TypeDB schema builder package can be used to construct a TypeQL define query with native Python code.
Install using pip:
python -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple/ typedb-schema-builder
Functions offered:
Returns schema string and prints schema string.
abstract(type: str):
Makes type abstract. Returns qid attached to the query.
sub(subtype: str, type: str,value: str):
Create a new type given as argument "subtype" with supertype given as argument "type". The value parameter needs to be mentioned only when defining types with root type "attribute". Returns qid attached to the query.
owns(type: str, owns: str):
Assigns ownership of attribute given as argument "owns" to type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
owns_as(type: str, to_own: str, from_own: str):
Assigns ownership of attribute given as argument "from_own" to alias given as argument "to_own" to type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
relates(type: str, role: str):
Adds a role given as argument "role" to a relationship type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
relates_as(type: str, to_role: str, from_role: str):
Adds a role given as argument "from_role" to an alias given as argument "to_role" to type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
plays(type: str, relation: str, role: str):
Assigns the relation:role, where relation is given as argument "relation" and role is given as argument "role" to the type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
plays_as(type: str, relation: str, to_role: str, from_role: str):
Assigns the relation:role, where relation is given as argument "relation" and role is given as argument "from_role" to alias given as "to_role" to the type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
regex(type: str, regex: str):
Adds a regex pattern given as argument "regex" to attribute type given as argument "type". Returns qid attached to the query.
key(type: str, attribute: str):
Makes the attribute given as argument "attribute" that is owned by type given as argument "type" a @key attribute.
unique(self, type: str, attribute: str):
Makes the attribute given as an argument "attribute" that is owned by type given as argument "type" a @unique attribute. Returns qid attached to the query.
Prints all the query IDs attached to every query.
- Install the package.
- Import the
from the package in your code. - Instantiate the
. - Use methods mentioned above to construct a query.
- Use
method to retrieve TypeQL query.
The following is a Python code usage example:
from typedbSchemaBuilder import Builder
builder.sub("person", "entity")
builder.sub("ownership", "relation")
builder.relates("ownership", "owner")
builder.plays("person", "ownership", "owner")
The above example produces the following output:
person sub entity;
ownership sub relation,
relates owner;
person plays ownership:owner;