diff --git a/source b/source
index f9de26f7166..a6ec979f2c2 100644
--- a/source
+++ b/source
@@ -7177,6 +7177,37 @@ a.setAttribute('href', 'https://example.com/'); // change the content attribute
   <code>HTMLOrSVGElement</code> must set the <span>[[CryptographicNonce]]</span> slot on the copy
   to the value of the slot on the element being cloned.</p>
+  <h4>Lazy loading attributes</h4>
+  <p>A <dfn>lazy loading attribute</dfn> is an <span>enumerated attribute</span>. The following
+  table lists the keywords and states for the attribute &mdash; the keywords in the left column map
+  to the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword.</p>
+  <p>The attribute directs the user agent to fetch a resource immediately or to defer fetching until
+  some conditions associated with the element are met, according to the attribute's current
+  state.</p>
+  <table>
+   <thead>
+    <tr>
+     <th>Keyword
+     <th>State
+     <th>Description
+   <tbody>
+    <tr>
+     <td><dfn><code data-x="attr-loading-lazy">lazy</code></dfn>
+     <td><dfn data-x="attr-loading-lazy-state">Lazy</dfn>
+     <td>Used to defer fetching a resource until some conditions are met.
+    <tr>
+     <td><dfn><code data-x="attr-loading-eager">eager</code></dfn>
+     <td><dfn data-x="attr-loading-eager-state">Eager</dfn>
+     <td>Used to fetch a resource immediately; the default state.
+  </table>
+  <p>The attribute's <i data-x="missing value default">missing value default</i> and <i
+  data-x="invalid value default">invalid value default</i> are both the <span
+  data-x="attr-loading-eager-state">Eager</span> state.</p>
   <h3 split-filename="common-dom-interfaces">Common DOM interfaces</h3>
@@ -26338,6 +26369,7 @@ interface <dfn>HTMLSourceElement</dfn> : <span>HTMLElement</span> {
    <dd><code data-x="attr-dim-height">height</code></dd>
    <dd><code data-x="attr-img-referrerpolicy">referrerpolicy</code></dd>
    <dd><code data-x="attr-img-decoding">decoding</code></dd>
+   <dd><code data-x="attr-img-loading">loading</code></dd>
    data-x="concept-element-accessibility-considerations">Accessibility considerations</span>:</dt>
    <dd>If the element has a non-empty <code data-x="attr-img-alt">alt</code> attribute: <a
@@ -26368,6 +26400,7 @@ interface <dfn>HTMLImageElement</dfn> : <span>HTMLElement</span> {
   readonly attribute USVString <span data-x="dom-img-currentSrc">currentSrc</span>;
   [<span>CEReactions</span>] attribute DOMString <span data-x="dom-img-referrerPolicy">referrerPolicy</span>;
   [<span>CEReactions</span>] attribute DOMString <span data-x="dom-img-decoding">decoding</span>;
+  [<span>CEReactions</span>] attribute DOMString <span data-x="dom-img-loading">loading</span>;
   Promise&lt;void&gt; <span data-x="dom-img-decode">decode</span>();
@@ -26443,6 +26476,40 @@ interface <dfn>HTMLImageElement</dfn> : <span>HTMLElement</span> {
   default">missing value default</i> and <i data-x="invalid value default">invalid value
   default</i> are both the <span data-x="attr-img-decoding-auto-state">auto</span> state.</p>
+  <p>The <dfn data-x="attr-img-loading"><code>loading</code></dfn> attribute is a <span>lazy
+  loading attribute</span>. Its purpose is to indicate the policy for loading images that are
+  outside the viewport.</p>
+  <div class="example">
+<pre><code class="html" data-x="">&lt;img src="1.jpeg" alt="1">
+&lt;img src="2.jpeg" loading=eager alt="2">
+&lt;img src="3.jpeg" loading=lazy alt="3">
+&lt;div id=very-large>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- Everything after this div is below the viewport -->
+&lt;img src="4.jpeg" alt="4">
+&lt;img src="5.jpeg" loading=lazy alt="5"></code></pre>
+   <p>In the example above, the images load as follows:</p>
+   <dl class="switch">
+    <dt><code data-x="">1.jpeg</code>, <code data-x="">2.jpeg</code>,
+    <code data-x="">4.jpeg</code></dt>
+    <dd><p>The images load eagerly and delay the window's load event.</p></dd>
+    <dt><code data-x="">3.jpeg</code></dt>
+    <dd><p>The image loads when layout is known, due to being in the viewport, however it does not
+    delay the window's load event.</p></dd>
+    <dt><code data-x="">5.jpeg</code></dt>
+    <dd><p>The image loads only once scrolled into the viewport, and does not delay the window's
+    load event.</p></dd>
+   </dl>
+   <p class="note">Developers are encouraged to specify an intrinsic aspect ratio via <code
+   data-x="attr-dim-width">width</code> and <code data-x="attr-dim-height">height</code> attributes
+   on lazy loaded images, even if CSS sets the image's width and height properties, to prevent the
+   page layout from shifting around after the image loads.</p>
+  </div>
   <p>The <code>img</code> element must not be used as a layout tool. In particular, <code>img</code>
@@ -26631,7 +26698,11 @@ interface <dfn>HTMLImageElement</dfn> : <span>HTMLElement</span> {
   <p>The <dfn><code data-x="dom-img-decoding">decoding</code></dfn> IDL attribute must
   <span>reflect</span> the <code data-x="attr-img-decoding">decoding</code> content
-  attribute, <span>limited to only known values</span>.
