| 1 | +const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test') |
| 2 | +const { times } = require('lodash') |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +const fs = require('fs') |
| 5 | +const path = require('path') |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { |
| 8 | + const date = new Date(Date.UTC(1982, 3, 15)) |
| 9 | + await page.clock.setFixedTime(date) |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | + // const environment = process.env.ENVIRONMENT |
| 12 | + // const url = environment === 'prod' |
| 13 | + // ? 'https://cypress-playground.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/index.html' |
| 14 | + // : './src/index.html' |
| 15 | + // await page.goto(url) |
| 16 | + await page.goto('https://cypress-playground.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/index.html') |
| 17 | +}) |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +test.describe('Playwright Playground', () => { |
| 20 | + test('shows a promotional banner', async ({ page }) => { |
| 21 | + const banner = await page.locator('#promotional-banner') |
| 22 | + expect(await banner).toBeVisible() |
| 23 | + expect(await banner.innerText()).toContain('📣 Get to know the Cypress, from Zero to the Cloud course!') |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | + const link = await banner.locator('a') |
| 26 | + expect(await link.getAttribute('target')).toEqual('_blank') |
| 27 | + expect(await link.getAttribute('href')).toEqual('https://www.udemy.com/course/cypress-from-zero-to-the-cloud/?referralCode=CABCDDFA5ADBB7BE2E1A') |
| 28 | + }) |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | + test('after visiting a page, asserts some text is visible', async ({ page }) => { |
| 31 | + const header = await page.locator('h1') |
| 32 | + expect(await header).toBeVisible() |
| 33 | + expect(await header.innerText()).toContain('Cypress Playground') |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | + const subHeader = await page.locator('#visit h2') |
| 36 | + expect(await subHeader).toBeVisible() |
| 37 | + expect(await subHeader.innerText()).toEqual('cy.visit()') |
| 38 | + }) |
| 39 | + |
| 40 | + test('clicks a button and ensures an action is triggered', async ({ page }) => { |
| 41 | + const successMessage = await page.locator('#click span#success') |
| 42 | + await page.click('#click button') |
| 43 | + expect(await successMessage).toBeVisible() |
| 44 | + expect(await successMessage.innerText()).toEqual("You've been successfully subscribed to our newsletter.") |
| 45 | + |
| 46 | + await page.clock.runFor(3000) |
| 47 | + expect(await successMessage).not.toBeVisible() |
| 48 | + }) |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | + test("types in an input which 'signs' a form, then asserts it's signed", async ({ page }) => { |
| 51 | + await page.fill('#type textarea', 'Mad Max') |
| 52 | + const signedText = await page.locator('#type em') |
| 53 | + expect(await signedText).toBeVisible() |
| 54 | + expect(await signedText.innerText()).toEqual('Mad Max') |
| 55 | + }) |
| 56 | + |
| 57 | + test('types in the signature, checks the checkbox to see the preview, then unchecks it', async ({ page }) => { |
| 58 | + await page.fill('#check textarea', 'Scarecrow') |
| 59 | + await page.check('#check input[type="checkbox"]') |
| 60 | + const preview = await page.locator('#check em') |
| 61 | + expect(await preview).toBeVisible() |
| 62 | + expect(await preview.innerText()).toEqual('Scarecrow') |
| 63 | + |
| 64 | + await page.uncheck('#check input[type="checkbox"]') |
| 65 | + expect(await preview).not.toBeVisible() |
| 66 | + }) |
| 67 | + |
| 68 | + test('checks both radios and asserts if it is "on" or "off"', async ({ page }) => { |
| 69 | + const radioOn = await page.locator('#check-radio input[value="on"]') |
| 70 | + const radioOff = await page.locator('#check-radio input[value="off"]') |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | + const onOffText = await page.locator('#check-radio strong p') |
| 73 | + expect(await onOffText).toBeVisible() |
| 74 | + expect(await onOffText.innerText()).toEqual('ON') |
| 75 | + |
| 76 | + await radioOff.check() |
| 77 | + expect(await onOffText).toBeVisible() |
| 78 | + expect(await onOffText.innerText()).toEqual('OFF') |
| 79 | + |
| 80 | + await radioOn.check() |
| 81 | + expect(await onOffText.innerText()).toEqual('ON') |
| 82 | + }) |
| 83 | + |
| 84 | + test('selects a type via the dropdown field and asserts on the selection', async ({ page }) => { |
