These requirements mean that the inherited {{DOMException/code}} property of these
interfaces will always return 0.
- The definition for a {{DOMException}} derived interface which carries along an additional
- "protocol error code", which is derived from what the server sent over some some hypothetical
- network protocol "protocol X", could look something like this:
+To [=exception/create=] or [=exception/throw=] a {{DOMException}} derived interface, supply its
+[=interface=] [=identifier=] as well as the additional information needed to construct it.
- [Exposed=Window, Serializable]
- interface ProtocolXError : DOMException {
- constructor(optional DOMString message = "", ProtocolXErrorOptions options);
To throw an instance of {{QuotaExceededError}}:
- readonly attribute unsigned long long errorCode;
- };
+ [=exception/Throw=] a {{QuotaExceededError}} whose [=QuotaExceededError/quota=] is 42 and
+ [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] is 50.
- dictionary ProtocolXErrorOptions {
- required [EnforceRange] unsigned long long errorCode;
- };
Predefined {{DOMException}} derived interfaces
- Every
instance has an
error code,
- a number.
+This standard so far defines one predefined {{DOMException}} derived interface:
- The
new ProtocolXError(|message|, |options|)
constructor steps are:
+[Exposed=*, Serializable]
+interface QuotaExceededError : DOMException {
+ constructor(optional DOMString message = "", optional QuotaExceededErrorOptions options = {});
- 1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to "ProtocolXError
- 1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
- 1. Set [=this=]'s [=ProtocolXError/error code=] to |options|["errorCode
+ readonly attribute double? quota;
+ readonly attribute double? requested;
- The errorCode
getter steps are to return [=this=]'s
- [=ProtocolXError/error code=].
+dictionary QuotaExceededErrorOptions {
+ double quota;
+ double requested;
objects are [=serializable objects=].
+The {{QuotaExceededError}} exception can be thrown when a quota is exceeded. It has two properties
+that are optionally present, to give more information to the web developer about their request
+compared to the quota value.
- Their [=serialization steps=], given |value| and |serialized|, are:
Previous versions of this standard defined "QuotaExceededError
" as one
+of the base DOMException
error names. It
+has been upgraded to a full interface to support including such information.
- 1. Run the {{DOMException}} [=serialization steps=] given |value| and |serialized|.
- 1. Set |serialized|.\[[ErrorCode]] to |value|'s [=ProtocolXError/error code=].
+Every {{QuotaExceededError}} instance has a
requested and a
quota, both numbers or null. They are both initially null.
+ The
new QuotaExceededError(|message|, |options|)
+ constructor steps are:
- Their [=deserialization steps=], given |serialized| and |value|, are:
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to "QuotaExceededError
- 1. Run the {{DOMException}} [=deserialization steps=] given |serialized| and |value|.
- 1. Set |value|'s [=ProtocolXError/error code=] to |serialized|.\[[ErrorCode]].
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
+ 1. If |options|["{{QuotaExceededErrorOptions/quota}}"] is present, then:
+ 1. If |options|["{{QuotaExceededErrorOptions/quota}}"] is less than 0, then throw a
+ {{RangeError}}.
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=QuotaExceededError/quota=] to
+ |options|["{{QuotaExceededErrorOptions/quota}}"].
+ 1. If |options|["{{QuotaExceededErrorOptions/requested}}"] is present, then:
+ 1. If |options|["{{QuotaExceededErrorOptions/requested}}"] is less than 0, then throw a
+ {{RangeError}}.
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] to
+ |options|["{{QuotaExceededErrorOptions/requested}}"].
+ 1. If [=this=]'s [=QuotaExceededError/quota=] is not null, [=this=]'s [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] is not null,
+ and [=this=]'s [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] is less than [=this=]'s [=QuotaExceededError/quota=], then
+ throw a {{RangeError}}.
-To [=exception/create=] or [=exception/throw=] a {{DOMException}} derived interface, supply its
-[=interface=] [=identifier=] as well as the additional information needed to construct it.
quota getter steps are to return [=this=]'s
To throw an instance of the ProtocolXError
- above:
+The requested getter steps are to return [=this=]'s
- [=exception/Throw=] a ProtocolXError
whose [=ProtocolXError/error code=]
- is 42.
+{{QuotaExceededError}} objects are [=serializable objects=].
+ Their [=serialization steps=], given |value| and |serialized|, are:
+ 1. Run the {{DOMException}} [=serialization steps=] given |value| and |serialized|.
+ 1. Set |serialized|.\[[Quota]] to |value|'s [=QuotaExceededError/quota=].
+ 1. Set |serialized|.\[[Requested]] to |value|'s [=QuotaExceededError/requested=].
+ Their [=deserialization steps=], given |serialized| and |value|, are:
+ 1. Run the {{DOMException}} [=deserialization steps=] given |serialized| and |value|.
+ 1. Set |value|'s [=QuotaExceededError/quota=] to |serialized|.\[[Quota]].
+ 1. Set |value|'s [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] to |serialized|.\[[Requested]].
+Specifications that [=exception/create=] or [=exception/throw=] a {{QuotaExceededError}} must not
+provide a [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] and [=QuotaExceededError/quota=] that are both non-null
+and where [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] is less than [=QuotaExceededError/quota=].
enumeration is a definition (matching
@@ -6651,7 +6690,8 @@ There is no way to represent a constant observable array value in IDL.
1. If |employee| is not allowed to enter the building today, then throw a
"{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
- 1. If |index| is greater than 200, then throw a "{{QuotaExceededError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. If |index| is greater than or equal to 200, then throw a {{QuotaExceededError}} whose
+ [=QuotaExceededError/quota=] is 200 and [=QuotaExceededError/requested=] is |index|.
1. Put |employee| to work!
The [=observable array attribute/delete an indexed value=] algorithm for