- Shoutouts, News, announcements
- Presentations, demos - Angular and Firebase
- Knowledge exchange, 15-20 minutes moderated
- Networking
- Jobs, Projects?
- Meetups, Events, Trainings?
- News?
- Angular 2 and .Net Backend
- !! Please promote Meetup !!
npm -g install universal-cli
ung new project --universal
cd project
npm start
ung serve start dev mode, npm start starts universal
- Angular Language Service - Template Completion
- Components can inherit from another component
- Better error reporting - stack trace
- many fixes
- RxJS 5 dependency update$
- many fixes
Wanted topics:
- angular universal
- MEAN Stack
- ngUpgrade
- Lazy Loading / Routing
- RxJS
- Redux, ngrx
- ... AOT, Material, Translations
- Please if you created anything - share it.