diff --git a/fetch.bs b/fetch.bs index 7e24ae7c3..3b8ad1e25 100644 --- a/fetch.bs +++ b/fetch.bs @@ -1515,6 +1515,9 @@ these steps:



This section documents how requests work in detail. To get started, see +[[#fetch-elsewhere-request]]. +

The input to fetch is a request. @@ -1700,7 +1703,7 @@ and "webidentity" as fetches with those destinations skip service w "xslt" as that too can cause script execution. It is not included in the list as it is not always relevant and might require different behavior. -


The following table illustrates the relationship between a request's initiator, destination, CSP directives, and features. It is not exhaustive with respect to features. Features need to have the relevant values defined in their @@ -8438,6 +8441,78 @@ correctly. This section aims to give some advice.

This is a work in progress. +

Setting up a request

+ +

The first step in fetching is to create a request, and populate its +items. + +

Start by setting the request's URL and method, +as defined by HTTP. If your `POST` or `PUT` request needs a +body, you set request's body to a byte sequence, or to +a new body whose stream is a {{ReadableStream}} you created. [[HTTP]] + +

Choose your request's destination using the guidance in the +destination table. Destinations affect +Content Security Policy and have other implications such as the [:Sec-Fetch-Dest:] +header, so they are much more than informative metadata. If a new feature requires a +destination that's not in the destination table, +please +file an issue +to discuss. [[CSP]] + +

Set your request's client to the +environment settings object you're operating in. Web-exposed APIs are generally defined with +Web IDL, for which every object that implements an interface has a +relevant settings object you can use. For example, a request associated with an +element would set the request's client to the element's +node document's relevant settings object. All features that are directly web-exposed +by JavaScript, HTML, CSS, or other {{Document}} subresources should have a +client. + +

If your fetching is not directly web-exposed, e.g., it is sent in the background +without relying on a current {{Window}} or {{Worker}}, leave request's +client as null and set the request's origin, +policy container, service-workers mode, and +referrer to appropriate values instead, e.g., by copying them from the +environment settings object ahead of time. In these more advanced cases, make sure the +details of how your fetch handles Content Security Policy and +referrer policy are fleshed out. Also make sure you handle concurrency, as callbacks +(see [[#fetch-elsewhere-fetch]]) would be posted on a parallel queue. [[REFERRER]] [[CSP]] + +

Think through the way you intend to handle cross-origin resources. Some features may only work in +the same origin, in which case set your request's mode to +"same-origin". Otherwise, new web-exposed features should almost always set their +mode to "cors". If your feature is not web-exposed, or you think +there is another reason for it to fetch cross-origin resources without CORS, please +file an issue +to discuss. + +

For cross-origin requests, also determines if credentials are to be included with +the requests, in which case set your request's credentials mode to +"include". + +

Figure out if your fetch needs to be reported to Resource Timing, and with which +initiator type. By passing an initiator type to the +request, reporting to Resource Timing will be done automatically once the +fetch is done and the response is fully downloaded. [[RESOURCE-TIMING]] + +

If your request requires additional HTTP headers, set its header list to +a header list that contains those headers, e.g., « (`My-Header-Name`, +`My-Header-Value`) ». Sending custom headers may have implications, such as requiring a +CORS-preflight fetch, so handle with care. + +

If you want to override the default caching mechanism, e.g., disable caching for this +request, set the request's cache mode to a value other than +"default". + +

Determine whether you want your request to support redirects. If you don't, set its +redirect mode to "error". + +

Browse through the rest of the parameters for request to see if something else is +relevant to you. The rest of the parameters are used less frequently, often for special purposes, +and they are documented in detail in the [[#requests]] section of this standard. + +

Invoking fetch

Aside from a request the fetch operation takes several optional