Releases: wri/wri-terramatch-website
Sassy Sycamore Hotfix 2024-11-20
Release notes - TerraMatch - Sassy Sycamore Hotfix 2024-11-18
TM-1486 All admins should be able to access the dashboards
TM-1488 Sign out on Dashboard not working
TM-1489 Funder/govt. should be taken to the dashboards on sign in
TM-1491 Update the following dashboard links
TM-1492 Make dashboard publicly accessible
TM-1499 Dashboard: remove 'No Data Available' while the Project Profile sections load
Sassy Sycamore 2024-11-14
Release notes - TerraMatch - Sassy Sycamore
TM-1431 Add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/volunteers-survival-rate
TM-1432 add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/jobs-created
TM-1435 Add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/tree-restoration-goal
TM-1436 Add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/top-trees-planted
TM-1437 Add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/active-countries
TM-1438 Add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/active-projects
TM-1439 Add delayed job for api/v2/dashboard/indicator/hectares-restoration
TM-572 "Nothing to report" selection bumps user to page 1 of reports
TM-1417 Can't export some PPC projects from PD view
TM-1454 HBF Workdays Validation Error
TM-1455 Allow .doc files to be added in file upload fields
TM-1470 Deleted child questions reappear in formbuilder
TM-1478 unable to create reporting frameworks
TM-1127 Add worker to bypass server timeout when uploading polygons or running the bulk polygon check
TM-1249 Create OpenAPI spec for new data APIs
TM-1278 Rework reporting notifications to be daily digest per reporting task
TM-1289 Update email copy/links for new users added as monitoring partners
TM-1303 Add Socioeconomic Restoration Partners table to [PPC] project reports
TM-1313 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Framework Dashboard
TM-1314 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Country Dashboard
TM-1316 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Project List
TM-1343 Dashboard: Rebuild map based on TM component
TM-1353 Add in logic for the generation of HBF and TerraFund Enterprise Reporting Tasks
TM-1375 Dashboard: LEARN MORE Web Design Shell
TM-1378 Dashboard: implement Project List view
TM-1384 User management: Associate funding framework with user profiles
TM-1386 Bulk Approve Older TerraFund Site Reports + Project Reports
TM-1407 Dashboard: Implement Project Profile
TM-1410 Dashboard: Update tooltip definitions and related items
TM-1421 Add delayed job handling on FE showing a spinner when a cache miss happens
TM-1422 Update the shapefile for country boundaries used for geospatial analysis
TM-1423 Suppress emails for new round of TM users
TM-1426 Optimize Existing Endpoints in the Dashboard
TM-1444 Add "BETA" branding to TerraMatch Dashboard
TM-1445 Pre-filter the dashboard to only show data where Programme = TerraFund Landscapes
TM-1451 GET site polygons with pagination
TM-1471 Bulk approve Top100 project polygons
TM-1477 Update "due_at / due_date" field for various site reports
TM-1481 Add new framework in the backlog for EPA project
TM-1448 Create deployment for microservices that ships all apps to a given env at once.
Rare Redwood Hotfix 2024-11-07
Rare Redwood Hotfix 2024-11-04
Release notes - TerraMatch - Rare Redwood Hotfix - 11/04/2024
TM-1442 HBF Workdays Questions - helper text not showing
Rare Redwood 2024-11-01
Release notes - TerraMatch - Rare Redwood
TM-1310 Update due date shown on PPC reports
TM-1404 Incorrect country validation fail in Spain + Portugal
TM-1409 Issue uploading shapefile/geojson
TM-1411 Admins can't edit some PPC reports
TM-1413 Application error when clicking on "Gallery"
TM-1414 Ethnicity rows duplicated in workday tables (October 2024 reports)
TM-1415 HBF Workday Implementation corrections
TM-1429 Polygon bulk deletion issue
TM-1434 Unable to export PPC site reports as an Admin
TM-1127 Add worker to bypass server timeout when uploading polygons or running the bulk polygon check
TM-1270 Create scaffolding for v3 API
TM-1271 Implementation of login endpoint
TM-1272 Implement v3 client side API layer
TM-1273 Deployment infrastructure for v3 API
TM-1301 Upload Final TerraFund Polygons
TM-1312 Implement users/me
TM-1313 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Framework Dashboard
TM-1327 Auto-fix overlap for polygons of different sites
TM-1343 Dashboard: Rebuild map based on TM component
TM-1353 Add in logic for the generation of HBF and TerraFund Enterprise Reporting Tasks
TM-1354 Create v3 delayed job integration
TM-1366 Populate v2_projects in STG with the new 'Landscape' attribute
TM-1369 Dashboard: Jobs Created - New Part-Time/Full-Time Jobs, Total Volunteers (Metrics)
TM-1370 Dashboard: Jobs Created - Jobs Created by Gender/Age (Graphics)
TM-1371 Dashboard: Jobs Created - Volunteers Created by Gender / Age (Graphics)
TM-1372 Dashboard: Hectares Under Restoration - Total Hectares / Sites (Metrics)
TM-1373 Dashboard: Hectares Under Restoration - Restoration Strategies Represented (Graphics)
TM-1374 Dashboard: Hectares Under Restoration - Target Land Use Types Represented (Graphics)
TM-1378 Dashboard: implement Project List view
TM-1397 Bulk delete polygons from Wote_nziu_agroforestry_est_2021
TM-1405 Dashboard: Hectares Under Restoration - Create Endpoint
TM-1407 Dashboard: Implement Project Profile
TM-1410 Dashboard: Update tooltip definitions and related items
TM-1419 Add HotJar and GoogleAnalytics to the Dashboard
Queenly Queenwood Hotfix 2024-10-22
Release notes - TerraMatch - Queenly Queenwood Hotfix - 10/22/2024
TM-1408 Question & helper text missing on file upload fields in reports
