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385 lines (307 loc) · 17.8 KB

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385 lines (307 loc) · 17.8 KB


The Superchain contracts in this repository extend the Velodrome ecosystem beyond OP Mainnet to the rest of the Superchain. Protocols and users on other chains will be able to benefit from participating in the Velodrome ecosystem.


  • The root chain refers to the main chain that the Velodrome protocol exists on. This is currently OP Mainnet.
  • The leaf chain refers to any chain that Velodrome expands to.
  • A pool refers to any pool type currently supported by Velodrome (e.g. vAMM/sAMM, slipstream etc).
  • A gauge refers to any gauge type currently supported by Velodrome.
  • A contract is considered a trusted contract if it is registered on a voter on root or leaf or on the factory registry on root.


The Superchain release does not change the flow or mechanics of Velodrome V2.

Every pool on the leaf chain will have a root pool (see interfaces/root/pools/IRootPool.sol). The leaf chain pool will also have a gauge if the root pool has one (see interfaces/root/gauges/IRootGauge.sol). The root pool is a placeholder and it is used by the Voter to maintain a registry of the created pools and gauges.

The root pool does not allow liquidity deposits. The root gauge's sole purpose is to facilitate the forwarding of emissions from the root chain to the leaf chain.

The creation of a root gauge will trigger the creation of a leaf gauge. This is the only way a leaf gauge can be created. If a leaf pool does not exist, it will be created along with the leaf gauge.

The leaf gauges accept incentives and accrue fees for every epoch, following the existing protocol mechanics.

Votes for root gauges will be forwarded to the leaf gauges for accounting purposes. On epoch flip, emissions for the leaf gauges will be received by the root gauges. Root gauges will wrap VELO emissions into XVELO before bridging it to the leaf chain to be deposited into the leaf gauges.

Leaf pool liquidity providers with staked deposits will accrue and claim XVELO emissions.

XVELO will be used as the emissions token across the Superchain.

See more information on the Superchain flow in the E2E test at test/e2e/concrete/gaugeFlow/GaugeFlow.t.sol.


New features have been added. They will be described based on where the originating transaction takes place, even if there may be side effects on other chains.

There is a new bridgeable token XVELO. This token can be redeemed 1:1 for VELO on the root chain.


  • A user will be able to create a gauge on a leaf chain by calling createGauge on the Voter on root.
  • A user will be able to vote for gauges on other chains.
  • A user will be able to claim voting rewards on the leaf chain.
  • Emissions can be streamed to a gauge on the leaf chain.
  • Leaf chain gauges will have their maximum weekly emissions capped. This cap is modifiable.
  • A user will be able to bridge XVELO to any other chain with a live Superchain deployment.


  • A user will be able to claim gauge rewards (emissions).
  • A user will be able LP in a pool and stake their LP tokens / nft in a gauge to earn emissions.
  • A user will be able to bridge XVELO to any other chain with a live Superchain deployment.
  • Protocols will be able to deposit incentives for voters on the leaf chain.


Most contracts in this repository will be deployed via CREATEX. This is available on many chains already and will be available as a preinstall on the Superchain.

The following contracts are deployed via CREATE3:

  • vAMM/sAMM pool implementation
  • vAMM/sAMM pool factory
  • Gauge factory
  • Gauges
  • Voting rewards factory
  • XERC20Factory, XERC20Lockbox and XERC20 contract
  • TokenBridge
  • MessageBridge
  • Hyperlane Message Module
  • Router
  • LeafVoter (this contract does not have the same address as the root voter)

As contracts are deployed via CREATE3, the implementation for the leaf chains must be reviewed before it is enabled. This is because the code at the address could be different. The expectation is that the root chain will run root code (housed in the root folder) and the leaf chains will all operate the same leaf code. If there are differences in leaf chain code, it may be to support features not available on other chains (e.g. gas fee sharing).

Token whitelisting for leaf chains is different from the root chain. Tokens are automatically whitelisted when a corresponding gauge is created and unwhitelisted when the gauge is killed. For a token to be whitelisted, it must exist as a token in at least one live gauge on the leaf chain.

