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Is it possible shared an event loop (libuv) between uWebSockets and my backend ? #1833

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I figured my problem. I was compiling my POC with the WITH_LIBUV=1 flag and linking with the uWesbSockets lib instead of compiling the uWesbSockets lib with the WITH_LIBUV=1 and linking it to my binary.
So the loop used by the uWebSockets lib was not the libuv loop, but the default one.

If someone read my discution and want to combine an uWebSockets server with an existing libuv loop, here is an example :

int main() {
  auto app = std::make_unique<uWS::App>();

  app->get("/health", [&](auto* res, auto* req) {
    fmt::print("Url {}, Method {}\n", req->getUrl(), req->getMethod());

    res->onData([res](std::string_view data, bool isLast)…

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Answer selected by theo-issarni-wmx

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