+  attribute, <span>limited to only known values</span>.</p>
+  <p>The <dfn><code data-x="dom-img-loading">loading</code></dfn> IDL attribute must
+  <span>reflect</span> the <code data-x="attr-img-loading">loading</code> content attribute,
+  <span>limited to only known values</span>.</p>
@@ -28028,6 +28099,37 @@ was an English &lt;a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall&lt;/a> singer, ...</code
   <h6>Updating the image data</h6>
+  <p>The <dfn>will lazy load image steps</dfn>, given an <code>img</code> element <var>img</var>,
+  are as follows:</p>
+  <ol>
+   <li>
+    <p>If <span data-x="concept-n-noscript">scripting is disabled</span> for <var>img</var>, return
+    false.</p>
+    <p class="note">This is an anti-tracking measure, because if a user agent supported lazy loading
+    when scripting is disabled, it would still be possible for a site to track a user's approximate
+    scroll position throughout a session, by strategically placing images in a page's markup such
+    that a server can track how many images are requested and when.</p>
+   </li>
+   <li>
+    <p>If <var>img</var>'s <span>lazy loading attribute</span> is in the <span
+    data-x="attr-loading-lazy-state">Lazy</span> state, <var>img</var> does not <span>intersect the
+    viewport</span>, and <var>img</var> is not about to <span>intersect the viewport</span>, then
+    return true.</p>
+    <p class="note">This allows for fetching the image during scrolling, when it does not, but is
+    about to intersect the viewport.</p>
+   </li>
+   <li><p>Return false.</p></li>
+  </ol>
+  <p class="note">This algorithm cannot be called from steps running <span>in parallel</span>. If
+  a user agent needs to call this algorithm from steps running <span>in parallel</span>, it needs to
+  <span data-x="queue a task">queue</span> a task to do so.</p>
   <p>When the user agent is to <dfn>update the image data</dfn> of an <code>img</code> element,
   optionally with the <i>restart animations</i> flag set,
   it must run the following steps:</p>
@@ -28124,16 +28226,12 @@ was an English &lt;a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall&lt;/a> singer, ...</code
-   <li><p><span>Await a stable state</span>, allowing the <span
-   data-x="concept-task">task</span> that invoked this algorithm to continue.
