title |
Canberra TCU |
--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
Name | ID | Callsign | Frequency | Login Identifier |
Canberra Approach East | CBE | Canberra Approach | 124.500 | CB_APP |
Canberra Approach West† | CBW | Canberra Approach | 125.900 | CB-W_APP |
Canberra Flow† | CB_FMP |
† Non-standard positions may only be used in accordance with VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy
The Vertical limits of the CB TCU are SFC
to F245
Voiceless coordination is in place from CB TCU to ENR for aircraft assigned the lower of F240
or the RFL
, and tracking via a Procedural SID terminus.
Any aircraft not meeting the above criteria must be prior coordinated to ENR.
!!! example
CB TCU -> GUN: "EVY113, with your concurrence, will be assigned F180, for my separation with QLK165D"
GUN -> CB TCU: "EVY113, concur F180"
The Standard assignable level from ENR to CB TCU is F130
. All other levels must be prior coordinated
CB ADC is responsible for the Class C Airspace within the CB CTR SFC
to A035
'Next' coordination is not required from CB ADC for aircraft that are:
a) Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS; and
b) Assigned the standard assignable level; and
c) Assigned a Procedural SID
!!! example
CB ADC -> CB TCU: "Next, ABC, runway 35"
CB TCU -> CB ADC: "ABC, Track Extended Centreline, unrestricted"
CB ADC -> CB TCU: "Track Extended Centreline, ABC"
The Standard Assignable level from CB ADC to CB TCU is:
For IFR aircraft: A100
For VFR aircraft: The lower of A040
or the RFL
The Canberra CTR contains the Southcare Helicopter Base (YXSB) as well as two hospitals (Calvary Hospital and Canberra Hospital). Helicopters inbound to these helipads should be coordinated with CB ADC who can use a visual separation techniques as required. ADC and the TMA controller should work together to determine the most appropriate clearance limit (if required due traffic) for the helicopter, before frequency transfer is issued. ADC will issue a visual approach clearance when it is available.
!!! example
RSCU201 is an IFR AW139 helicopter tracking from the east for Southcare Base (YXSB).
CBE -> CB ADC: "To the east, RSCU201, for Southcare Base, are you able to separate with the arrival path to runway 35?"
CB ADC -> CBE: "Affirm, RSCU201 clearance limit Queanbeyan"
CBE -> CB ADC: "Clearance limit Queanbeyan, RSCU201"
**CBE**: "RSCU201, clearance limit Queanbeyan, contact Tower 118.7"
Departing helicopters may transit the CTR to Class G (under the direction of ADC) or be coordinated with the TCU to determine the availability of an airways clearance in CTA.
All aircraft transiting between internal CB TCU boundaries must be heads-up coordinated.
!!! example
CBW -> CBE: "via CB, FD123"
CBE -> CBW: "FD123, A090"
Boundary coordination is not required between CBW and CBE for aircraft arriving or departing tracking via the 17/35 extended centreline.