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React Router
Advanced React
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+title: Class Component Prework - Classes in JavaScript
+module: 3
+## Learning Goals
+By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
+* explain what a class is
+* define classes using the `class` keyword
+* create object instances
+* call methods on object instances
+## Vocabulary
+- `this` - a keyword with a value that changes depending on the context in which it's used
+- `class` - a special function which functionas as a template for creating objects
+- `object instance` - objects that were created from a class and contain the data and functionality defined in that class
+## Warm Up
+Answer the following questions. Look at the answers below only after answering on your own:
+- What do you know about methods on objects?
+- What do you know about the `this` keyword?
+Then, complete [this replit](https://replit.com/@frontend-instructors/Class-Component-Prework-M3#index.js) to review key concepts about object methods and `this`.
+### Here's how your answers might look. Don't look until you're done!
+- What do you know about methods on objects?
+ - Objects can have all kinds of properties, such as a function. This function would be called a method.
+ - You can call functions on objects using dot notation. This is known as calling a method.
+ - You can create them in several ways, such as:
+ ```js
+ const obj = {
+ methodName: function() {
+ // Method implementation
+ }
+ };
+ // OR
+ const obj = {
+ methodName() {
+ // Method implementation
+ }
+ };
+ // OR
+ const obj = {
+ methodName: () => {
+ // Method implementation
+ }
+ };
+ // ETC
+ ```
+- What do you know about the `this` keyword?
+ - By default, this refers to the global object (or in the browser, the window).
+ - this within function code invoked using the new operator refers to the new instance of that object.
+ - When executing a function as a method on an object, this refers to that object.
+ Replit answers:
+ ```js
+ // 1.
+ animal.makeSound('Bark!');
+ // 2.
+ // no answer since this is open ended.
+ // 3.
+ // It should return 5, since 20-15 is 5.
+ // this.capacity is 20
+ // this.attendeeCount is 15
+ // this refers the object 'networkingEvent'
+ ```
+## Classes
+Classes serve as object factories that allow us to create multiple objects of the same type, which are commonly referred to as object instances. In other words, a class is a an object template.
+The syntax for defining a class is as follows:
+class NameOfClass {
+ constructor() {
+ // define properties here
+ }
+ // define methods here
+class User {
+ constructor() {
+ name = 'Bill',
+ age = 32,
+ email = 'bill@gmail.com',
+ }
+ updateAge() {
+ this.age = this.age++;
+ }
+Please note the use of the `class` keyword and the function `constructor`. The `constructor` function is a special function that gets called when an object instance is created. Its job is to create the same properties on the new object instances we create with our class.
+Next, let's take a look at how to create an object using a class - or 'create an instance' of a class.
+const newObjectInstance = new NameOfClass();
+const bill = new User();
+## Making objects dynamic
+The constructor function can accept arguments, which allows the class to have dynamic properties. For example:
+class User {
+ constructor(name, age, email) {
+ name = name,
+ age = age,
+ email = email
+ }
+Now, we can make multiple users and give them all their own names, ages, and emails.
+const jenny = new User('Jenny', 24, 'frogperson@aol.com');
+const bill = new User('Bill', 33, 'bill@gmail.com');
+const alfred = new User('Alfred', 56, 'al888@hotmail.com');
+## Practice
+class User {
+ constructor(name, age, email) {
+ name = name,
+ age = age,
+ email = email
+ }
+ updateAge() {
+ this.age = this.age++;
+ }
+ updateEmail(newEmail) {
+ this.email = newEmail;
+ }
+Before writing any code, answer the following question.
+- Why do we use the `this` keyword in the methods `updateAge` and `updateEmail`? (Feel free to do some research to help you answer this question.)
+Write the following code in a replit, the devtools console, or somewhere else comfortable. Once you're done, feel free to reference the answers below.
+- Based on the class definition above, create a new instance of a user.
+- Using what you already know about objects and methods, utilize the object instance you just created and update the user's age.
+- Using what you already know about objects and methods, utilize the object instance you just created and update the user's email address.
+Tip: use console logs to check that everything is working as you expect.
+### A solution _might_ look something like:
+const henrietta = new User('Henrietta', 40, 'h@gmail.com');
+## More Practice
+Define a class of your own choice. Make sure it has some properties and at least one method.
