This changelog consists the bug & security fixes and new features being included in the releases listed below.
[feature] Push Notifications added.
[Bug] Fixed minor issues.
[Bug] Correct sort by .Update it To A-Z, showing sort by Z-A twice.
[Bug] Correct the spelling of start on cart page.
[Bug] Page view mode is not working.
[Bug] Increase the size of text Quantity.
[Bug] while selecting any product for shopping, BUY NOW button is also working as ADD TO CART button instead of directly redirecting to check out page.
[Bug] Correct the required password length from both create account and sign-in page. It should be 6.
[Bug] No use of forward arrow on address in address book.
[Bug] Layout issue while sliding category.
[Bug] Update Amt. to be paid to "Amount to be paid" everywhere.
[Bug] On clicking on Remove button of address page address doesn't get removed.
[Bug] Click on wishlist button for first time it will add product in wishlist, again click on button it will remove the product from wishlist. It should show a message product already present or added in your wishlist.
[Bug] Getting incorrect date of order in customer order section.
[Bug] Getting incorrect notification message while moving product to cart from Wishlist. Update it to Item Successfully Moved from Wishlist.
[Bug] After clicking on "Buy Now" also product get added into cart.It should redirect to checkout page.
[Bug] Special price of a product is not displaying on category page.
[Bug] Unable to move product to wishlist from cart.
[Bug] In Address Book, after adding address , in confirmation message there should be "added" in place of "created"
[Bug] Mention "6 characters" in place of "6 symbols " in password suggestion.
[Bug] On check out page, after clicking on remove item message is coming cart removed successfully.
[Bug] In order section, it is showing ay order in place of any order.
[Bug] It's not giving any validation error message even after entering any random value in email id, postal code or in any field while adding address to proceed payment.
[Bug] When click on details of any product first time it does not redirect to the details. User needs to scroll down to see the details.
[Bug] Getting incorrect validation message at Phone number and Postal code field of address book.
[Bug] Instead of showing Message Unauthenticated while adding product in wishlist without login, update the message "Please login to add product in wishlist".
[feature] Separate micro site.
[feature] More user friendly than a web application.
[feature] Works lightning fast if compared to the website.
[feature] Completely responsive on all the platforms.
[feature] Launches without the internet or low-quality internet.
[feature] Looks and feels like a native application.
[feature] Users do not need to update progressive web application.
[feature] No app store require managing the application.
[feature] Increases user engagement on the store.
[feature] Increases the store revenue due to user engagement.
[feature] Admin can enter the application name.
[feature] Admin can upload and change the application icon.
[feature] Admin can set the splash background color of the Progressive Web Application.
[feature] Admin can set the theme color of the Progressive Web Application.