issues Search Results · repo:wzmsltw/BSN-boundary-sensitive-network.pytorch language:Python
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inwzmsltw/BSN-boundary-sensitive-network.pytorch (press backspace or delete to remove)iam stuck to prepare data by slide window for thumos14,is anyone can send me the BSN code on thumos14? my email
is,i would be really appreciated!
- 1
- Opened on Jun 30, 2023
- #33
@wzmsltw Can you please share the BSN in THUMOS code details at ? Thanks!
- Opened on Dec 22, 2022
- #32
Thx for the excellent work for the community! I have two confusions hoping to be answered:
1. When reading the paper, I found the 2 stream network released in NIPS was used. But the TSN is used, when ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 12, 2021
- #30
Hello, Mr. Lin, very thanks, the code is useful for me. Sorry to be a bother. When I try to run it, the TEM testing loss
is almost equal from epoch 1 to 20, the module learned nothing. What maybe cause ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 15, 2020
- #29
Hi,thx for the brilliant work! I encounter a problem for using sliding window method in THUMOS14 dataset and I notice
your reply in Feature extraction questions #14. I would be appreciate if you can send ...
- 3
- Opened on Oct 17, 2020
- #28
Hi, Thanks for the code! I just wanted to ask if BSN(Boundary sensitive network) as well as BMN(Boundary matching
network) can be applied for real time action detection in videos?
- Opened on Sep 9, 2020
- #27
Hi Tianwei @wzmsltw
Thanks for your awesome work! I m also trying to run BSN with some customized video data. However, I m confused with a
part of your code: it line 86 of the I also ...
- Opened on Jun 2, 2020
- #26
Great work! Thank you for sharing!
This work is for generating action proposals. You mentioned in your paper, for temporal action detection, on
activityNet-1.3, you adopt top-1 video-level classification ...
- Opened on Mar 31, 2020
- #25
Hi, do you have the results for Table 2 ( for ActivityNet? I am speaking of the
@50, @100, ..., @1000 proposal recall numbers. I only see those reported for Thumos. ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 2, 2019
- #24

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