+To test it out, instantiate the class (make an object instance).
+### Fun Fact
+OOP, or Object Oriented Programming, is a programming paradigm based on classes and objects. In JS, you would utilize classes if you wrote your code in an OOP style.
+We've been primarily working in a more functional programming paradigm throughout this program.
+If you're interested in learning more, please research the differences between functional and object oriented programming.
+### Checks for Understanding
+* What is a class?
+* How do you define a class in code?
+* How do you create an object instance using a class?
+* How do you call a method on an object instance?
+### Resources:
+ - [Classes: MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes)
+ - [Class Practice](https://github.com/turingschool/dogs-and-dog-parks)
+ - [More Class Practice](https://github.com/turingschool/wills-lunchbox)
+ - [OOP vs Functional](https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/web-development/functional-programming-vs-oop/)
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+title: Legacy Class Components in React
+module: 3
+### Prework
+Understanding class components requires some background knowledge about classes in JavaScript. Please complete the following pre-work before the lesson.
+[Classes in JavaScript](./react-class-components-prework.html)
+## Learning Goals
+By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
+* explain the differences between classs components and functional components
+* create class components
+* convert class based components to functional components
+## Vocabulary
+- `this` - a keyword with a value that changes depending on the context in which it's used
+- `class` - a special function which acts as as a template for creating objects
+- `class component` - a React component that inherits properties and methods from a `Component` class.
+## Warm Up
+In small groups, answer the following questions. Make sure everyone has an oportunity to share and feel free to share screens.
+- What do you know about JS classes?
+- How do you create a class in JS?
+- How do you create an object instance using a class?
+## Getting Started
+We’re going to be using this [ideabox](https://github.com/turingschool-examples/react-iii-ideabox) repo today. Before going any further please do the following:
+* Clone the repo to your machine
+* Switch to the `refactor-hooks-to-classes` branch
+* Run `npm install` in the repo
+* Put a thumbs up in the participants panel of zoom once you’re done!
+## Background
+React has been around since 2013 and that means it has gone through many iterations. Originally, if a developer wanted to utilize state and utilize a component's lifecycle then they had to use a class component. More recently, React introduced Hooks. Hooks allow developers to use state and a component's lifecycle in a functional component. This pattern is encouraged as common practice moving forward.
+However, enterprise and company software moves at a much slower pace than the React ecosystem. This means that there are still many code bases out there that are using class components. You might find yourself in a job which uses class components! You may also find yourself tasked with the job of refactoring legacy class components into functional components.
+## Compare and Contrast
+Both functional and class components share some common features:
+- they both render JSX in some way
+- they both can have props
+- the both can have state
+- they both have a way to call functions at different stages of a component's life-cycle. (for example, `useEffect`)
+The main differences are:
+- things work differently under the hood
+- the syntax is different!
+## React Class Components
+#### What are class components anyway?
+Class components, or class-based components, are just JavaScript classes that act as independent and reusable bits of code which allow you to render content to the DOM. A class component inherits methods and properties from a parent class which React provides, using the `extend` keyword. We'll take a look at more of these inherited properties and methods later. For now, let's take a look at an example of a class component, which has a `render` method and renders content to the DOM - similar to how a functional component renders content with the `return` keyword.
+import { Component } from 'react';
+export default class App extends Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ Hello, World!
+ )
+ }
+### Tip
+Render should only return JSX. Avoid doing anything else in this method - there should be no side-effects. This isn't a good place to update state or run any operations.
+## State in Class Components
+Instead of using hooks to define and update state, class components utilize class properties and a class method. To utilize the parent class' properties and methods, we must call the `super` function. This will give us access to a method called `setState`, which we can use to update our state. After that, we can define our state using the `this` keyword. Note: state must be an object, but you can have other data types inside of it.
+You can access state in your render method by referencing `this`.
+import { Component } from 'react';
+class App extends Component {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.state = {
+ name: 'Bill',
+ }
+ }
+ render() {
+ return {
+ Hello, {this.state.name}
+ }
+ }
+### Props in Class Components
+Props probably look similar to what you're used to in functional components. How we use them _within_ our components must change a little bit, though.
+You can pass props to a component.
