All changes for this release were made in the backend. Do [sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d
to get them.
- Updated to the latest github styles!
- Performance should be slightly better as CSS is no longer generated at every update.
Some changes for this release were made in the backend. Do [sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d
to get them.
- Delay starting the
server. This fixed the plugin for a few people who were getting empty browser windows. - Display a message with configuration instructions when the preview window can't be closed due to Firefox restrictions.
All these changes courtesy of @chreekat, THANKS!
- Is now an
plugin. Markdown filetype detection is left to Vim itself, or other plugins. - Behavior when multiple markdown files are open has been improved
- No more weird characters taking over the status/command bar while editing
- Internals have been completely rewritten and are much more cleaner and adhere to vim script best practices
These changes are also courtesy of @chreekat!
- Plugin no longer breaks vim mouse scrolling
- No longer errors upon opening an empty markdown file
option to update preview less frequently
All changes for this release were made in the backend. Do [sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d
to get them.
- Fix for systems (such as Ubuntu, Debian) which use the
executable instead ofnode
thanks to @terryma!
- Added option to only start previewing markdown on demand
All changes for this release were made in the backend. Do [sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d
to get them. All thanks to the awesome work of @euclio!
- Ruby dependencies (pygments.rb and redcarpet) are no longer required!
is now the only dependency - Plugin should be much more performant and stable. Should be able to edit at brisk typing speed without slowdowns or crashes.
- Updated to the latest github styles!
- Due to github not fully open-sourcing their current syntax highlighting pipeline, syntax highlighting colors are slightly different.
Changes proposed by @twidxuga:
- Implemented math rendering with Katex 0.8.3 (in instant-markdown-d). Note that a newer branch of markdown-it-katex was added as a dependency, since it works well with newer versions of Katex (master only goes up to 0.7.1).
- It is now possible to server all files starting from the folder containing the markdown file being edited if the new option
g:instant_markdown_serve_folder_tree = 0
is specified in a user's .vimrc/init.vim (default value is set to 0). This allows serving images, pdf files, svg files, etc. without restriction by format. - Fixed issue (at least with Neovim and Linux) by which environment variables set in the vim plugin were not passed onto the instant-markdown-d server.
- Re-factored all CSS and font files under the sames folder
(Perhaps the Katex fonts and its CSS could be referenced from the node_modules directory in future, as an improvement)
Changes proposed by @twidxuga:
- Enabled automatic scrolling to current edit position, even when editing formulas (with Katex)
- Set default to allow serving files from the working folder tree, in other words
now is set to 0 by default.
Implemented by @twidxuga:
- Twid's fork becomes a thing!
- Links to other markdown files are now clickable and will be rendered. This is as long as the liked files are within the folder tree of the markdown document for which InstantMarkdownPreview was started.
- Links followed display the name of the file in the URL. To go back to seeing the file, a user must click the browser's back button to return to the landing page (root path, e.g.
- Links followed display the name of the file in the URL. To go back to seeing the file, a user must click the browser's back button to return to the landing page (root path, e.g.
- Changing to another markdown buffer immediately displays that buffer.
- As long as that buffer is in the folder or a sub-folder of the first markdown document for which InstantMardownPreview was started.
- Mermaid diagrams are now rendered.
- Major performance improvement, over the original version, due to a new 1 second (configurable) polling of markdown documents. No more slow mode (still available, for those who prefer it). Plus Katex makes formula rendering faster than MathJax.
- Running InstantMarkdownPreview now restarts the server.
- Task lists (GitHub-style) are now redered.