The bridge uses a message module pattern, allowing for the messaging mechanism to be replaced on a per-chain basis. The goal is to eventually move towards native interop, when it becomes available on the leaf chain.

There is a new emergency council contract that acts as a wrapper around the existing emergency council. This allows it to kill and revive gauges on the leaf chain. It will no longer be possible to use the emergency council on the voter for other purposes.

Message Bridge

Superchain contracts on the root chain push messages to the leaf chain via the bridge. The contracts encode a payload, which is then passed to the bridge. The bridge uses the root Voter or FactoryRegistry contracts to verify that the sender is a trusted contract before forwarding the payload to the module.

The module then engages with the messaging vendor to send the message to the leaf chain. Currently, the message module supports cross chain message passing via Hyperlane.

Gas payments for cross chain transactions are currently paid for by the original sender on the root chain in WETH, representing the wrapped token of what OP Mainnet uses for gas fees. In the future, it may be possible to add middleware to allow for a sponsor to pay for gas fees.

The diagram below shows the flow of messages from the root chain to the leaf chain. Most message flows follow the same general pattern, but may have different intermediary contracts and destination contracts. The following example assumes the voter has never voted before.

Assume that any pool and gauge contracts are interchangeable with any other pool and gauge type (e.g. vAMM/sAMM, slipstream etc).

origin refers to the chainid that the message originated from. destination refers to the chainid that the message is being sent to.

Note the usage of Voter as the canonical source of truth for valid message senders.

  participant User
  participant Voter (Root)
  participant RootIncentiveVotingReward
  participant RootFeesVotingReward
  participant RootMessageBridge
  participant WETH (Root)
  participant RootMessageModule
  participant MessageVendor (Root)
  participant MessageVendor (Leaf)
  participant LeafMessageModule
  participant LeafVoter
  participant IncentiveVotingReward (Leaf)
  participant FeeVotingReward (Leaf)

  User->>Voter (Root): vote(tokenId, weight, poolVote[], weights[])
  Voter (Root) ->>RootIncentiveVotingReward: _deposit(amount, tokenId)
  Voter (Root)->>RootFeesVotingReward: _deposit(amount, tokenId)
  RootFeesVotingReward->>RootMessageBridge: sendMessage(destination, message)
  RootMessageBridge->>Voter (Root): gaugeToFees(sender)
  RootMessageBridge->>RootMessageModule: quote(destination, message)
  RootMessageBridge->>WETH (Root): safeTransferFrom(txOrigin, RootMessageBridge, fee)
  RootMessageBridge->>RootMessageModule: sendMessage{fee}(destination, message)
  RootMessageModule->>MessageVendor (Root): dispatch(destionation, recipient, message)
  MessageVendor (Leaf)->>LeafMessageModule: handle(origin, sender, message)
  LeafMessageModule->>LeafVoter: gaugeToIncentive(gauge)
  LeafMessageModule->>LeafVoter: gaugeToFees(gauge)
  LeafMessageModule->>IncentiveVotingReward (Leaf): _deposit(amount, tokenId)
  LeafMessageModule->>FeeVotingReward (Leaf): _deposit(amount, tokenId)

As another example, this is notifyRewardAmount (called via `Voter.distribute()).

Some assumptions were made to simplify the diagram.

  • Calls related to Velodrome Minter that are unrelated to the cross chain emissions flow have been excluded.
  • Emissions are assumed to be within the limit.
  participant Keeper
  participant Voter (Root)
  participant Minter (Root)
  participant RootGauge
  participant VELO (Root)
  participant XVELO Lockbox (Root)
  participant XVELO (Root)
  participant RootMessageBridge
  participant RootMessageModule
  participant WETH (Root)
  participant MessageVendor (Root)
  participant MessageVendor (Leaf)
  participant LeafMessageModule
  participant XVELO (Leaf)
  participant LeafGauge

