RESTful API for a social media platform.
The API allows users to create profiles, follow other users, create and retrieve posts, manage likes and comments, and perform basic social media actions.
- User Registration and Authentication with email and password
- JWT Authentication, Login and Logout
- User Profile includes profile picture, bio and other details
- Searching for users by email or full name
- Follow / Unfollow other users
- List of the followers and List of that followed by them
- Post contains text content, image
- Searching posts by hashtags
- Like / Unlike posts, List of liked posts
- List of comments
- Schedule Post creation with specified date
- Access only for authenticated users
- Update & Delete only own users profile, posts, comments
- /admin/
- through Swagger-UI
- Python 3.12+ (need to be installed locally)
- Django 5.+
- Django Rest Framework (DRF) 3.+
- Celery
- Redis (used as a Broker)
- Flower (monitoring for Celery)
- drf spectacular (Swagger documentation)
- Clone GitHub repository:
- You can get the link by clicking the
Clone or download
button in your repo
- Open the project folder in your IDE
cd social_media_api
- Make virtual environment and install requirements in it:
py -m venv venv
venv\Scripts\activate (on Windows)
# or
source venv/bin/activate (on macOS)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- a) You need to Install PostgreSQL
Create environment variables (or specify in .env file):
set POSTGRES_DB = <db name>
set POSTGRES_USER = <db username>
set POSTGRES_PASSWORD = <db user password>
set POSTGRES_HOST = <db host>
set POSTGRES_PORT = <db port>
- b) You can use built-in SQlite by default
- Migrate & make database:
py migrate
- To create demo admin user:
py init_superuser
- Run Redis Server:
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis
- Run Celery Worker:
celery -A social_media_api worker -l info
celery -A social_media_api worker -l info --pool=solo
- Run Flower (Celery monitoring):
py -m celery -A social_media_api flower
- Run Project:
py runserver
System requirements:
- Docker Desktop 4.+
Run project:
docker-compose up --build
Access API Service in browser:
Access Flower / Celery tasks monitoring:
Admin panel:
After loading init data you can use demo admin user:
- Email (as Login):
[email protected]
- Password:
- Register new user:
- api/user/register/
- Obtain pair an access authentication & refresh tokens by sending a POST user credentials - email(as login) & password:
- api/user/token/
- Header to access endpoints:
- Authorization: Bearer
Swagger via:
- api/schema/swagger-ui/
Redoc via:
- api/doc/redoc/
Feel free to contact: [email protected]