| 85 | + await page.selectOption('#select select[name="selection-type"]', 'VIP') |
| 86 | + const selectedOption = await page.getByText("You've selected: VIP") |
| 87 | + expect(await selectedOption).toBeVisible() |
| 88 | + }) |
| 89 | + |
| 90 | + test('selects multiple fruits via the dropdown field and asserts on the selection', async ({ page }) => { |
| 91 | + await page.selectOption('#select select[multiple]', ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']) |
| 92 | + const selectedFruits = await page.getByText("You've selected the following fruits: apple, banana, cherry") |
| 93 | + expect(await selectedFruits).toBeVisible() |
| 94 | + }) |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | + test('uploads a file and asserts the correct file name appears as a paragraph', async ({ page }) => { |
| 97 | + const fileInput = await page.locator('#select-file input[type="file"]') |
| 98 | + await fileInput.setInputFiles('cypress/fixtures/example.json') |
| 99 | + |
| 100 | + const selectedFile = await page.getByText('The following file has been selected for upload: example.json') |
| 101 | + expect(await selectedFile).toBeVisible() |
| 102 | + }) |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | + test('clicks a button and triggers a request', async ({ page }) => { |
| 105 | + const button = await page.locator('#intercept button') |
| 106 | + await button.click() |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | + const response = await page.waitForResponse('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1') |
| 109 | + expect(response.status()).toEqual(200) |
| 110 | + |
| 111 | + const jsonResponse = await response.json() |
| 112 | + expect(jsonResponse.id).toEqual(1) |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | + const todoIdParagraph = await page.getByText('TODO ID: ') |
| 115 | + const titleParagraph = await page.getByText('Title: ') |
| 116 | + const completedParagraph = await page.getByText('Completed: ') |
| 117 | + const userIdParagraph = await page.getByText('User ID: ') |
| 118 | + |
| 119 | + expect(await todoIdParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 120 | + expect(await titleParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 121 | + expect(await completedParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 122 | + expect(await userIdParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 123 | + }) |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | + test('clicks a button and triggers a stubbed request', async ({ page }) => { |
| 126 | + await page.route('**/todos/1', route => { |
| 127 | + route.fulfill({ |
| 128 | + path: './cypress/fixtures/todo.json' |
| 129 | + }) |
| 130 | + }) |
| 131 | + |
| 132 | + const button = await page.locator('#intercept button') |
| 133 | + await button.click() |
| 134 | + |
| 135 | + const response = await page.waitForResponse('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1') |
| 136 | + expect(await response.status()).toEqual(200) |
| 137 | + |
| 138 | + // const jsonResponse = await response.json() |
| 139 | + // expect(await jsonResponse.id).toEqual(420) |
| 140 | + |
| 141 | + const todoIdParagraph = await page.getByText('TODO ID: 420') |
| 142 | + const titleParagraph = await page.getByText('Title: Cypress test') |
| 143 | + const completedParagraph = await page.getByText('Completed: true') |
| 144 | + const userIdParagraph = await page.getByText('User ID: 66') |
| 145 | + |
| 146 | + expect(await todoIdParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 147 | + expect(await titleParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 148 | + expect(await completedParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 149 | + expect(await userIdParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 150 | + }) |
| 151 | + |
| 152 | + test('clicks a button and simulates an API failure', async ({ page }) => { |
| 153 | + await page.route('**/todos/1', async route => { |
| 154 | + await route.fulfill({ |
| 155 | + status: 500, |
| 156 | + }) |
| 157 | + }) |
| 158 | + |
| 159 | + const button = await page.locator('#intercept button') |
| 160 | + await button.click() |
| 161 | + |
| 162 | + const errorMessage = await page.locator('#intercept .error span') |
| 163 | + expect(await errorMessage).toBeVisible() |
| 164 | + expect(await errorMessage.innerText()).toEqual('Oops, something went wrong. Refresh the page and try again.') |
| 165 | + }) |
| 166 | + |
| 167 | + test('clicks a button and simulates a network failure', async ({ page }) => { |
