribute set to ODBC_OV_ODBC3_80
or greater, then the server must not return the SQL_ROW
values in the DATA_TYPE
column descriptions, or SQL_DESC_TYPE
in any row or parameter descriptor. In this case the server may either flatten the structured value into multiple columns, create a join table containing the nested results, return the nested results as a string, or omit the nested results, as appropriate for the data source.
Structured columns may have a named type, whose structure can be described in SQLStructuredTypeColumns.
Structured columns with no backing type can be described by passing a path as the TABLE_NAME
to SQLColumns, or the UDT_NAME
to SQLStructuredTypeColumns. The dot-separated path starts with the table or named structural type name in which the anonymous type is used, can traverse an arbitrary number of SQL_ROW
columns, and must terminate on a column whose type is SQL_ROW
. Any identifiers in the path containing the dot character (.) must be quoted using the appropriate identifier quote character.
The following columns are added, in order, to the set of columns returned by SQLColumns when requested by ODBC 4.0 or greater applications:
Column name | Column number | Data type | Comments |
19 | Varchar | Catalog of the Character set for the column, or null. |
20 | Varchar | Schema of the Character set for the column, or null. |
21 | Varchar | Character set name for the column, or null. |
22 | Varchar | Catalog of the Collation for the column, or null. |
23 | Varchar | Schema of the Collation for the column, or null. |
24 | Varchar | Name of the Collation for the column, or null. |
25 | Varchar | Catalog of the structured type if the column is a UDT, otherwise null. |
26 | Varchar | Schema of the structured type if the column is a UDT, otherwise null. |
27 | Varchar | Name of the structured type if the column is a UDT, otherwise null. |
The first six are set to null if not supported by the driver. The last three can be passed to SQLStructuredTypeColumns to describe the columns of a UDT, and are null for DATA_TYPE
values other than SQL_UDT
Referencing a structured column by name references the entire structured column.
For example:
Select EmpID, Address from Employee
would return a result with two columns; one named “EmpID” containing the employee ID, and one named “Address” containing the address as a structured column.
A subset of the properties for a structural type can be selected by following the reference to the structural column with a comma-separate list of properties, enclosed in parenthesis.
For example:
Select EmpID, Address(Region,Country) from Employee
would return a result with two columns; one named “EmpID” containing the employee ID, and one named “Address” containing only the Region and Country columns from the Address column. This is equivalent to the following query:
Select EmpID, ROW(Region, Country) as Address from Employee
Two structured values are comparable if, and only if, they have the same structural members. For two structured values SV1 and SV2. SV1 = SV2 is true if every member m1 in SV1 equals the corresponding member m2 in SV2, otherwise SV1 = SV2 is false. SV1 < SV2 is true if SV1 != SV2 and every member m1 in SV1 is less than or equal to the corresponding member m2 in SV2, otherwise SV1 < SV2 is false.
It is generally not possible to order by structured values, although it is possible to order by primitive members of a structural value.
Individual members of a structured column may be referenced as the name of the structured column, followed by a single dot (.), followed by the name of the member. This naming schema is recursive (i.e., when referencing a member of a structured member that is itself a member of a structured member.
For example:
Select EmpID, Address.Region, Address.Country from Employee
would return a result with three columns; one named “EmpID” containing the employee id, one named “Address.Region” containing the region member of the employee’s address, and one named “Address.Country” containing the country member from the employee’s address.
To retrieve structured result columns, the client binds the column as SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH
. When the driver returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE for the structured column, the client calls SQLGetNestedHandle to obtain a statement handle (HSTMT) on which the nested results can be described, bound, and fetched using the appropriate standard ODBC function calls. Structural columns not bound as SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH are not returned by the driver. Attempting to return a structural value for a column bound other than as SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH results in a type exception, which may be handled according to the value of SQL_ATTR_TYPE_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR.
For structured columns with named types, the value of the SQL_DESC_TYPE
descriptor fields is SQL_UDT
and the TYPE_NAME
attribute returns the qualified name of the type.
Additional descriptor fields can be used to describe UDTs in results:
(1045) with a value of “DISTINCT
” (1) or “STRUCTURED
” (2).
