diff --git a/base/geometry.asy b/base/geometry.asy
index 1c8a95063..e723b42dc 100644
--- a/base/geometry.asy
+++ b/base/geometry.asy
@@ -3164,7 +3164,6 @@ circle circle(explicit point C, real r)
circle circle(point A, point B)
{/*Return the circle of diameter AB.*/
- real r;
circle oc;
real a = abs(A), b = abs(B);
if(finite(a) && finite(b)) {
@@ -3269,10 +3268,10 @@ circle operator -(explicit circle c, vector m)
{/*Translation of 'c'.*/
return circle(c.C - m, c.r);
real operator ^(point M, explicit circle c)
-{/*The power of 'M' with respect to the circle 'c'*/
- return xpart((abs(locate(M) - locate(c.C)), c.r)^2);
+{/*The power of 'M' with respect to the circle 'c'.*/
+ return abs(locate(M) - locate(c.C))^2 - c.r^2;
bool operator @(point M, explicit circle c)
@@ -6304,65 +6303,128 @@ void dot(picture pic = currentpicture, triangle t, pen p = currentpen)
// *=======================================================*
// *.......................INVERSIONS......................*
-point inverse(real k, point A, point M)
-{/*Return the inverse point of 'M' with respect to point A and inversion radius 'k'.*/
- return A + k/conj(M - A);
-point radicalcenter(circle c1, circle c2)
+point inverse(real k, point C, point P)
+{/*Return the inverse point of 'P' with respect to point 'C' and inversion power 'k'.*/
+ if (k == 0 || !finite(k)) abort("inverse: inversion power must be non-zero and finite");
+ if (!finite(C)) abort("inverse: inversion center must be finite");
+ point[] p = standardizecoordsys(C, P);
+ coordsys R = p[0].coordsys;
+ if (p[1] == p[0]) return point(R, (infinity, infinity));
+ if (!finite(p[1])) return C;
+ return C + k/conj(P - C);
+point radicalcenter(circle c1, circle c2, bool abort=true)
+ If 'abort' is 'true' and the circles are concentric, execution will be aborted.
+ If 'abort' is 'false' and the circles are both concentric and congruent, a warning is sent
+ but the common center is returned (as the most convenient point among infinitely many points in the plane
+ having the same power of a point with respect to both circles).*/
+ // TODO Consider degenerate circle(s)
+ if (c1.C == c2.C) {
+ bool congruent = abs(c1.r) == abs(c2.r);
+ if (congruent && !abort) {
+ warning("radicalcenter", "The common center is returned as the most convenient point
+for two circles which are both concentric and congruent.");
+ return c1.C;
+ }
+ abort("radicalcenter: circles are concentric" + (congruent ? " and congruent" : ""));
+ }
point[] P = standardizecoordsys(c1.C, c2.C);
- real k = c1.r^2 - c2.r^2;
+ coordsys R = P[0].coordsys;
pair C1 = locate(c1.C);
pair C2 = locate(c2.C);
+ real k = c1.r^2 - c2.r^2;
pair oop = C2 - C1;
- pair K = (abs(oop) == 0) ?
- (infinity, infinity) :
- midpoint(C1--C2) + 0.5 * k * oop/dot(oop, oop);
- return point(P[0].coordsys, K/P[0].coordsys);
-line radicalline(circle c1, circle c2)
- if (c1.C == c2.C) abort("radicalline: the centers must be distinct");
+ pair K = (C1 + C2)/2 + k/2 * oop/dot(oop, oop);
+ return point(R, K/R);
+line radicalline(circle c1, circle c2, bool abort=true)
+ If 'abort' is 'true' and the circles are concentric, execution will be aborted.
