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Thank you for your explanations. It's probably possible to make this work with from scipy import integrate
f_int = fp.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(f, mesh.x, initial=0.)) This will need to be recalculated each time you sweep. Here's a prototype from scipy import integrate
class Integration1DVariable(fp.CellVariable):
def __init__(self, var, name=''):
Produces a cummulative integral of the supplied function.
var : array_like or ~fipy.variables.variable.Variable
The collection of values to integrate.
fp.CellVariable.__init__(self, mesh=var.mesh, name=name)
self.var = self._requires(var)
def _calcValue(self):
return integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(self.var, self.var.mesh.x, initial=0.) This only works in 1D and it assumes that the coordinates of the mesh are monotonic. They will be for a |
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So if I want to implement this idea, should it be done like this way ? import fipy as fp
from fipy.solvers import LinearPCGSolver
from scipy import integrate
import numpy as np
Lx=1.0e-5 #m
dx=1.0e-8 #m
mesh=Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
time = Variable(0.)
N=CellVariable(name="Free Electron", mesh=mesh, value=1e22, hasOld=True)
T_e=CellVariable(name="Electron Temperature", mesh=mesh, value=300.0, hasOld=True)
T_l=CellVariable(name="Phonon Temperature", mesh=mesh, value=300.0, hasOld=True)
class Integration1DVariable (fp.CellVariable):
def __init__(self, var, N, theta, a_1, a_2, name=''):
fp.CellVariable.__init__(self, mesh=var.mesh, name=name)
self.var = self._requires(var)
self.N = self._requires(N)
self.theta = theta
self.a_1 = a_1
self.a_2 = a_2
def _calcValue(self):
x = self.var.mesh.x
integrand = self.a_1 + self.a_2 * self.var + self.theta * self.N
integral_x = integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(integrand, x, initial=0.)
return integral_x
integral_var = Integration1DVariable(I, N, theta, a_1, a_2, name="Integral Term")
I_0 = 1e4
I = fp.CellVariable(name="Integral", mesh=m, hasOld=True)
I.setValue = I_0 * np.exp(-integral_var.value)
eq_e=TransientTerm(coeff=C_e, var=T_e)== DiffusionTerm(coeff=K_e, var=T_e) + DiffusionTerm(coeff=E_g * D_0, var=N) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N/ tao_e, var=T_e) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N/ tao_e, var=T_l) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=theta * I, var=N) + alpha * I + beta * I **2
eq_l=TransientTerm(coeff=C_l, var=T_l)==DiffusionTerm(coeff=K_l, var=T_l) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N/ tao_e, var=T_e)-ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N/ tao_e, var=T_l)
eq_n=TransientTerm(coeff=1, var=N)== DiffusionTerm(coeff=D_0, var=N) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=(- gamma * N **2 + delta), var= N)+ (a_1/(h_bar * omega)) * I+(a_2/(2 * h_bar * omega)) * I **2
eq=eq_e & eq_l & eq_n
solver = LinearPCGSolver(precon=None, tolerance=1e-10, iterations=2000)
while time()<T:
for sweep in range(1):
I.value = (I.old + (I + I.old) * dt / 2).value
time.setValue(time() + dt) |
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I updated the code according to your instructions and the code runs without any error but output result is not converging well . Is there any problem with sweep loop ? from fipy import *
from numpy import *
from fipy.solvers import LinearPCGSolver
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scienceplots['science','no-latex','notebook'])
from tqdm import tqdm
Lx=1.0e-5 #m
dx=1.0e-8 #m
mesh=Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
time = Variable(0.)
N=CellVariable(name="Free Electron", mesh=mesh, value=1e22, hasOld=True)
T_e=CellVariable(name="Electron Temperature", mesh=mesh, value=300.0, hasOld=True)
T_l=CellVariable(name="Phonon Temperature", mesh=mesh, value=300.0, hasOld=True)
I = CellVariable(name="Integral", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)
lamda = 1064e-9
a_1 = -5895 + 62.26 * T_l - 0.2309 * T_l ** 2 + 3.186e-4 * T_l ** 3 - 9.967e-8 * T_l ** 4
omega =299792458 / lamda
K_b = 1.380649e-23
theta = 5.1e-22 * T_l / 300
gamma = 1/(1/(3.8e-43 * N ** 2) + 6e-12)
E_g = 1.86e-19
delta = 1e11 * (3 * 1.602e-19 * N * K_b * T_e - E_g)
C_l = 2.2368e6
K_l = 1.521e5 * T_l ** (-1.226)
tao_e = 240e-15 * (1 + (N/6e26) ** 2)
K_e = -0.556 + 7.13e-3 * T_e
D_0 = 2.98e-7 * T_e
C_e = 3 * N * K_b
class Integration1DVariable(CellVariable):
def __init__(self, var, name=''):
CellVariable.__init__(self, mesh=var.mesh, name=name)
self.var = self._requires(var)
def _calcValue(self):
return integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(self.var, self.var.mesh.x, initial=0.)
integral_var = Integration1DVariable(var=a_1 + a_2 * I + theta * N, name="Integral Term")
I_0 = 1e4
I_new = I_0 * exp(-integral_var)
eq_e=TransientTerm(coeff=C_e, var=T_e)== DiffusionTerm(coeff=K_e, var=T_e) + DiffusionTerm(coeff=E_g * D_0, var=N) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N / tao_e, var=T_e) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N / tao_e, var=T_l) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=theta * I, var=N) + a_1 * I + a_2 * I ** 2
eq_l=TransientTerm(coeff=C_l, var=T_l)==DiffusionTerm(coeff=K_l, var=T_l) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N / tao_e , var=T_e)-ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=3 * K_b * N / tao_e, var=T_l)
eq_n=TransientTerm(coeff=1, var=N)== DiffusionTerm(coeff=D_0, var=N) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=(- gamma + delta), var= N)+ (a_1/(h_bar * omega)) * I+(a_2/(2 * h_bar * omega)) * I ** 2
eq=eq_e & eq_l & eq_n
solver = LinearPCGSolver(precon=None, tolerance=1e-10, iterations=3000)
progress_bar = tqdm(total=int(T/dt), desc='Solving PDE')
while time()<T:
for sweep in range(10):
I.value = I_new.value
time.setValue(time() + dt)
plt.plot(x,N.value) |
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I am trying to solve these 3 coupled equations but I could not figure out how to evaluate (1)

$a_{1}, a_{2}$ are functions of $T_{l}$
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