-   The <span>synchronous
-   section</span> consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm until the algorithm says the
-   <span>synchronous section</span> has ended. (Steps in <span data-x="synchronous
-   section">synchronous sections</span> are marked with &#x231B;.)</p></li>
+   <li><p><span>Queue a microtask</span> to perform the rest of this algorithm, allowing the <span
+   data-x="concept-task">task</span> that invoked this algorithm to continue.</p></li>
-    <p>&#x231B; If another instance of this algorithm for this <code>img</code> element was started
-    after this instance (even if it aborted and is no longer running), then return.</p>
+    <p>If another instance of this algorithm for this <code>img</code> element was started after
+    this instance (even if it aborted and is no longer running), then return.</p>
     <p class="note">Only the last instance takes effect, to avoid multiple requests when, for
     example, the <code data-x="attr-img-src">src</code>, <code data-x="attr-img-srcset">srcset</code>,
@@ -28141,22 +28239,22 @@ was an English &lt;a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall&lt;/a> singer, ...</code
-   <li><p>&#x231B; Let <var>selected source</var> and <var>selected pixel density</var> be the URL
-   and pixel density that results from <span data-x="select an image source">selecting an image
-   source</span>, respectively.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Let <var>selected source</var> and <var>selected pixel density</var> be the URL and pixel
+   density that results from <span data-x="select an image source">selecting an image source</span>,
+   respectively.</p></li>
-    <p>&#x231B; If <var>selected source</var> is null, then:</p>
+    <p>If <var>selected source</var> is null, then:</p>
-     <li><p>&#x231B; Set the <span>current request</span>'s <span
-     data-x="img-req-state">state</span> to <span data-x="img-error">broken</span>, <span>abort the
-     image request</span> for the <span>current request</span> and the <span>pending request</span>,
-     and set <span>pending request</span> to null.</p></li>
+     <li><p>Set the <span>current request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-state">state</span> to
+     <span data-x="img-error">broken</span>, <span>abort the image request</span> for the
+     <span>current request</span> and the <span>pending request</span>, and set <span>pending
+     request</span> to null.</p></li>
-      <p>&#x231B; <span>Queue an element task</span> on the <span>DOM manipulation task
-      source</span> given the <code>img</code> element and the following steps:</p>
+      <p><span>Queue an element task</span> on the <span>DOM manipulation task source</span> given
+      the <code>img</code> element and the following steps:</p>
        <li><p>Change the <span>current request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-url">current
@@ -28169,26 +28267,26 @@ was an English &lt;a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall&lt;/a> singer, ...</code
-     <li><p>&#x231B; Return.</p></li>
+     <li><p>Return.</p></li>
-    <p>&#x231B; <span data-x="parse a url">Parse</span> <var>selected source</var>, relative to the
-    element's <span>node document</span>, and let <var>urlString</var> be the <span>resulting URL
+    <p><span data-x="parse a url">Parse</span> <var>selected source</var>, relative to the element's
+    <span>node document</span>, and let <var>urlString</var> be the <span>resulting URL
     string</span>. If that is not successful, then:</p>
-     <li><p>&#x231B; <span>Abort the image request</span> for the <span>current request</span> and
-     the <span>pending request</span>.</p></li>
+     <li><p><span>Abort the image request</span> for the <span>current request</span> and the
+     <span>pending request</span>.</p></li>
-     <li><p>&#x231B; Set the <span>current request</span>'s <span
-     data-x="img-req-state">state</span> to <span data-x="img-error">broken</span>.</p></li>
+     <li><p>Set the <span>current request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-state">state</span> to
+     <span data-x="img-error">broken</span>.</p></li>
-     <li><p>&#x231B; Set <span>pending request</span> to null.</p></li>
+     <li><p>Set <span>pending request</span> to null.</p></li>
-      <p>&#x231B; <span>Queue an element task</span> on the <span>DOM manipulation task
+      <p><span>Queue an element task</span> on the <span>DOM manipulation task
       source</span> given the <code>img</code> element and the following steps:</p>
@@ -28200,62 +28298,83 @@ was an English &lt;a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall&lt;/a> singer, ...</code
-     <li><p>&#x231B; Return.</p></li>
+     <li><p>Return.</p></li>
-   <li><p>&#x231B; If the <span>pending request</span> is not null and <var>urlString</var> is the
-   same as the <span>pending request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-url">current URL</span>, then
+   <li><p>If the <span>pending request</span> is not null and <var>urlString</var> is the same as
+   the <span>pending request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-url">current URL</span>, then
