[scala-spec] The Scala Language Specification
[enumeration-docs] http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.Enumeration
[enum-sip] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mIKml4sJzezL_-iDJMmcAKmavHb9axjYJos_7UMlWJ8/edit
[twitter-scala-school] Twitter 的 Scala School: http://twitter.github.io/scala_school 包含了许多 Scala 概念,帮助我很好的解释了 Variance(是我发现过最好的解释)。
[universal-types] 非常老,但还是 Universal Types 的有效解释: http://www.scala-lang.org/old/node/128
[maciver-existentials] D.R. MacIver 的 Existential Types: http://www.drmaciver.com/2008/03/existential-types-in-scala/
[scala-doc] Scala API 文档: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html
[dragos-specialized] Dragos 的演讲,非常好的介绍了 Scala 2.8 的
: Scala Days 2010 - Specialization -
[wiki-diamond] Wikipedia 上的菱形问题
[generics-specialization] Martin Odersky' 和 Iulian Dragos' 关于 specialization 的白皮书 Compiling generics through user-directed type specialization
[dangers-of-subtype-polymorphism] The dangers of correlating subtype polymorphism with generic polymorphism
[safar-linearization] Safari 上关于 Type Linearization 的在线书籍: http://blog.safaribooksonline.com/2013/05/30/traits-how-scala-tames-multiple-inheritance/
[phantom-types-haskell] James Iry 和他的 Phantom Types in Haskell and Scala 博客
[typesafe-builder] Scala 社区中有关 Phantom Types 的最早一篇博客(我认为),作者是 Rafael Ferreira Type Safe Builder Pattern in Scala
[kriss-type-lambda] StackOverflow 上关于 Type Lambdas 很棒的答案,作者是 Kriss Nuttycombe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8736164/what-are-type-lambdas-in-scala-and-what-are-their-benefits
[rogue-phantom-types] Jason Liszka 在 Foursquare 的博客中介绍了他们的 Rogue 库使用 Phantom Types Going Rogue part 2 - phantom types
[kind-pull-req] Adriaan Moors 向
提交的 :kind pull request scala/scala#2340 -
[patronus-type] Eugene Yakota 的 constraining class linearization in scala,在这篇博客中他介绍他发现的 "patronus type" 模式
[the-flying-sandwich-part] Eugene Yakota 的 Scala 模式和开发建议 Scala: The flying sandwich parts
[package-object] Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon - Package Objects 网站(2010)
[union-types-miles] Miles Sabin 解释了 Union Types Miles Sabin on Union Types
[vampire-type] Vampire Methods for Structural Types
[types-of-types-lambda-days] Konrad Malawski(作者本人)在 Lambda Days Krakรณw 2014 对本文做了一个快速介绍和总览。这里有 视频 和 幻灯片