For structured columns not described by a named type, the value of the SQL_DESC_TYPE
descriptor fields is SQL_ROW
Calling GetNestedHandle for an unnamed structured type returns a statement handle with descriptor fields describing any known columns of the nested type.
Clients may specify the value for a member of a structured column in an INSERT or UPDATE statement by referencing the member directly. For Example:
UPDATE Employee SET FullName.FirstName = 'John', FullName.LastName='Smith'
Dynamic columns can similarly be added to structured columns defined as open, for example:
UPDATE Employee SET FullName.Foo = 'Bar'
Alternatively, clients may specify the value of a structured column in an INSERT or UPDATE statement using the row-value-constructor defined as follows:
row-value-constructor ::= ROW left-paren value-expression [comma value-expression]… right-paren
For example:
UPDATE Employee SET FullName = ROW('John', 'Smith')
All members must be specified in the order they occur in the definition of the structured type being updated. To update a subset of properties, a column-list can be added to the structured column:
UPDATE Employee SET FullName(FirstName, LastName) = ROW('John', 'Smith')
In this case, the order of the members of the row-value-constructor must match the order of columns in the column-list applied to the structured column.
Appending a column-list to the structured column can also be used to add dynamic columns to the structured column, for example, the following statements add a “Foo” member to the FullName column:
UPDATE Employee SET FullName(Foo) = ROW('Bar')
UPDATE Employee SET FullName(FirstName, Foo) = ROW('John', 'Bar')
Side note: ANSI has two forms; one that is prefixed with “ROW” and can have one or more elements, and one that is not prefixed and must have at least two elements.
Alternatively, clients can use a typed-constructor.
typed-value-constructor ::= type-name left-paren value-expression [comma value-expression]… right-paren
All members must be specified in the order they occur in the definition of the structured type being updated.
For example:
UPDATE Employee SET FullName = FULLNAME('John','Smith')
Clients may update an individual member within a structured column by referencing that member in the set list of an update statement.
For example:
UPDATE Employee SET Address.Country = ‘USA'
Structured parameters can be passed to the driver at execute time.
To pass a structured parameter at execute time, the application:
- Calls SQLBindParameter (or equivalent SQLDescField/SQLDescRec), specifying the following:
- ValueType is
in APD) - ParameterType is
in IPD) - For SQL_UDT, must set descriptor fields to specify:
- ParameterValuePtr is set to a 32bit value identifying the parameter (passed back to the app from SQLParamData when data is needed for this parameter)
is set to a buffer containingSQL_DATA_AT_EXEC
- App calls SQLPrepare/SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect
- Driver returns
- Driver returns
- App calls SQLParamData to find out which param the driver is asking about.
- Driver returns
and passes back value from ParameterValuePtr.
- Driver returns
- To specify a null or a default parameter value, the application calls SQLPutData with
, respectively, followed by SQLParamData to progress to the next parameter. - For a non-null structured parameter, the app calls SQLGetNestedHandle for the specified parameter
- Driver returns a nested statement handle
- App calls SQLBindParameter/SQLSetDescField to bind the nested parameters as named parameters.
- Individual property names are specified by setting the
attribute in the Implementation Parameter Descriptor (Driver setsSQL_DESC_UNNAMED
- Individual property names are specified by setting the
- App sets the appropriate values in the buffer and calls SQLExecute on the nested handle to send the row
- Driver returns
if there are any data-at-execute parameters on the nested handle
- Driver returns
- App calls SQLParamData to indicate it has sent all of the data for the parameter
- If the parameter is a structured- or collection-valued parameter whose value was set through a nested statement handle, calling SQLParamData implicitly frees that handle
- Driver returns
if there are any remaining data-at-execute parameters.
Structured types may be defined using the CREATE TYPE escape clause, as follows:
{ CREATE [Open] TYPE type_name (column-identifier data-type [,column-identifier data-type]...) }
For example:
{CREATE OPEN TYPE FULLNAME(Firstname varchar(25), LastName varchar (25))}
These types can be enumerated through the SQLStructuredTypes schema function. Their structure is described through SQLStructuredTypeColumns.
