The purpose of this module is to collect members, subsystems and services from the X-Road ecosystem and store them to a database.
The module is implemented using concurrent Akka actors:
- fetches WSDL descriptions of SOAP services from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.FetchOpenApiActor
- fetches OpenAPI descriptions of Rest services from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.ListClientsActor
- fetches a list of clients from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.ListMethodsActor
- fetches a list of services from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.FetchOrganizationsActor
- fetches a list of public organizations from an external API and stores them to the db.FetchCompaniesActor
- fetches a list of private companies from an external API and stores them to the db.
See also the Installation Guide and User Guide.
X-Road Catalog Collector can be built by running:
$ ../gradlew clean build
First make sure that xroad-catalog-persistence
is located next to xroad-catalog-collector
. The RPM build uses sql
files from xroad-catalog-persistence/src/main/sql
. If the default
profile is used, the CATALOG_PROFILE
can be omitted. More information about profiles is available in the build instructions.
../gradlew clean build
docker build -t collector-rpm packages/xroad-catalog-collector/docker --build-arg CATALOG_PROFILE=<PROFILE>
docker run -v $PWD/..:/workspace collector-rpm
X-Road Catalog Collector can be run by using Gradle:
../gradlew bootRun
or by running it from a JAR file:
java -jar target/xroad-catalog-collector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
First create an ssh tunnel to a local port:
For example, there's a Security Server running on a machine
on an internal private network on
port 80
. The Security Server is accessible from the machine
. To connect to the Security Server from
the local machine using the local port 9000
, forward the connection using the following command:
ssh -nNT -L [email protected]
Then run the collector with profile sshtest
java -jar build/libs/xroad-catalog-collector.jar,catalogdb