Data engineers develop and maintain data architectures to provide data to business operations and analysis.
Data engineers
- extract, integrate and organize data from different sources
- clean, transform and prepare data
- design, store and manage data in data repositories
Data engineers make data accessible and formatted in systems of business applications and data scientists and analysts.
Data analysis translates data in plain language to facilitate decision making.
Data analysts
- inspects and clean data for deriving insights
- identify correlations, patterns and apply statstical methods to mine data
- visualize data to present the results of analysis
Data Scientists analyze data for insights and build deep learning or machine learning models
Business Analysts look at results of Data Analysts and Data Scientists for potential implications for business and actions needed to perform.
BI Analysts focus more on market forces and external influences shaping businesses.
BI Analysts organize and montior data on different business fuctions and explore data to extract insights and actionables to improve performance.