-   <li><p>&#x231B; If <var>urlString</var> is the same as the <span>current request</span>'s <span
+   <li><p>If <var>urlString</var> is the same as the <span>current request</span>'s <span
    data-x="img-req-url">current URL</span> and <span>current request</span>'s <span
    data-x="img-req-state">state</span> is <span data-x="img-inc">partially available</span>, then
    <span>abort the image request</span> for the <span>pending request</span>, <span>queue a
    task</span> to <span>restart the animation</span> if <i>restart animation</i> is set, and
-   <li><p>&#x231B; If the <span>pending request</span> is not null, then <span>abort the image
-   request</span> for the <span>pending request</span>.</p></li>
+   <li><p>If the <span>pending request</span> is not null, then <span>abort the image request</span>
+   for the <span>pending request</span>.</p></li>
-   <li><p>&#x231B; Set <var>image request</var> to a new <span>image request</span> whose <span
+   <li><p>Set <var>image request</var> to a new <span>image request</span> whose <span
    data-x="img-req-url">current URL</span> is <var>urlString</var>.</p></li>
-   <li><p>&#x231B; If <span>current request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-state">state</span> is
-   <span data-x="img-none">unavailable</span> or <span data-x="img-error">broken</span>, then set
-   the <span>current request</span> to <var>image request</var>. Otherwise, set the <span>pending
+   <li><p>If <span>current request</span>'s <span data-x="img-req-state">state</span> is <span
+   data-x="img-none">unavailable</span> or <span data-x="img-error">broken</span>, then set the
+   <span>current request</span> to <var>image request</var>. Otherwise, set the <span>pending
    request</span> to <var>image request</var>.</p></li>
-   <li><p>&#x231B; Let <var>request</var> be the result of <span data-x="create a potential-CORS
+   <li><p>Let <var>request</var> be the result of <span data-x="create a potential-CORS
    request">creating a potential-CORS request</span> given <var>urlString</var>, "<code
    data-x="">image</code>", and the current state of the element's <code
    data-x="attr-img-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> content attribute.</p></li>
-   <li><p>&#x231B; Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-client">client</span> to
-   the element's <span>node document</span>'s <span>relevant settings object</span>.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-client">client</span> to the
+   element's <span>node document</span>'s <span>relevant settings object</span>.</p></li>
-   <li><p>&#x231B; If the element <span data-x="use srcset or picture">uses <code>srcset</code> or
+   <li><p>If the element <span data-x="use srcset or picture">uses <code>srcset</code> or
    <code>picture</code></span>, set <var>request</var>'s <span
    data-x="concept-request-initiator">initiator</span> to "<code
-   <li><p>&#x231B; Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-referrer-policy">referrer
+   <li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-referrer-policy">referrer
    policy</span> to the current state of the element's <code
    data-x="attr-img-referrerpolicy">referrerpolicy</code> attribute.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Let <var>delay load event</var> be true if the <code>img</code>'s <span>lazy loading
+   attribute</span> is in the <span data-x="attr-loading-eager-state">Eager</span> state, or if
+   <span data-x="concept-n-noscript">scripting is disabled</span> for the <code>img</code>, and
+   false otherwise.</p></li>
+   <li>
+    <p>If the <span>will lazy load image steps</span> given the <code>img</code> return true,
+    then:</p>
+    <ol>
+     <li><p>Continue running this algorithm <span>in parallel</span>.</p></li>
+     <li><p>Wait until the <span>will lazy load image steps</span> no longer return true, given the
+     <code>img</code>.</p></li>
+     <li><p><span>Queue a task</span> to continue running the rest of this algorithm.</p></li>
+    </ol>
+   </li>
-    <p>&#x231B; <span data-x="concept-fetch">Fetch</span> <var>request</var>. Let this instance of
-    the <span data-x="concept-fetch">fetching</span> algorithm be associated with <var>image
-    request</var>.<!-- TODO "Interaction with the Preload Scanner" from the picture spec --></p>
+    <p><span data-x="concept-fetch">Fetch</span> <var>request</var>. Let this instance of the <span
+    data-x="concept-fetch">fetching</span> algorithm be associated with <var>image request</var>.
+    <!-- TODO "Interaction with the Preload Scanner" from the picture spec --></p>
-    <p>The resource obtained in this fashion, if any, is <var>image request</var>'s <span data-x="img-req-data">image data</span>.
-    It can be either <span>CORS-same-origin</span> or <span>CORS-cross-origin</span>; this affects
-    the <span>origin</span> of the image itself (e.g. when used on a <code>canvas</code>).</p>
+    <p>The resource obtained in this fashion, if any, is <var>image request</var>'s <span
+    data-x="img-req-data">image data</span>. It can be either <span>CORS-same-origin</span> or
+    <span>CORS-cross-origin</span>; this affects the <span>origin</span> of the image itself (e.g.
