This repository contains shared code for running experiments with the "Thing" mobile manipulator (shown below). It should work on Ubuntu 18.04, but 20.04 is preferred.
The robot consists of a UR10 manipulator mounted on a Ridgeback omnidirectional mobile base. The base has a Hokuyo UST-10LX laser range finder mounted at the front that provides a two-dimensional scan in a 270 degree arc in front of the robot. The end effector has a Robotiq FT 300 force torque sensor mounted at the wrist to measure the applied wrench, as well as Robotiq 3 finger gripper for manipulation.
The Ridgeback is currently running Ubuntu 20.04 on its onboard computer. The UR10 is running firmware version 3.15.
Manuals and datasheets, as well as other documents, can be found in the docs
Ensure ROS is installed. Install dependencies:
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev ros-noetic-eigenpy ros-noetic-hpp-fcl ros-noetic-pinocchio
Ensure that you also modify $PYTHONPATH
to include the location of
Pinocchio's Python bindings. Typically, this would be something like
Clone this repository into the catkin workspace:
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone mobile_manipulation_central
Install Python dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the workspace:
catkin build
For working with real hardware, install the following packages into the catkin workspace:
- ur_robot_driver - for the UR10 arm.
- robotiq - for the Robotiq 3F gripper. This is a fork of the original (now unmaintained) repo.
- vicon_bridge - required to track the position of the mobile base. May also be useful to track other objects, calibrate the EE pose, etc.
The ROS master node runs onboard the Ridgeback computer and is started
automatically when the Ridgeback is turned on. You need to tell your laptop
where to reach the ROS master. First, add to /etc/hosts
: cpr-tor11-01
Then, in each terminal where you want to connect to the robot over ROS, run
export ROS_IP=
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://cpr-tor11-01:11311
To revert back to default settings (so you can run ROS locally, for example), do:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
unset ROS_IP
It is convenient to put the above functions in a script that can be easily sourced (I like to use this tool).
Connect to the robot via ethernet and set up a new Wired Connection named
. In the IPv4 Settings
tab, switch to method Manual
and enter an
address of
with netmask
. Leave the gateway
blank. Once done, you should be able to ping the robot at
One of the main goals of this repo is to facilitate easy development over ROS.
We provide ROS interfaces for the base, arm, and combined mobile manipulator
system (src/mobile_manipulation_central/
) which provide a
standard API to communicate with the robot over ROS. Theses interfaces can be
used seamlessly with real hardware or a simulated version of the robot
This repo provides a basic simulation environment based on
PyBullet, a demo of which can be found in
Kinematics based on Pinocchio is
provided in both C++ and Python. An example of the kinematics in C++ can be
found in src/kinematics_example.cpp
Some scripts expect the environment variable
to point to the directory where bags are
stored (to create or read bag files). Export this variable in your .bashrc
Vicon is used to track the base position as well as any other objects in the
scene. You must be connected to the DSL_DroneNet_5G
Start the Vicon bridge, UR10 driver, and gripper driver:
roslaunch mobile_manipulation_central thing.launch
To stream commands to the UR10, you must start the onboard program.
Interaction with the robot is primarily done using the feedback topics (of type
and the velocity command topics
/ridgeback/cmd_vel # geometry_msgs/Twist
/ur10/cmd_vel # std_msgs/Float64MultiArray
For Python nodes this is abstracted away using the interfaces in
There are some convenient scripts in the scripts
sends the robot to a particular home configuration, which is taken fromhome.yaml
opens and closes the gripper.control/sine_trajectory
tracks a sinusoidal trajectory with a single joint.
Unit tests can be found in the test
directory. Currently there are only
Python unit tests, which can be run using pytest.
With reference to this file, the limits are:
Joint | Velocity | Acceleration |
x | 1.1 m/s | 2.5 m/s² |
y | 1.1 m/s | 2.5 m/s² |
yaw | 2.0 rad/s | 1.0 rad/s² |
With reference to the UR10 datasheet as well as the onboard UR10 configuration files (for acceleration), the joint limits are:
Joint | Position (rad) | Velocity (rad/s) | Acceleration (rad/s²) |
1 | ± 2π | ± ⅔π | ± 40 |
2 | ± 2π | ± ⅔π | ± 40 |
3 | ± 2π | ± π | ± 40 |
4 | ± 2π | ± π | ± 40 |
5 | ± 2π | ± π | ± 40 |
6 | ± 2π | ± π | ± 40 |
- Ridgeback:
- UR10:
- Gripper:
- F/T sensor:
The lights on the corners of the Ridgeback mean different things depending on the color. The main ones are:
- Green: plugged in (not necessarily charging)
- Flashing red: e-stop
- Front white, back red: ready to drive
- Flashing yellow: battery level is below 24V, charge soon
- The Ridgeback controller automatically publishes a zero command (i.e. brake)
to the Ridgeback when a new connection is made; i.e., when something new
subscribes or publishes to the
topic. This appears to be due to this line. - Start or stop a particular
controller using:rosrun controller_manager controller_manager start <controller_name> rosrun controller_manager controller_manager stop <controller_name>
- The PS4 controller for the Ridgeback can be manually turned off by holding the PS button for about 15 seconds (until the blue light turns off).
- The gripper typically uses real-time ethernet (Modbus TCP) for communication. If this fails for some reason, it is also possible to communicate using Modbus RTU over a USB connection. This requires the Robotiq User Interface GUI, which only runs in Windows.
Ensure you have diagnostics_msgs
installed (sudo apt install ros-noetic-diagnostic-msgs
). Then:
rosrun mobile_manipulation_central
Battery voltage should be between 22V (very low charge) and 27.6V (recently charged) (see here). If the voltage is approaching 22V, stop experiments and plug in the robot.
- High-level functions: ridgeback
- Low-level functions: ridgeback_robot
- Motor driver: puma_motor_driver
It appears that the on-board battery is wearing down. The battery voltage on start-up (after charging) is now only about 25V, instead of the nominal full charge of 27.6V. It is worth checking this regularly to assess the battery health over time.The battery has been replaced; a full charge is now approximately 25.6V.- Occasionally when starting the robot the connection to the UR10 cannot be
made. The
node (launched as part ofthing.launch
) will complain with something along the lines ofThus far the only known solution is to restart the UR10 until the problem goes away (i.e. the connection is established properly). There is no need to restart the Ridgeback. It appears that this is a startup issue; the connection is generally very stable once established. The ethernet cable between the base and arm computers does not seem to be at fault: it was replaced and the issue was seen again.could not connect to robot at address
- Related to the above, it is possible that the connection from the laptop to the Ridgeback will also not be available, despite the base (and possibly the arm) appearing to be powered on normally. Restarting the base eventually resolves the problem. It is possible that the ethernet cable between the base's network switch and the arm's computer is wearing out and will need to be replaced.
- Occasionally after starting the arm, one may get protective stops after every small movement of the arm, due to base deviation from desired path. So far, it appears that restarting the arm resolved the problem.
- Add Kalman filter for Ridgeback base and UR10 joints