- Removed support for use of python versions <=3.5
- Updated to use any Flask version 2.x
- Updated to use any marshmallow version 3.x
- Fix deprecation warning [#6](#6)
- Accept any marshmallow version 2.x as requirement.
- Fix strip with none_if_empty in String field.
- Bug fix in custom exception handling.
- Bug fix in custom fields for schema marshalling.
- Add support for custom exception handling.
- Handle ValidationError when it is raised outside of a schema context.
- Improve content negotiator to return the right content type.
- Avoid deserializing missing values from fields.
- Allow user to choose the Flask version, the min version supported is 0.10.1.
- Add support to marshmallow 2.9.1.
- Replace the deprecated request.data by request.get_data.
- Bug fix.
- Add call stack to the logs when a unhandled exception occurs.
- Bug fix.
- Replaces own json by Flask json.
- Update marshmallow to the version 2.6.0
- Add attribute upper to the String field.
- Add UUID field.
- Update marshmallow to the version 2.5.0
- Bug fix in String field, validators were being executed when none_if_empty==True and the current value==''
- Add mac address validator.
- Add error handle to http exception.
- Add support for 'fields' parameter, it allows to select which fields should be returned by the api.
- Add support for multiple authentications
- Add support for authorization based on permissions.
- Update marshmallow to the version 2.4.2
- Update marshmallow to the version 2.4.0
- Fix issue that prevented installing the library
- Add String field
- Add a new customizable layer called Content Negotiation to selection of Parser and Renderer
- Add support to parameters on Content-Type and Accept headers
- Improve Enum field performance.
- Remove Encoders and Decoders in favor of Parser and Renderer
- Apache Licence has been replaced for MIT Licence
- Add method 'created' into FlaskIO class
- Make pre_load and pre_dump decorators importable from flask-io
- Update marshmallow to the version 2.2.0
- Added DelimitedList field
- Added request tracing
- Made some marshmallow classes importable from the flask-io
- Made parameters that use from_body mandatory
- Updated marshmallow to the version 2.1.2
- Change error response to wrap the list of errors into an attribute 'errors'
- Add extra arguments to the error class
- Refactor/Simplify the core
- Remove trace stuff (a new one will be released)
- Bug fix in the Enum field
- Rename module fields_ext to fields
- Add Complexity validator
- Add Password field
- Update Marshmallow to 2.1.0
- Added forbidden method to the FlaskIO class
- Added member_type parameter to the Enum field to specify the type of the members
- Made Enum field compatible with marshmallow 2.0.0
- Removed fields code and message from the root level of the error response
- Renamed field reason to code in the error response
- Only non http exceptions are logged
- The content-type for response with no payload is text/html
- Added log for unhandled exceptions
- Added Enum field which accept python Enum object
- New error message when the content-type is not supported