+ If 'abort' is 'false' and the circles are both concentric and congruent, a warning is sent
+ but the line through the common center in direction '(1, 0)' is returned (as the most convenient one
+ among infinitely many).*/
+ // TODO Consider degenerate circle(s)
+ if (c1.C == c2.C) {
+ bool congruent = abs(c1.r) == abs(c2.r);
+ if (congruent && !abort) {
+ warning("radicalline", "The line through the common center in direction '(1, 0)' is returned as the most convenient line
+for two circles which are both concentric and congruent.");
+ return line(c1.C, c1.C + vector(c1.C.coordsys, (1, 0)));
+ }
+ abort("radicalline: circles are concentric" + (congruent ? " and congruent" : ""));
+ }
return perpendicular(radicalcenter(c1, c2), line(c1.C, c2.C));
point radicalcenter(circle c1, circle c2, circle c3)
+ // TODO Consider degenerate circle(s)
+ /* Pseudocode:
+ - Introduce optional argument bool abort=true
+ - Remove duplicate circles from the set { c1, c2, c3 } considering two circles ci and cj to be equal
+ if ci.C == cj.C and abs(ci.r) == abs(cj.r)
+ - If there is only one unique circle c1', there are infinitely many points in the plane having
+ the same power of a point with respect to all circles:
+ if !abort: warn and return the common center as the most convenient point
+ otherwise: abort (there is no unique point)
+ (It seems that calling radicalcenter(c1', c1', abort) will do.)
+ - If there are two unique circles c1' and c2':
+ if concentric (hence non-congruent): abort (there is no point at all)
+ otherwise: there are infinitely many points in the plane having the same power of a point with respect to all circles
+ if !abort: warn and return radicalcenter(c1', c2') as the most convenient point (the value of the optional argument is not relevant here)
+ otherwise: abort (there is no unique point)
+ - If all circles are pairwise distinct:
+ if any two concentric (hence non-congruent): abort (there is no point at all)
+ otherwise:
+ if centers are collinear: (there is either none or infinitely many points)
+ check if radicalcenter(ci, cj) for all three pairs returns one unique point (the value of the optional argument is not relevant here)
+ if yes and !abort: warn and return that point as the most convenient point
+ otherwise: abort (there is no point at all)
+ otherwise: return intersectionpoint(radicalline(c1, c2), radicalline(c1, c3))
+ */
return intersectionpoint(radicalline(c1, c2), radicalline(c1, c3));
struct inversion
- point C;
- real k;
+ /*
+ restricted real k = 1;/*Inversion power*/
+ /*
+ restricted point C;/*Inversion center*/
+ /*
+ void operator init(real k, point C)
+ {/*Initialize the inversion with respect to 'C' having inversion power 'k'.*/
+ if (k == 0 || !finite(k)) abort("inversion: inversion power must be non-zero and finite");
+ if (!finite(C)) abort("inversion: inversion center must be finite");
+ this.k = k;
+ this.C = C;
+ }
-inversion inversion(real k, point C)
-{/*Return the inversion with respect to 'C' having inversion radius 'k'.*/
- inversion oi;
- oi.k = k;
- oi.C = C;
- return oi;
-inversion inversion(point C, real k)
-{/*Return the inversion with respect to 'C' having inversion radius 'k'.*/
- return inversion(k, C);
+ /*
+ void operator init(point C, real k)
+ {/*Initialize the inversion with respect to 'C' having inversion power 'k'.*/
+ if (k == 0 || !finite(k)) abort("inversion: inversion power must be non-zero and finite");
+ if (!finite(C)) abort("inversion: inversion center must be finite");
+ this.k = k;
+ this.C = C;
+ }
-inversion inversion(circle c1, circle c2, real sgn = 1)
-{/*Return the inversion which transforms 'c1' to
- . 'c2' and positive inversion radius if 'sgn > 0';
- . 'c2' and negative inversion radius if 'sgn < 0';
+inversion[] inversion(circle c1, circle c2, real sgn = 1)
+{/*Return the inversions which transform 'c1' to
+ . 'c2' and positive inversion power if 'sgn > 0';
+ . 'c2' and negative inversion power if 'sgn < 0';
. 'c1' and 'c2' to 'c2' if 'sgn = 0'.*/
if(sgn == 0) {
point O = radicalcenter(c1, c2);
@@ -6379,9 +6441,9 @@ inversion inversion(circle c1, circle c2, real sgn = 1)
inversion inversion(circle c1, circle c2, circle c3)
-{/*Return the inversion which transform 'c1' to 'c1', 'c2' to 'c2' and 'c3' to 'c3'.*/
- point Rc = radicalcenter(c1, c2, c3);
- return inversion(Rc, Rc^c1);
+{/*Return the inversion which transforms 'c1' to 'c1', 'c2' to 'c2' and 'c3' to 'c3'.*/
+ point O = radicalcenter(c1, c2, c3);
+ return inversion(O^c1, O);
circle operator cast(inversion i){return circle(i.C, sgn(i.k) * sqrt(abs(i.k)));}
@@ -6401,57 +6463,50 @@ inversion inversion(circle c)
return c;
point operator *(inversion i, point P)
{/*Provide inversion * point.*/
return inverse(i.k, i.C, P);
-void lineinversion()
+circle lineinversion(point C, line l)
- warning("lineinversion", "the inversion of the line is not a circle.
