Currently supported VK API version: 5.101.
Method: photos.get
Params: owner_id
Download URL: item['sizes'][sizes.index(SIZE_LETTER)]['url']
Method: photos.getAll
Params: owner_id
Download URL: item['sizes'][sizes.index(SIZE_LETTER)]['url']
Method: stories.get
Params: owner_id
Download URL photo: item[0]['photo']['sizes'][sizes.index(SIZE_LETTER)]['url']
Download URL video: item[0]['video']['files']['mp4_' + RESOLUTION]
"title":"vk stories",
Method: video.get
Params: owner_id
Download URL native: Parse item['player']
to find a download link (first link represents the best quality available) OR pass it to youtube-dl
Download URL external: Pass item['player']
to youtube-dl
"id": 456241895,
"owner_id": -51189706,
"title": "Новый учитель",
"duration": 8,
"description": "by Grumpy Serg",
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