+To access props in a class component, lean on your good friend `this`:
+import { Component } from 'react';
+class UserComponent extends Component {
+ render() {
+ return Email: { this.props.email }
+ }
+## Event Handlers
+Event handlers may look a bit different in class based components, but only because we have to utilize `this` to call methods from our class.
+For example:
+import { Component } from 'react';
+class App extends Component {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.state = {
+ description: '',
+ title: ''
+ }
+ }
+ handleChange = event => {
+ this.setState({ [event.target.name ]: event.target.value });
+ }
+ render() {
+ return (
+ )
+### For your consideration:
+It's common to define event handlers with arrow functions. Why do you think that is?
+### Your turn!
+Use your new class component knowledge to begin refactoring the Form in the Ideabox repository into a functional component. Work with a partner to do the following:
+- import the `useState` hook from the React library
+- refactor the class based component into a functional component of the same name
+- remove the old constructor, and replace it with calls to the useState hook (make sure to name both your new piece of state, and the function that will update it)
+- update your render method into a return statement to make use of your new state and setter methods
+- NOTE: The current form makes use of a handleChange method. You don’t necessarily need this, but you can use it with some appropriate refactoring.
+### Here's one way you could do it, don't look until you're done!
+import { useState } from 'react';
+import './Form.css';
+function Form(props) {
+ const [title, setTitle] = useState('')
+ const [description, setDescription] = useState('')
+ const submitIdea = event => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const newIdea = {
+ id: Date.now(),
+ title,
+ description
+ }
+ props.addIdea(newIdea);
+ clearInputs();
+ }
+ const clearInputs = () => {
+ setTitle('')
+ setDescription('')
+ }
+ return (
+ )
+export default Form;
+## Lifecycle Methods
+In functional components, you can call functions in response to the lifecycle of a component using the `useEffect` hook.
+Review the following questions before diving into Lifecycle methods for class components:
+- How do you call a function when the component mounts using `useEffect`?
+- How do you call a function when state changes using `useEffect`?
+Class components inherit several lifecycle methods that we can use. Two important methods are:
+`componentDidMount` - this method is invoked immediately after a component is mounted. React invokes this for us - we simply define the method in our class component. Note: the action of defining `componentDidMount` is actually something fancy called `method overwriting`, which allows a child class to make a specific implementation of the parent class' method.
+`componentDidUpdate()` - this method is invoked _after_ updating occurs. It is not called on the initial render. React invokes this for us, as well. This is a good place for network requests and updating state, but you'll need to compare the current props to the previous props. Find more information [here](https://dev.to/cesareferrari/how-to-use-componentdidupdate-in-react-30en) to learn about using a conditional to update state in `componentDidUpdate` so that you don't end up with an infinite loop.
+### Your turn!
+With a partner, refactor the App component in our ideabox to be a functional component. Make sure you do the following:
+- import `useState` and `useEffect` from the react library
+- convert the class based component into a functional component
+- use the `useState` hook to recreate the parts of state that were previously in a constructor function
+- use the `useEffect` hook to recreate the functionality present in the lifecycle method
+- update the return statement using your new state values
+If you’ve done everything right, the ideabox should still work exactly as it did before!
+### Here's one way you could do it, don't look until you're done!
+import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import Ideas from './Ideas';
+import Form from './Form';
+import './App.css';
+function App() {
+ const [ideas, setIdeas] = useState([])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ document.title = `Ideabox (${ideas.length})`
+ })
+ const addIdea = (newIdea) => {
+ setIdeas([...ideas, newIdea]);
+ }
+ const deleteIdea = (id) => {
+ const filteredIdeas = ideas.filter(idea => idea.id !== id);
+ setIdeas(filteredIdeas);
+ }
+ return(
+ IdeaBox
+ )
+export default App;
+### Checks for Understanding
+* What's the difference between class components and functional components in React?
+* What is `componentDidMount` used for?
+* How do you work with state in a class component?
+* Why is it useful to know about class components?
+### Resources
+- [Legacy React Docs](https://legacy.reactjs.org/)
+- [How to use componentDidUpdate](https://dev.to/cesareferrari/how-to-use-componentdidupdate-in-react-30en)
+- [Tips for converting a class component into a functional one in React](https://www.petroskyriakou.com/tips-for-converting-a-class-component-to-a-functional-one-in-react)
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