| 168 | + await page.route('**/todos/1', route => route.abort()) |
| 169 | + const button = await page.locator('#intercept button') |
| 170 | + await button.click() |
| 171 | + |
| 172 | + const errorMessage = await page.locator('#intercept .error span') |
| 173 | + expect(await errorMessage).toBeVisible() |
| 174 | + expect(await errorMessage.innerText()).toEqual('Oops, something went wrong. Check your internet connection, refresh the page, and try again.') |
| 175 | + }) |
| 176 | + |
| 177 | + test('makes an HTTP request and asserts on the returned status code', async ({ page }) => { |
| 178 | + const response = await page.request.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1') |
| 179 | + expect(response.status()).toEqual(200) |
| 180 | + }) |
| 181 | + |
| 182 | + times(10, index => { |
| 183 | + test(`selects ${index + 1} out of 10`, async ({ page }) => { |
| 184 | + await page.fill('#input-range input[type="range"]', `${index + 1}`) |
| 185 | + const selectedLevel = await page.getByText(`You're on level: ${index + 1}`) |
| 186 | + expect(await selectedLevel).toBeVisible() |
| 187 | + }) |
| 188 | + }) |
| 189 | + |
| 190 | + test('selects a date and asserts the correct date has been displayed', async ({ page }) => { |
| 191 | + await page.fill('#input-date input[type="date"]', '2024-01-16') |
| 192 | + |
| 193 | + const dateParagraph = await page.locator('#input-date p#date-paragraph') |
| 194 | + expect(await dateParagraph).toBeVisible() |
| 195 | + expect(await dateParagraph.innerText()).toEqual("The date you've selected is: 2024-01-16") |
| 196 | + }) |
| 197 | + |
| 198 | + test('types a password without leaking it, shows it, and hides it again', async ({ page }) => { |
| 199 | + await page.fill('#password-input input[type="password"]', process.env.PASSWORD) |
| 200 | + |
| 201 | + const showPasswordCheckbox = await page.locator('#password-input input[type="checkbox"]') |
| 202 | + await showPasswordCheckbox.check() |
| 203 | + |
| 204 | + const textInput = await page.locator('#password-input input[type="text"]') |
| 205 | + expect(await textInput).toBeVisible() |
| 206 | + expect(await textInput.inputValue()).toEqual(process.env.PASSWORD) |
| 207 | + |
| 208 | + await showPasswordCheckbox.uncheck() |
| 209 | + expect(await textInput).not.toBeVisible() |
| 210 | + }) |
| 211 | + |
| 212 | + test('counts the number of animals in a list', async ({ page }) => { |
| 213 | + const animals = await page.$$('#should-have-length ul li') |
| 214 | + expect(animals.length).toEqual(5) |
| 215 | + }) |
| 216 | + |
| 217 | + test('freezes the browser clock and asserts the frozen date is displayed', async ({ page }) => { |
| 218 | + const dateSection = await page.locator('#date-section #date-section-paragraph') |
| 219 | + expect(await dateSection).toBeVisible() |
| 220 | + expect(await dateSection.innerText()).toEqual('Current date: 1982-04-15') |
| 221 | + }) |
| 222 | + |
| 223 | + test('copies the code, types it, submits it, then asserts on the success message', async ({ page }) => { |
| 224 | + const codeElement = await page.locator('#copy-paste span#timestamp') |
| 225 | + const code = await codeElement.innerText() |
| 226 | + |
| 227 | + const codeField = await page.locator('#copy-paste input[type="number"]') |
| 228 | + await codeField.fill(code) |
| 229 | + |
| 230 | + const submitCodeButton = await page.locator('#copy-paste button') |
| 231 | + await submitCodeButton.click() |
| 232 | + |
| 233 | + const successCodeSubmissionMessage = await page.getByText("Congrats! You've entered the correct code.") |
| 234 | + expect(await successCodeSubmissionMessage).toBeVisible() |
| 235 | + |
| 236 | + await page.clock.runFor(3000) |
| 237 | + expect(await successCodeSubmissionMessage).not.toBeVisible() |
| 238 | + }) |
| 239 | + |
| 240 | + test('downloads a file, reads it, and asserts on its content', async ({ page }) => { |
| 241 | + const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download') |
| 242 | + const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'example.txt') |
| 243 | + |
| 244 | + const downloadLink = await page.getByText('Download a text file').last() |
| 245 | + await downloadLink.click() |
| 246 | + const download = await downloadPromise |
| 247 | + await download.saveAs(`tests/${download.suggestedFilename()}`) |
| 248 | + |
| 249 | + const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') |
| 250 | + |
| 251 | + expect(fileContent).toEqual('Hello, World!') |
| 252 | + }) |
| 253 | +}) |
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