The CREATE statement can include the new ODBC-open-escape clause to specify that the type may contain additional properties not specified as part of its definition.
Structured columns can be created within a table using a named structural type or by using the ROW clause:
CREATE TABLE Employees(FullName ROW(FirstName varchar(25), LastName varchar(25)), Address ADDRESS)
ODBC adds support for collection-valued columns.
The ability to report collection-valued columns leverages the extensible type facility supported in ODBC 3.8 and greater. If a client has not called SQLSetEnvAttr with SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION
attribute set to ODBC_OV_ODBC3_80
or greater, then the server must not return the SQL_ARRAY
values in the DATA_TYPE
columns or descriptor fields. In this case the server may either flatten the array values into multiple columns, create a join table containing the nested results, return the nested results as a string, or omit the nested results, as appropriate for the data source.
Collection-valued table columns are described in SQLColumns. Collection-valued result columns are described through SQLColAttribute(s)/SqlDescribeCol/SqlGetDescField.
Collection-valued columns may be ordered or unordered.
For ordered array-valued columns, the value of the DATA_TYPE
attributes is SQL_ARRAY
. For unordered array-valued columns, the value of the DATA_TYPE
attributes is SQL_MULTISET
The remaining columns, including the SQL_DATA_TYPE
, describe the type of the element within the collection.
Additionally, clients may get the type of a collection-valued column by passing the name of the collection-valued column appended with “[]” (repeated, for nested collections), as the column name in SQLColumns/SQLStructuredTypeColumns.
The following query constructs are added in support of collections.
Individual members of an array may be referenced using the array-element-reference expression.
array-element-reference ::= array-value-expression left-bracket numeric-value-expression right-bracket
where numeric-value-expression yields an integer greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of elements in array-value-expression.
For example:
Select EmpID, PhoneNumbers[1] from Employee
returns the employee ids along with their first phone number.
Since multisets are not ordered, their members cannot be individually referenced.
Note that some data sources may use a bracketed string following a field name in the select list as a shortcut for aliasing the field. For fields representing arrays, if the bracketed value is a number the driver must ensure that it is used as an index, not as an alias.
The ANSI SQL unnest-operator expands the collection into multiple rows.
unnest-operator ::= UNNEST left-paren collection-value-expression right-paren
The result of the unnest-operator is a derived table that can then be used with a correlation
For example:
Select P.Name, Child.Name From People P, Unnest(P.Children) as Child
would return a row each child for each person containing the person’s name and child’s name.
To retrieve collection-valued result columns, the client binds the column as SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH. When the driver returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE for the collection-valued column, the client calls SQLGetNestedHandle to obtain a statement handle (HSTMT) on which the nested results can be described, bound, and fetched using the appropriate standard ODBC function calls. Collection-valued columns not bound as SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH are not returned by the driver. Attempting to return a collection-value for a column bound other than as SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH results in a type exception, which may be handled according to the value of SQL_ATTR_TYPE_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR.
For typed collections of scalar values, the nested statement handle contains a single descriptor record that describes the scalar value.
For typed collections of structured values, the nested statement handle describes the columns of the structured value.
For typed collections of collections, the nested statement contains a single descriptor record on which the application calls SQLGetNestedHandle in order to get a statement handle for each nested collection.
For collections of variable typed values, the nested statement contains a single descriptor record describing the variable value. Note that this descriptor record may change from row to row within the variable typed collection, and the application should validate any binding information for the current row before calling SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll, or use SQLGetData to retrieve primitive members of the variable typed collection. For structured or collection-valued members within a variable-typed collection, the application calls SQLGetNestedHandle in order to retrieve a statement handle on which to describe and retrieve the values of the structured or collection-valued member.
Clients may specify the value of an array-valued column in an INSERT or UPDATE statement using the array-value-constructor defined as follows:
array-value-constructor ::= ARRAY left-paren value-expression [comma value-expression]… right-paren
multiset-value-constructor ::= MULTISET left-paren value-expression [comma value-expression]… right-paren
Multisets and arrays are treated as atomic values when updating. That is, the array or multiset can be replaced in whole, but individual members cannot be added, removed, or updated.
