diff --git a/Vision/Vision.bs b/Vision/Vision.bs
index cdf7256..2bbbe40 100644
--- a/Vision/Vision.bs
+++ b/Vision/Vision.bs
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ Previous Version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/DNOTE-w3c-vision-20231026/
 Editor: Chris Wilson, Google, w3cid 3742
 Editor: Tantek Çelik, Mozilla, w3cid 1464
-	The W3C Vision articulates W3C’s mission, 
-	what W3C is, what it does and why that matters,
-	and the values and principles by which it operates
-	and makes decisions.
+	The W3C Vision articulates
+	W3C’s mission, its values, and its organizational principles;
+	in other words, our vision for W3C as an organization
+	in the context of our vision for the Web itself.
+	The goal of this vision is not to predict the future,
+	but to define shared principles to guide our decisions.
 Status Text:
 	This document was developed by the Advisory Board
@@ -26,23 +28,6 @@ Boilerplate: omit conformance
 Markup Shorthands: markdown yes 
-# Purpose of this Document # {#purpose}
-	This document articulates
-	W3C’s mission, its values, and its organizational principles;
-	in other words, our vision for W3C as an organization
-	in the context of our vision for the Web itself.
-	The goal of this vision is not to predict the future,
-	but to define shared principles to guide our decisions.
-	The goals of this document are to:
-	* Help the world understand what W3C is, what it does, and why it matters
-	* Communicate shared values and principles of the W3C community
-	* Be opinionated enough to provide a framework for making decisions,
-		particularly on controversial issues
-	* Be timeless enough to guide W3C yet flexible enough to evolve when needed
 # Introduction # {#intro}
 	The World Wide Web was originally conceived
@@ -90,6 +75,14 @@ Markup Shorthands: markdown yes
 	people over profits, 
 	humanity over hate. 
+	The goals of this document are to:
+	* Help the world understand what W3C is, what it does, and why it matters
+	* Communicate shared values and principles of the W3C community
+	* Be opinionated enough to provide a framework for making decisions,
+		particularly on controversial issues
+	* Be timeless enough to guide W3C yet flexible enough to evolve when needed
 # W3C's Vision for the World Wide Web # {#vision-web}
 	* The Web is for <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/ethical-web-principles/#allpeople">all humanity</a>.