We are now going to "go into" (or call) the folder (the directory) we downloaded for Watson Beat.
Go to your Start Menu, and type "cmd". Right click to "Run as Administrator".
Command cd \
Do you know which User you are? If not, press and hold on your keyboard Ctr
and Del
to open your Task Manager. In the menu, select the User tab, that is your username. :)
Back to the terminal, Dir
. NOTE: Windows is not case-sensitive like other operating systems, so you could do dir
command lists all the directories. See the directory called "Users"? We are going to cd
(cd = "call directory") which will place us in the "Users" directory.
cd Users
See your username?
Lets go to the project. I am assuming that this project is in the Downloads folder right now. If you placed it somewhere else, like Desktop
, then cd Desktop
. But I will assume that it is still within the Downloads folder for now.
cd Downloads
What is the project folder you extracted called? Mine is watson-beat-master
There you have it! You can now go back to the README and proceed with the tutorial.
We are now going to "go into" (or call) the folder (the directory) we downloaded for Watson Beat.
A) Open your terminal, so for Mac: Go to your Finder and select "Applications" and then the "Utilities" as shown.
From here, you should see your Terminal window (black box)
Optional) Open this up and type sudo -s
to become a superuser for this session.
B) Type pwd
in your terminal to see where you are now on your computer. Then ls
to get a list of your directory you are in.
You should see Downloads
here. This is (I am assuming out of sake of example) where your download of the project is located.
So, cd Downloads
or if you placed the project on your Desktop
or anywhere else, cd [PROJECT LOCATION]
NOTE: "cd" stands for "call directory". The terminal is case-sensitive, so mind you p and Q's. "Folder" same as "Directory".
C) Okay, are you in the correct directory per where your project was downloaded? My project folder is called watson-beat-master
, yours should be the same. If not, see what the name of the folder you downloaded and decompressed is.
There you have it! You can now go back to the README and proceed with the tutorial.
Open your terminal per searching for it, opening your overview of applications on lefthand side, or if you have it pinned.
to the root directory for this project.
There you have it! You can now go back to the README and proceed with the tutorial.