Clients may update an individual member within an array-valued value through the use of the array-element-reference expression.
Ordered collection-valued columns are defined using the array column type:
array-column-type ::= data-type ARRAY [ left-bracket maximum-cardinality right-bracket ]
For example:
CREATE TABLE Employee(FullName FULLNAME, Address ADDRESS, PhoneNumbers varchar(25) ARRAY[10] )
Unordered collection-valued columns are defined using the MULTISET column type :
multiset-column-type ::= data-type MULTISET
For example:
CREATE TABLE Employee(FullName FULLNAME, Address ADDRESS, PhoneNumbers varchar(25) MULTISET )
Collection-valued parameters can be passed to the driver at execute time.
To pass an array-valued parameter at execute time, the application:
- Application SQLBindCol (or equivalent SQLDescField/SQLDescRec), specifying the following:
- ValueType is
in APD) - ParameterType is
in IPD)- Sets the
of the IPD to the type of the array or multiset, if known - For SQL_UDT sets descriptor fields to specify:
- Sets the
- ParameterValuePtr is set to a 32bit value identifying the parameter (passed back to the app from SQLParamData when data is needed for this parameter)
- StrLen_or_IndPtr is set to a buffer containing
- Application calls SQLPrepare/SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect
- Driver returns
- Driver returns
- Application calls SQLParamData to find out which param the driver is asking about.
- Driver returns
and passes back value from ParameterValuePtr.
- Driver returns
- To specify a null value, a default value, or an empty array, the application calls SQLPutData with
, respectively, followed by SQLParamData to progress to the next parameter. - To specify a non-empty array, the application calls GetNestedHandle for the specified parameter
- Driver returns a nested statement handle
- Application calls BindParameter/SetDescField to bind the nested columns.
- Individual column names are specified by setting the
attribute in the Implementation Parameter Descriptor.
- Individual column names are specified by setting the
- Application sets the appropriate values in the buffer and calls SQLExecute on the nested handle to send the row of data
- Driver returns
if there are any data-at-execute parameters on the nested handle
- Driver returns
- Application repeats step 7 for each nested row
- Application calls SQLParamData to indicate it has sent all of the data for the parameter
- Driver returns
if there are any remaining data-at-execute parameters.
- Driver returns
A number of data sources support the ability to determine changes from a certain point.
ODBC 4.0 provides common functions that services can use to expose this information.
ODBC adds a new ODBC-supports-change-tracking-escape that returns 1 if a given table supports change tracking, otherwise 0:
ODBC-supports-change-tracking-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator trackschanges(tablename) ODBC-esc-terminator
Where tablename is the unqualified, partially qualified, or fully qualified name of the table.
ODBC adds a new ODBC-changeversion-escape for getting the current change version (timestamp, version, or other high-water mark) defined as follows:
ODBC-changeversion-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator changeversion(tablename) ODBC-esc-terminator
The value returned by the ODBC-changeversion-escape is a binary value that can be passed to the ODBC-changes-escape to retrieve the latest values of any rows that have changed since the specified time:
ODBC-changes-escape ::= ODBC-esc-initiator changes(tablename, changeversion) ODBC-esc-terminator
The ODBC-changes-escape returns all rows from the specified tablename that have changed since the specified changeversion. The first column of the result is named “ColumnStatus” and contains the value “I” if the row is new since the specified changeversion, “U” if it has been updated since the specified changeversion, and “D” if it has been deleted since the specified change version. The additional columns of the result are the columns of the base table. Deleted rows must contain the “ColumnStatus” column, as well as any columns identified as BEST_ROWID
and ROWVER from SQLSpecialColumns.
ODBC 4.0 drivers support ODBC 3.x clients by defaulting to a relational view for applications that specify an ODBC version of 2.x or 3.x through the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION
environment attribute.
Certain ODBC 4.0 behavior may still available to an application that declares an ODBC version of 3.x, but it must be explicitly opted into by the application, for example, by setting new attributes.