  Keeper->>Voter (Root): notifyRewardAmount(amount)
  Voter (Root)->>Minter (Root): updatePeriod()
  Minter (Root)->>VELO (Root): mint(minter, amount)
  Minter (Root)->>VELO (Root): safeTransfer(voter, amount)
  Minter (Root)->>Voter (Root): notifyRewardAmount(amount)
  Voter (Root)->>VELO (Root): safeIncreaseAllowance(rootGauge, claimable)
  Voter (Root)->>RootGauge: notifyRewardAmount(claimable)
  RootGauge->>VELO (Root): safeTransferFrom(voter, rootGauge, amount)
  RootGauge->>VELO (Root): safeIncreaseAllowance(lockbox, amount)
  RootGauge->>XVELO Lockbox (Root): deposit(amount)
  XVELO Lockbox (Root)->>VELO (Root): safeTransferFrom(rootGauge, lockbox, amount)
  XVELO Lockbox (Root)->>XVELO (Root): mint(rootGauge, amount)
  RootGauge->>XVELO (Root): safeIncreaseAllowance(rootBridge, amount)
  RootGauge->>RootMessageBridge: sendMessage(destination, message)
  RootMessageBridge->>Voter (Root): isAlive(sender)
  RootMessageBridge->>XVELO (Root): safeTransferFrom(rootGauge, rootModule, amount)
  RootMessageBridge->>RootMessageModule: quote(destination, message)
  RootMessageBridge->>WETH (Root): safeTransferFrom(txOrigin, RootMessageBridge, fee)
  RootMessageBridge->>RootMessageModule: sendMessage{fee}(destination, message)
  RootMessageModule->>XVELO (Root): burn(rootModule, amount)
  RootMessageModule->>MessageVendor (Root): dispatch(destionation, recipient, message)
  MessageVendor (Leaf)->>LeafMessageModule: handle(origin, sender, message)
  LeafMessageModule->>XVELO (Leaf): mint(leafModule, amount)
  LeafMessageModule->>XVELO (Leaf): safeIncreaseAllowance(leafGauge, amount)
  LeafMessageModule->>LeafGauge: notifyRewardAmount(amount)
  LeafGauge->>XVELO (Leaf): safeTransferFrom(leafModule, amount)

Message Components

Messages are a byte array that is abi.encodePackd with arguments required to execute each command.

The first byte of a message is the command. The second 20 bytes will be an address. This address is typically used for validation that the sender is authorized. Any subsequent bytes are required for the command to execute.

Messages apart from getReward should never revert (i.e. be dropped by the message vendor) on the leaf chain.

Deposit & Withdraw

This payload consists of:

  • 1 byte command
  • 20 byte gauge address
  • 32 byte amount
  • 32 byte token id
Get Incentives & Get Fees

This payload consists of:

  • 1 byte command
  • 20 byte gauge address
  • 20 byte recipient address
  • 32 byte token id
  • 1 byte tokens array length
  • 0 - 160 bytes of token addresses
Create Gauge

This payload consists of:

  • 1 byte command
  • 20 byte pool factory address
  • 20 byte voting rewards factory address
  • 20 byte gauge factory address
  • 20 byte token0 address
  • 20 byte token1 address
  • 3 byte pool parameter
Notify Reward & Notify Reward Without Claim

This payload consists of:

  • 1 byte command
  • 20 byte gauge address
  • 32 byte amount
Kill Gauge & Revive Gauge

This payload consists of:

  • 1 byte command
  • 20 byte gauge address

Message Invariants

  • Messages will only ever be sent by contracts verified as part of the Velodrome protocol.
  • Voting messages (i.e. those that trigger the DEPOSIT and WITHDRAW commands) must be processed sequentially and must never revert.
  • Any other messages sent by trusted contracts can be processed concurrently and in any order.
  • Messages should never revert in a way that prevents the message from ever being processed.


The following contracts store state that verifies that a contract is part of the Velodrome ecosystem.

  • The Voter contract on both root and leaf chains (LeafVoter).
  • The FactoryRegistry contract on the root chain.

Any contract that is registered on these two contracts will be able to send and receive messages.


Root Message Bridge

  • Supports the addition of modules used to send messages cross chain. These modules cannot be removed.
  • Supports the registering of new chains. Only the owner can register new chains. A module must be registered with the chain.
  • Supports the deregistering of chains. Only the owner can deregister chains.
  • Supports the setting of a module for a chain. This allows chains to communicate with each other via different message vendors. Care must be taken in the upgrade process.
  • Supports the sending of arbitrary messages by trusted Velodrome contracts.
  • Supports payment of fees via WETH.

