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Kevin Van Lierde edited this page Jan 29, 2019 · 10 revisions

GS UserMgr is an attempt at a more flexible and modern user management system to replace the severely outdated GetSimple CMS MultiUser plugin. Requires PHP 5.3+ and has following features:


Download the plugin from the GS Extend repository (or directly from Github).
Unzip the plugin to the plugins directory of your GS installation.

Quick test

Add the node <GROUP>publisher</GROUP> to your user XML file in /data/users/, and reload the admin dashboard. You should see the difference.

How it works

There are users, permissions, and user groups.
Users belong to a user group. A user group is just a collection of zero to all permissions, whose members are all users assigned to that group.


Permissions can be page access (PHP) or sidebar/ page section/ button etc. access (CSS/ Javascript). Even if a user somehow manages to find a link to an unauthorized page, page access restrictions will redirect them to an "Unauthorized" page. Permissions can be granted or denied to user groups. Access to logout.php, index.php (login), load.php (plugin base), and unauthorized.php files can not be restricted.
Read more about working with permissions.
View the list of standard permissions.

User groups

User groups are granted no permissions by default, except for the admin group, which has all permissions at all times. User groups can extend other user groups: they will then inherit all permissions from the extended user group. They can also be granted or denied additional permissions.
Read more about working with user groups.
View the list of standard user groups.


Users are all admin by default. In order to assign a user to a user group with limited permissions, the user.xml file must contain a node <GROUP>group_name</GROUP>, and the group_name.xml file must exist in /data/user_groups/. You can find the user.xml files in the /data/users/ directory. Users can be manipulated in PHP easily.