The If-T benchmark includes a set of example programs described in section \ref{s:benchmark}, yet they are more focused on demonstrating the corresponding benchmark items. The following, however, is some real-world-like programs that illustrate practical use cases, each covering multiple benchmark items. Type checkers which support relevant features should be able to type check them correctly.
The filter
function is a higher-order function that takes a predicate function and a list, and returns a new list that contains only the elements that satisfy the predicate function. When given a type guard function as the predicate function, the type of the elements in the returned list should be narrowed to the type that satisfies the type guard function.
define filter(predicate: (x: T) -> x is S, list: Listof(T)) -> Listof(S)
if empty?(list):
return []
if predicate(head(list))
return cons(head(list), filter(predicate, tail(list)))
return filter(predicate, tail(list))
A failing example:
define filter(predicate: (x: T) -> x is S, list: Listof(T)) -> Listof(S)
if empty?(list):
return []
if predicate(head(list))
return cons(head(list), filter(predicate, tail(list)))
return cons(head(list), filter(predicate, tail(list))) // Error: head is not guaranteed to be of type S
Another imperative version of the filter
function is as follows:
define filter(predicate: (x: T) -> x is S, list: Listof(T)) -> Listof(S)
let result = []
for element in list:
if predicate(element):
result = cons(element, result)
return result
A failing example:
define filter(predicate: (x: T) -> x is S, list: Listof(T)) -> Listof(S)
let result = []
for each element in list:
if predicate(element):
result = cons(element, result)
result = cons(element, result) // Error: element might not be of type S
return result
Covered features:
, but for lists instead of tuples
The flatten
function takes anything. If it is not a list, it returns a list containing the input. If it is a list, it returns a new list that contains all the elements in the input list, recursively flattened.
define flatten(x: Any -> Listof(Any \ Listof(Any, Any))):
if empty?(x):
return []
else if x is Listof(Any):
return append(flatten(head(x)), flatten(tail(x)))
return [x]
A failing example:
define flatten(x: Any -> Listof(Any \ Listof(Any, Any))):
if empty?(x):
return []
else if x is Listof(Any):
return append(flatten(head(x)), flatten(tail(x)))
return x // Error: x is not guaranteed to be Listof(Any \ Listof(Any, Any))
Covered features:
This is an example of recursive predicates. The TreeNode
is defined to be a recursive type, where each node is a pair of a number and a list of TreeNode
s. The IsTreeNode?
function checks if the input is a TreeNode
or not.
type TreeNode = Pairof(Number, Listof(TreeNode))
define TreeNode?(node: Top) -> node is TreeNode
if node is not Pairof(Any, Any):
return false
if first(node) is not Number:
return false
if second(node) is not Listof(Any):
return false
return foldl(and, true, map(TreeNode?, tail))
A failing example:
type TreeNode = Pairof(Number, Listof(TreeNode))
define TreeNode?(node: Top) -> node is TreeNode
if node is not Pairof(Any, Any):
return false
if first(node) is not Number:
return false
if second(node) is not Listof(Any):
return false
return true // Error: We haven't checked if elements of tail are TreeNodes
Covered features:
This is an example of the rainfall problem, which asks for the average rainfall
from a list of unreliable weather reports. Any report that does not have a rainfall
field, or that has a malformed rainfall value (non-numeric, negative, or greater than
999) should be ignored.
define avg_rainfall(weather_reports: Listof(JSON)) -> Number:
let total = 0, count = 0
for day in weather_reports:
if day is Object and has_field(day, "rainfall"):
let val = day["rainfall"]
if val is Number and 0 <= val <= 999:
total += day["rainfall"] // expected: no type error, right-hand expression is a number
count += 1
return (if count > 0: total / count else: 0)
A failing example:
define avg_rainfall(weather_reports: Listof(JSON)) -> Number:
let total = 0, count = 0
for day in weather_reports:
if day is Object and has_field(day, "rainfall"):
let val = day["rainfall"]
if val is Number and 0 <= val <= 999:
total += val // Error: val could be any JSON value, not necessarily a Number
count += 1
return (if count > 0: total / count else: 0)
Covered features: