- Shoutouts, News, announcements
- Presentation => Angular 5
- Networking
- Jobs, Projects?
- Meetups, Events, Trainings?
- News?
- ng-europe, February 1st/2nd in Paris https://ngeurope.org
- ngVikings, March 1st/2nd in Helsinki https://ngvikings.org
- AngularUP June 21st in Tel Aviv http://angular-up.com
- AngularConnect November 6th/7th in London https://www.angularconnect.com
- Blockchain by Mohamed 01.02.2018: https://www.letsboot.com/blockchain
- Angular by Cedric Spindler 27.02.2018: https://www.letsboot.com/angular
- React by Jonas Bandi 20.03.2018: https://www.letsboot.com/react
- Full Stack Camp 2018: https://www.letsboot.com/camp (It was a great success in 2017)
==> Discounts for all Angular Basel Meetup Members.
Wanted topics:
- good examples / real live apps
- Redux, ngrx/store
- MEAN Stack
- ngUpgrade
- Lazy Loading / Routing
- RxJS
- Serverless AWS Lamda/Firebase
- ... AOT, Material, Translations
- Testing
- quickly go through the changes
- update helper
- closer look at some topics
- Build Optimizer
- Compiler Improvements -> ng serve --aot
- Zone speed improvements
- HttpClient
- Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes
- Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM Support
- Angular Forms adds updateOn Blur / Submit
- Improved Decorator Support
- Replace the ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector
- exportAs
- New Router Lifecycle Events
- CLI v1.5
- RxJS 5.5
- Improved decorator error messages
- Angular Material & CDK Stable Release
- CLI 1.6
- Service Worker Support
- Improved Universal & App Shell Support
- TypeScript 2.5 support
- Improved type checking for templates
- Improved Router Param & Data Inheritance
- TypeScript 2.6 support
- HttpClient Module
- Angular Template Syntax
- i18n
- https://blog.angular.io/version-5-0-0-of-angular-now-available-37e414935ced#5ee9
- Docs https://angular.io/guide/http
- Angular i18n Guide https://angular.io/guide/i18n
- Angular CLI i18n Story https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/stories-internationalization
- Angular CLI xi18n command manual https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/xi18n
- Third party i18n support library https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-i18nsupport
- XLF Translator: Github https://github.com/martinroob/tiny-translator
- XLF Translator https://martinroob.github.io/tiny-translator/en
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