Wallet Core is available on the iOS platform, it comes with Swift bindings. In this guide we show how to use it.
A sample application is available at: https://github.com/trustwallet/wallet-core/tree/master/samples/osx .
- CocoaPods. If you don't have it, install it by
gem install cocoapods
. - Xcode toolchain
- Wallet Core library
An easy way to add Wallet Core dependency to an iOS project is through CocoaPods, like this (the exact version may change in the future):
pod 'TrustWalletCore'
The dependency can be installed simply by pod install
pod install
SPM is also supported, download latest Package.swift
from GitHub Releases and put it in a local WalletCore
Add this line to the dependencies
parameter in your Package.swift
.package(name: "WalletCore", path: "../WalletCore"),
Or add remote url + master
branch, it points to recent (not always latest) binary release.
.package(name: "WalletCore", url: "https://github.com/trustwallet/wallet-core", .branchItem("master")),
Then add libraries to target's dependencies
.product(name: "WalletCore", package: "WalletCore"),
.product(name: "SwiftProtobuf", package: "WalletCore"),
In the following sections we show code examples for some common funcions. Please refer to the Wallet Usage Guide for detailed explanations.
Accessing Wallet Core functionality requires one import statement:
import WalletCore
Creating or Importing a Multi-Coin HD Wallet
let wallet = HDWallet(strength: 128, passphrase: "")
let wallet = HDWallet(mnemonic: "ripple scissors kick mammal hire column oak again sun offer wealth tomorrow wagon turn fatal", passphrase: "")!
Generating the Default Address for a Coin
let addressBTC = wallet.getAddressForCoin(coin: .bitcoin)
let addressETH = wallet.getAddressForCoin(coin: .ethereum)
let addressBNB = wallet.getAddressForCoin(coin: .binance)
Generating an Address Using a Custom Derivation Path (Expert)
let key = wallet.getKey(derivationPath: "m/44\'/60\'/1\'/0/0") // m/44'/60'/1'/0/0
let address = CoinType.ethereum.deriveAddress(privateKey: key)
In general, when creating a new blockchain transaction, a wallet has to:
- Put together a transaction with relevant fields (source, target, amount, etc.)
- Sign the transaction, using the account private key. This is done by Wallet Core.
- Send to a node for broadcasting to the blockchain network.
Ethereum Transaction Signing
Code example to fill in signer input parameters, perform signing, and retrieve encoded result:
let signerInput = EthereumSigningInput.with {
$0.chainID = Data(hexString: "01")!
$0.gasPrice = Data(hexString: "d693a400")! // decimal 3600000000
$0.gasLimit = Data(hexString: "5208")! // decimal 21000
$0.toAddress = "0xC37054b3b48C3317082E7ba872d7753D13da4986"
$0.transaction = EthereumTransaction.with {
$0.transfer = EthereumTransaction.Transfer.with {
$0.amount = Data(hexString: "0348bca5a16000")!
$0.privateKey = wallet.getKeyForCoin(coin: .ethereum).data
let output: EthereumSigningOutput = AnySigner.sign(input: signerInput, coin: .ethereum)
print(" data: ", output.encoded.hexString)