Root Hyperlane Message Module

  • Supports the sending of messages cross chain via Hyperlane.
  • For token bridging transactions, the module is given permission to burn tokens on the root chain.

Token Bridge

  • Supports the sending of tokens cross chain via Hyperlane.
  • Fees are paid for in native ETH.
  • The token bridge may be sunset in the future in favor of alternate token bridging mechanisms.

Root Pool Factory

  • Supports the creation of pools on the root chain for tokens on other chains.
  • The same pool factory can be reused for all leaf chains.
  • Cannot create pools on the root chain.
  • The interface of this pool deviates from that of v2 and slipstream pool factories.


  • A placeholder pool. Stores chainid and token addresses associated with the pool.

Root Gauge Factory

  • Supports the creation of gauges on the root and leaf chain for tokens on other chains.
  • Automatically creates a pool on the leaf chain if it does not already exist.
  • Supports the setting of emission caps for gauges created by this factory.
  • Supports the setting of a default emission cap for gauges created by this factory.
  • Supports the setting of a notify admin. This admin will be able to add additional emissions to leaf gauges.

Root Gauge

  • Emissions received by the root gauge from voter will be deposited into the corresponding leaf gauge via the message bridge.
    • Emissions in excess of the cap as defined in the gauge factory are returned to the minter.
  • Emissions received by the root gauge from the notify admin will be deposited into the corresponding leaf gauge via the message bridge.


  • Supports the creation of incentive and fee voting rewards contracts on the root chain.
  • Supports the designation of a recipient for rewards on other chains.
    • Rewards contracts will use this recipient if it is set.
    • A recipient must be set for if one wishes to call vote or call getReward for a veNFT owned by a contract.


  • Supports the claiming of rewards from reward contracts on the leaf chain.
    • Rewards will be sent to the owner of the nft by default, but can be sent to any recipient.


  • Supports the depositing and withdrawing of voting weights to both incentive and fee contracts on the leaf chain.
  • Supports the claiming of rewards from reward contracts on the leaf chain.
    • Rewards will be sent to the owner of the nft by default, but can be sent to any recipient.

Emergency Council

  • Can do all existing tasks that the emergency council can do (e.g. kill / revive gauges etc).
  • Can kill / revive gauges on the leaf chain via the message bridge.



  • Supports the creation of gauges on the leaf chain via the message bridge.
  • Supports the killing of gauges on the leaf chain via the message bridge.
  • Supports the revival of gauges on the leaf chain via the message bridge.
  • Supports the claiming of rewards for gauges on the leaf chain.
  • Maintains a list of whitelisted tokens based on live gauges.

Pool, PoolFactory

  • Vanilla Velodrome vAMM / sAMM pool and pool factory contracts.


  • Supports the creation of gauges on the leaf chain via the message bridge.
  • Gauges are created with CREATE3, ensuring that they have the same address on the leaf chain and root chain.


  • Vanilla Velodrome vAMM / sAMM gauge contracts.
  • Lightly modified to support emissions deposited from the root chain.

IncentiveVotingRewards, FeesVotingRewards, VotingRewardsFactory

  • Vanilla Velodrome rewards contracts.
  • Lightly modified to support the recording of vote weights from the root chain.
  • Lightly modified to support the collection of rewards from the root chain.


The XERC20 implementation is a lightly modified version of the XERC20 implementation used by Moonwell, available here. The implementation deviates from the standard XERC20 implementation in the following ways:

  • Limits are managed by using a two sided buffer.
  • The structs used to manage bridge limits have been modified.
  • The function setLimits(bridge, mintingLimit, burningLimit) is now setBufferCap(bridge, newBufferCap) and setRateLimitPerSecond(bridge, newRateLimitPerSecond).

In addition to the above changes, our XERC20 implementation includes a lockbox and an XERC20Factory, that uses CREATE3 to deploy the XERC20 contracts. This ensures the contract has the same address on all chains.

The XERC20 implementation has also been lightly modified to support SuperchainERC20. A sample implementation is available here. This interface is also rate limited as per XERC20.