- Shoutouts, News, announcements
- Presentations
- Writing Unit Tests for Angular Components (Steffi)
- Use Airtable as Backend for your Angular app (Ben)
- Unit- vs. Integrations- vs. e2e-Tests (Nico)
- Networking
- Jobs, Projects?
- Meetups, Events, Trainings?
- News?
Wanted topics:
- good examples / real live apps
- Redux, ngrx/store
- MEAN Stack
- ngUpgrade
- Lazy Loading / Routing
- RxJS
- Serverless AWS Lamda/Firebase
- ... AOT, Translations
- How to integrate other libraries into Angular
- frontend dev
- experience in unit testing in Java and JavaScript (but not in Angular)
- first own project, starting from scratch
- error messages hard to understand at first -> give you a headstart
- understand it better myself
- test right from the start
- have tests running while developing
- continuous integration
- ask yourself repeatedly: what do I actually want to test?
- isolate - mock away as much as possible
- practice
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