Clients that specify a SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION
environment attribute value representing ODBC 2.x or 3.x can still use escape clauses, connection keywords, Infotypes, and attributes specified in this document, as supported by the driver. Where available, clients should query the corresponding InfoType to ensure support or be prepared for corresponding errors.
ODBC 3.0 Clients should not attempt to use SQL_DATA_AT_FETCH
column bindings against ODBC drivers that report an ODBC 2.x or ODBC 3.x ODBC_DRIVER_VERSION
ODBC 3.x drivers can support ODBC 4.0 escape clauses, connection keywords, infotypes, and attributes, as well as added columns to the catalog functions, without reporting ODBC 4.0 support, but must not utilize SQL_VARIANT
data types in schema functions or descriptor functions.
In order to report support for ODBC 4.0, a driver:
- Must return
fInfoType - Must support
column binding, and SQLNextColumn for retrieving the currently available column - Must support
to control how binary and string overflows are handled - Must support
to control how type exceptions are handled - Must support
, returningFALSE
if dynamic columns are not supported - If
environment attribute indicates an ODBC 2.x or 3.x version:- Must not utilize
in schema or descriptor functions
- Must not utilize
In addition, if the driver supports SQL_ROW
columns, it must:
- Support SQLGetNestedHandle, for retrieving a handle to read or write the nested value
In addition, if the driver supports SQL_UDT
, it must:
- Support SQLStructuredTypes
- Support SQLStructuredTypeColumns
The ODBC 4.0 Driver Manager will map the following InfoTypes and attributes for 2.x and 3.x drivers:
InfoType/Attribute | Behavior |
If not supported by the driver, SQLGetInfo returns FALSE |
If not supported by the driver, SQLGetStmtAttr returns FALSE and SQLSetStmtAttr returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO with a diagnostic code of 01S02. |
If not supported by the driver, SQLGetStmtAttr returns SQL_LE_CONTINUE and SQLSetStmtAttr with a value other than SQL_LE_CONTINUE returns SQL_ERROR with a diagnostic code of HYC00 , Optional feature not implemented |
If not supported by the driver, SQLGetStmtAttr returns SQL_TE_ERROR and SQLSetStmtAttr with a value other than SQL_TE_ERROR returns SQL_ERROR with a diagnostic code of HYC00 , Optional feature not implemented |
The following functions are added in ODBC 4.0.
The application calls SQLNextColumn in order to retrieve the column of data currently available to be read.
SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
SQLUSMALLINT* Col_or_Param_Num);
SQLNextColumn can first be called only after SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
, and as long as SQLNextColumn continues to return one of these values.
The Driver Manager returns HY010
, Function Sequence Error under the following conditions:
The specified StatementHandle was not in the executed state.
SQLFetch or SQLFetschScroll have not been called on the executed statement.
The most recent call to SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, or SQLNextColumn on this statement handle did not return
There is an asynchronously executing function called on this statement handle, or the connection associated with this statement handle, that has not completed.
The driver manager returns HY010
, Function sequence error, from SQLSetPos if the most recent call to SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, or SQLNextColumn returned SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
While fetching a row that contains a column whose SQL_DESC_DATA_AT_FETCH
descriptor is set to SQL_TRUE
, when reading a dynamic column while SQL_ATTR_DYNAMIC_COLUMNS
is true, or when encountering a length or type exception, depending on the value of SQL_ATTR_LENGTH_EXCEPTION_BEHAVIOR
, respectively, the driver returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
, and the application calls SQLNextColumn in order to determine the ordinal of the next available column to be read.
The application can use the returned Col_or_Param_Num
to retrieve information about the available column or parameter, but must not change descriptor information relative to the descriptor header record or any descriptor records not associated with the returned Col_or_Param_Num
Once all columns have been processed, SQLNextColumn returns SQL_SUCCESS
with any valid SQLState from SQLFetch/SQLFetchScroll.