+ circle oc = circle(C, infinity);
+ oc.l = l;
+ warning("lineinversion", "The inversion of the line is not a circle.
The returned circle has an infinite radius, circle.l has been set.");
+ return oc;
-circle inverse(real k, point A, line l)
+circle inverse(real k, point C, line l)
{/*Return the inverse circle of 'l' with
- respect to point 'A' and inversion radius 'k'.*/
- if(A @ l) {
- lineinversion();
- circle C = circle(A, infinity);
- C.l = l;
- return C;
- }
- point Ap = inverse(k, A, l.A), Bp = inverse(k, A, l.B);
- return circle(A, Ap, Bp);
+ respect to point 'C' and inversion power 'k'.*/
+ if(C @ l) return lineinversion(C, l);
+ point A = inverse(k, C, l.A);
+ point B = inverse(k, C, l.B);
+ return circle(C, A, B);
circle operator *(inversion i, line l)
{/*Provide inversion * line for lines that don't pass through the inversion center.*/
return inverse(i.k, i.C, l);
-circle inverse(real k, point A, circle c)
+circle inverse(real k, point C, circle c)
{/*Return the inverse circle of 'c' with
- respect to point A and inversion radius 'k'.*/
- if(degenerate(c)) return inverse(k, A, c.l);
- if(A @ c) {
- lineinversion();
- point M = rotate(180, c.C) * A, Mp = rotate(90, c.C) * A;
- circle oc = circle(A, infinity);
- oc.l = line(inverse(k, A, M), inverse(k, A, Mp));
- return oc;
- }
- point[] P = standardizecoordsys(A, c.C);
+ respect to point 'C' and inversion power 'k'.*/
+ if(degenerate(c)) return inverse(k, C, c.l);
+ if(C @ c) return lineinversion(C, line(inverse(k, C, rotate(+90, c.C) * C), inverse(k, C, rotate(-90, c.C) * C)));
+ point[] P = standardizecoordsys(C, c.C);
real s = k/((P[1].x - P[0].x)^2 + (P[1].y - P[0].y)^2 - c.r^2);
- return circle(P[0] + s * (P[1]-P[0]), abs(s) * c.r);
+ return circle(P[0] + s * (P[1] - P[0]), abs(s) * c.r);
circle operator *(inversion i, circle c)
{/*Provide inversion * circle.*/
return inverse(i.k, i.C, c);
@@ -7102,18 +7157,18 @@ arc arc(explicit arc a, point M, point N)
-arc inverse(real k, point A, segment s)
-{/*Return the inverse arc circle of 's'
- with respect to point A and inversion radius 'k'.*/
- point Ap = inverse(k, A, s.A), Bp = inverse(k, A, s.B),
- M = inverse(k, A, midpoint(s));
- return arccircle(Ap, M, Bp);
+arc inverse(real k, point C, segment s)
+{/*Return the inverse arc circle of 's' with
+ respect to point 'C' and inversion power 'k'.*/
+ point A = inverse(k, C, s.A);
+ point B = inverse(k, C, s.B);
+ point M = inverse(k, C, midpoint(s));
+ return arccircle(A, M, B);
arc operator *(inversion i, segment s)
- inversion * segment.*/
+{/*Provide inversion * segment.*/
return inverse(i.k, i.C, s);