+    when used on a <code>canvas</code>).</p>
     <!-- same text in <input type=image> section and similar text elsewhere -->
-    <p>Fetching the image must <span>delay the load event</span> of the element's <span>node document</span> until the
-    <span data-x="concept-task">task</span> that is <span data-x="queue a task">queued</span> by the
+    <p>When <var>delay load event</var> is true, fetching the image must <span>delay the load
+    event</span> of the element's <span>node document</span> until the <span
+    data-x="concept-task">task</span> that is <span data-x="queue a task">queued</span> by the
     <span>networking task source</span> once the resource has been fetched (<a
     href="#img-load">defined below</a>) has been run.
     <!--TODO or the fetch was aborted, presumably --></p>
@@ -28268,8 +28387,8 @@ was an English &lt;a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall&lt;/a> singer, ...</code
     compatible with existing Web content.</p>
-   <li><p>End the <span>synchronous section</span>, continuing the remaining steps <span>in
-   parallel</span>, but without missing any data from fetching.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Continue the remaining steps <span>in parallel</span>, but without missing any data from
+   fetching.</p></li>
@@ -32358,10 +32477,6 @@ interface <dfn>HTMLVideoElement</dfn> : <span>HTMLMediaElement</span> {
   <p>The <span>default object size</span> is a width of 300 <span data-x="'px'">CSS pixels</span>
   and a height of 150 <span data-x="'px'">CSS pixels</span>. <ref spec=CSSIMAGES></p>
-  <p>A <code>video</code> element is said to <dfn>intersect the viewport</dfn> when it is
-  <span>being rendered</span> and its associated CSS layout box intersects the
-  <span>viewport</span>.</p>
   <p>User agents should provide controls to enable or disable the display of closed captions, audio
@@ -35076,10 +35191,6 @@ interface <dfn>MediaError</dfn> {
       <p>The user agent may run the following substeps:</p>
-      <p class="note">This specification doesn't define the precise timing for when the intersection
-      is tested, but it is suggested that the timing match that of the Intersection Observer API.
-      <ref spec=INTERSECTIONOBSERVER></p>
        <li>Set the <code data-x="dom-media-paused">paused</code> attribute to false.</li>
@@ -35104,10 +35215,6 @@ interface <dfn>MediaError</dfn> {
       true and the <code data-x="attr-media-autoplay">autoplay</code> attribute is still specified,
       run the following substeps:</p>
-      <p class="note">This specification doesn't define the precise timing for when the intersection
-      is tested, but it is suggested that the timing match that of the Intersection Observer API.
-      <ref spec=INTERSECTIONOBSERVER></p>
        <li>Run the <span>internal pause steps</span> and set the <span>can autoplay flag</span> to
@@ -114452,6 +114559,13 @@ console.assert(container.firstChild instanceof SuperP);
   means the element is not <span>being rendered</span>, though this might be overridden by the style
+  <p>An element is said to <dfn>intersect the viewport</dfn> when it is <span>being rendered</span>
+  and its associated CSS layout box intersects the <span>viewport</span>.</p>
+  <p class="note">This specification does not define the precise timing for when the intersection is
+  tested, but it is suggested that the timing match that of the Intersection Observer API. <ref
   <p>User agents that do not honor author-level CSS style sheets are nonetheless expected to act as
@@ -120397,13 +120511,15 @@ interface <dfn>External</dfn> {
          <code data-x="attr-img-alt">alt</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-img-src">src</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-img-srcset">srcset</code>;
+         <code data-x="attr-img-sizes">sizes</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-img-crossorigin">crossorigin</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-hyperlink-usemap">usemap</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-img-ismap">ismap</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-dim-width">width</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-dim-height">height</code>;
+         <code data-x="attr-img-referrerpolicy">referrerpolicy</code>;
          <code data-x="attr-img-decoding">decoding</code>;
-         <code data-x="attr-img-referrerpolicy">referrerpolicy</code></td>
+         <code data-x="attr-img-loading">loading</code></td>
@@ -121985,6 +122101,12 @@ interface <dfn>External</dfn> {
      <td> "<code data-x="attr-img-decoding-sync">sync</code>";
           "<code data-x="attr-img-decoding-async">async</code>";
           "<code data-x="attr-img-decoding-auto">auto</code>"
+    <tr>
+     <th> <code data-x="">loading</code>
+     <td> <code data-x="attr-img-loading">img</code>
+     <td> Used when determining loading deferral
+     <td> "<code data-x="attr-loading-lazy">lazy</code>";
+          "<code data-x="attr-loading-eager">eager</code>"
      <th> <code data-x="">default</code>
      <td> <code data-x="attr-track-default">track</code>