Calling SQLNextColumn with a null pointer for Col_or_Param_Num
populates any remaining bound columns, skipping any DATA_AT_FETCH
columns within the rowset. Dynamic columns are added to the descriptor as unbound columns and do not result in SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
. Any length exceptions are treated as SQL_LE_CONTINUE
then an error is returned if any data values within the rowset are incompatible with their bound types, otherwise any type exceptions are treated as SQL_TE_CONTINUE
Calling SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll continues to the next rowset, adding any dynamic columns to the descriptor as unbound columns but otherwise skipping any DATA_AT_FETCH
columns and ignoring type or length exceptions within the current rowset.
SQLGetNestedHandle is called in to retrieve a handle for reading or writing structured or collection-valued columns and parameters.
SQLHSTMT ParentStatementHandle,
SQLUSMALLINT Col_or_Param_Num,
SQLHSTMT* OutputChildStatementHandle);
SQLGetNestedHandle can be called for columns containing nested collections or structured columns once the ParentStatementHandle is in a prepared or executed state. The nested handle can be used to fetch data once the ParentStatementHandle is in the executed state and the driver returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
for the particular column, and may allow fetching data at other times depending upon SQL_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS
The Driver Manager returns HY001 under the following condition:
- The Driver Manager was unable to allocate memory for the specified handle
The Driver Manager returns HY003, Program type out of range, under the following condition:
- The argument
was 0.
The Driver Manager returns HY009, Invalid use of a null pointer under the following condition:
- The argument OutputChildStatementHandle was a null pointer.
The Driver Manager returns HY010, Function Sequence Error under the following conditions:
The specified StatementHandle was not in a prepared or executed state.
There is an asynchronously executing function called on this statement handle, or the connection associated with this statement handle, that has not completed.
The Driver Manager returns HY117, Connection is suspended due to unknown transaction state if the connection is in a suspended state.
The driver manager returns IM001, Driver does not support this function, under the following condition:
- The driver associated with StatementHandle does not support the function.
Applications call SQLGetNestedHandle in order obtain a nested statement handle representing rows or output parameters whose SQL_DESC_TYPE and SQL_DESC_CONCISE_TYPE descriptor fields indicate "SQL_UDT", "SQL_ROW", "SQL_ARRAY", or "SQL_MULTISET".
Nested statement handles can be used to describe results once the parent statement handle is in the prepared or executed state. Applications can fetch data from the nested statement handle once the driver returns SQL_DATA_AVAILABLE
for the particular column, and may allow fetching data at other times depending upon SQL_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS
Fetching results from a handle returned by SQLGetNestedHandle has the same sequencing restrictions as SQLGetData. Drivers report relaxed sequencing rules for both SQLGetData and fetching results from a nested statement handle through SQL_GET_DATA_EXTENSIONS
specifies SQL_GD_ANY_ORDER
, Fetch/GetData must only be called on the handle associated with the most recent call to SQLNextColumn.
After calling SQLGetNestedHandle, the application can use the returned ChildStatementHandle to describe and fetch results for that nested content.
Calling SQLCloseCursor on the nested handle closes the child cursor for the current parent row.
Multiple calls to SQLGetNestedHandle for the same ParentStatementHandle
and Col_or_Param_Num
return the same ChildStatementHandle (including any added/modified descriptor fields) unless that handle has been explicitly freed, in which case the returned Statement Handle contains only the default set of columns and types.
Unless the SQL_GD_CONCURRENT bit within SQL_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS is specified, a subsequent call to retrieve data using SQLGetData, SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, or SQLNextColumn on the parent handle or a different nested statement handle implicitly closes the statement handle. If SQL_GD_CONCURRENT
is specified, a subsequent call to retrieve data on the child statement handle does not affect any other statement handle.
Closing a statement handle implicitly closes and frees all child statement handles.
Calling SQLGetNestedHandle for a non-structured or collection valued column, or calling SQLGetData on a structured or collection-valued column, returns SQL_ERROR
with SQLState 07009
, Invalid descriptor index.
TODO: describe output parameters. Do we need a new InputOutputType, or do we use the existing SQL_PARAM_[INPUT_]OUTPUT_STREAM
SQLStructuredTypes enumerates named structural types.