Queenly Queenwood 2024-10-21
Release notes - TerraMatch - Queenly Queenwood
TM-1057 Make "New Status: Updated" to just "Updated" in Audit Log
TM-1310 Update due date shown on PPC reports
TM-1368 Workday counts incorrect in high-level metrics (Admin) and totals (PD view)--PPC Q3 site reports
TM-882 Bulk upload past reports with updated schema
TM-1142 Translate submission confirmation messages for all entities on TM
TM-1276 Highlight overlap area between polygons
TM-1313 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Framework Dashboard
TM-1314 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Country Dashboard
TM-1315 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Profile Dashboard
TM-1316 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Project List
TM-1318 Dashboard: Web Design Update for Project Insights (page)
TM-1322 Implement Workdays For HBF Reporting
TM-1331 Remove outdated poylgon download buttons across TerraMatch
TM-1341 Dashboard: Create Filters
TM-1342 Dashboard: Rebuild Trees Restored section
TM-1343 Dashboard: Rebuild map based on TM component
TM-1344 Dashboard: Rebuild Active Countries / Projects Table
TM-1347 Site Monitoring: Build Data Model
TM-582 As a Project Developer I want to see the funding programme location translated
TM-1346 Site Monitoring: Define Data Model
TM-1383 Generate reports for 2 HBF projects on production
Peaceful Palm 2024-10-04
Release notes - TerraMatch - Peaceful Palm
TM-1291 GeoJSON & KML upload issues in Edge
TM-1320 Unable to Upload MP4 Video on PD and Admin for Reports and Profiles
TM-1328 JPG format not saving on project file question
TM-1332 Inconsistent formatting in wri_restoration_marketplace.site_polygon site_id
TM-1336 Frontend Build is failing in Vercel
TM-1357 Quotation marks around fields within exports
TM-1188 Update Audit Log UX to Include Status Change that Complies with Status Flow
TM-1258 Refactor search in ProjectReport, SiteReport and NurseryReport
TM-1299 Add New Fields to Project + Site Reports for HBF
TM-1300 Dashboard: Update all endpoints to accommodate new Filters
TM-1305 Image Gallery Enhancement: Show the (card) gallery below the map when clicking "View Gallery"
TM-1306 Image Gallery Enhancement: Display hamburger menu within the Image Pop-up (in the map)
TM-1307 Image Gallery Enhancement: Update the 'Upload Media/Images' Modal
TM-1308 Image Gallery Enhancement: Add/Edit Name & Description Image Metadata and Add a CSV upon Download
TM-1313 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Framework Dashboard
TM-1314 Dashboard: Web Design Shell for the Country Dashboard
TM-1323 Add "landscape" field to the project data table
TM-1333 Multi Select Polygons when Selecting "Check Polygons"
TM-1334 Image Gallery Enhancement: Update the 'Upload Media/Images' Form
TM-1335 TerraFund: display decimals for hectares
Outstanding Oak 2024-09-20
Release notes - TerraMatch - Outstanding Oak
TM-778 Error searching for site reports by site name
TM-1225 Close button is unresponsive on the polygon attribute edit view
TM-1264 Can't update change request status to "Approved" on project reports
TM-1267 Comment duplication when updating the status in the change request
TM-437 Adding Survival Rate into Trees Restored Numbers - Admin Side
TM-578 As a Project Developer I want to see emails from TerraMatch translated into my preferred language
TM-1195 Repairing Accent Issue on .xlsx Export
TM-1229 Generate email notifications for project managers
TM-1237 Image Gallery Enhancement
TM-1238 New Image Profile (Attribute Editor)
TM-1253 Refactor search in User
TM-1254 Refactor search in Organisation
TM-1255 Refactor search in ProjectPitch
TM-1256 Refactor search in Application
TM-1257 Refactor search in Project, Site and Nursery
TM-1283 Add New Polygon Validation + Outputs for Expected Area for Site and Polygon Data in Admin View
TM-1284 Enable Admins to "Remind" PDs if a Report is Still in "due", "started", or "needs more information"
TM-1290 Accept multiple sites in voronoi endpoint
Nimble Neem 2024.09.05
Release notes - TerraMatch - Nimble Neem
TM-592 As an existing user when I am invited as a monitoring partner, I should be directed to log in
TM-1213 Different workday totals displayed admin & PD views - PPC site report
TM-1216 Sign in & password indicator errors
TM-1225 Close button is unresponsive on the polygon attribute edit view
TM-1227 Admins Are Unable to Manually Assign New Users to Organizations.
TM-1288 Project Pitch edit "Save" button unresponsive
TM-1190 Add "Organization" filter option to the project report, site report, and nursery report tabs
TM-1195 Repairing Accent Issue on .xlsx Export
TM-1198 As an Admin or PD I want to be able to bulk delete polygons
TM-1201 Remove geometry from exports of PPC site establishment data
TM-1210 Modify voronoi script to ensure there's no overlap when buffering center points
TM-1211 Add Hectares Under Restoration Progress Metrics from Approved Polygon Sums into Project and Sum Progress Headers (Admin and PD)
TM-1217 Add "back to site" and "back to nursery" button on site/nursery reports
TM-1218 Add due date on report pages (Admin side)
TM-1226 Show yellow error icon if attribute data is incomplete when approving/running polygon validation checks
TM-1228 Update copy on site establishment: polygon creation banner
TM-1235 Add the Polygon Check and Status columns to both the APPROVED and SUBMIT polygon modals
TM-1237 Image Gallery Enhancement
TM-1238 New Image Profile (Attribute Editor)
TM-1263 Update "high-level metrics" and report pages to exclude data under "no" conditionals
TM-1286 Remove est_area validation for Voronoi Algorithm and add it to error handling message