SQLRETURN SQLStructuredTypes(
SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
SQLCHAR * CatalogName,
SQLCHAR * SchemaName,
SQLCHAR * TypeName,
The driver manager enforces the same sequencing and validity checks as in SQLTables. In particular:
The Driver Manager returns HY010
, Function Sequence Error under the following conditions:
There is an asynchronously executing function called on this statement handle, or the connection associated with this statement handle, that has not completed.
SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, or SQLMoreResults was called for the StatementHandle and returned
. This function was called before data was retrieved for all streamed parameters -
SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, SQLBulkOperations, or SQLSetPos was called for the StatementHandle and returned
. This function was called before data was sent for all data-at-execution parameters or columns.
The Driver Manager returns HY090
under the following conditions:
The value of one of the length arguments was less than 0 but not equal to
. -
The value of one of the name length arguments exceeded the maximum length value for the corresponding name.
The Driver Manager returns HY117
, Connection is suspended due to unknown transaction state if the connection is in a suspended state.
The driver manager returns IM001
, Driver does not support this function, under the following condition:
- The driver associated with StatementHandle does not support the function.
The result of SQLStructuredTypes mirrors the result of SQLTables:
Column name | Column number | Data type | Comments |
1 | Varchar | Catalog name. See TABLE_CAT in SQLTables. |
2 | Varchar | Schema name See TABLE_SCHEM in SQLTables. |
3 | Varchar | Structured Type name. |
4 | Varchar | UDT Type name; "TYPE", "OPEN TYPE ", or a data source–specific type name. |
REMARKS | 5 | Varchar | A description of the Structured Type. |
SQLStructuredTypeColumns describes the columns of a named structural type.
SQLRETURN SQLStructuredTypeColumns(
SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
SQLCHAR * CatalogName,
SQLCHAR * SchemaName,
SQLCHAR * TypeName,
SQLCHAR * ColumnName,
The result of SQLStructuredTypeColumns mirrors the result of SQLColumns:
Column name | Column number | Data type | Comments |
1 | Varchar | Catalog name; NULL if not applicable to the data source. |
2 | Varchar | Schema name; NULL if not applicable to the data source. |
3 | Varchar not NULL | Structured Type name. |
4 | Varchar not NULL | Column name. The driver returns an empty string for a column that does not have a name. |
5 | Smallint not NULL | SQL data type. See DATA_TYPE column in SQLColumns. |
6 | Varchar not NULL | Data source–dependent data type name |
7 | Integer | Size of the column. See COLUMN_SIZE column in SQLColumns. |
8 | Integer | The length in bytes of data transferred on an SQLGetData, SQLFetch, or SQLFetchScroll operation if SQL_C_DEFAULT is specified. |
9 | Smallint | See DECIMAL_DIGITS in SQLColumns. |
10 | Smallint | See NUM_PREC_RADIX in SQLColumns. |
11 | Smallint not NULL | See NULLABLE in SQLColumns. |
12 | Varchar | A description of the column. |
13 | Varchar | The default value of the column. See the COLUMN_DEF column in SQLColumns. |
14 | Smallint not NULL | See SQL_DATA_TYPE in SQLColumns. |
15 | Smallint | See SQL_DATETIME_SUB in SQLColumns. |
16 | Integer | The maximum length in bytes of a character or binary data type column. |
17 | Integer not NULL | The ordinal position of the column in the structured type. The first column in the UDT is number 1. |
18 | Varchar | See IS_NULLABLE in SQLColumns. |
19 | Varchar | Catalog of the Character set for the column, or null. |
20 | Varchar | Schema of the Character set for the column, or null. |
21 | Varchar | Character set name for the column, or null. |
22 | Varchar | Catalog of the Collation for the column, or null. |
23 | Varchar | Schema of the Collation for the column, or null. |
24 | Varchar | Name of the Collation for the column, or null. |
25 | Varchar | Catalog of the structured type if the column is a UDT, otherwise null. |
26 | Varchar | Schema of the structured type if the column is a UDT, otherwise null. |
27 | Varchar | Name of the structured type if the column is a UDT, otherwise null. |