Releases: xability/maidr
Releases · xability/maidr
[1.0.6] - 2024-01-05
Internal Chores
- Enforced Conventional Commits for commit messages (#327). This is a BREAKING CHANGE because any commit messages that do not follow the Conventional Commits format will not be accepted by the repository. Please see the Conventional Commits website for more information.
- Added new sections and examples of how to use the Conventional Commits format to the CONTRIBUTING file (#327).
[1.0.5] - 2024-01-05
- Added the ability to switch from assertive (default) to polite aria modes, in the help menu (#309).
- Added OpenAI GPT4-vision query system. Hit ? from the main chart to toggle on (#317).
- Added LLM suggestions system for users to be able to more easily click (#333).
- Added instructions on how to take a screenshot in in GitHub bug report and pull request templates (#307).
- Commented out the instructions on GitHub templates so that users can keep it while adding new content (#308).
- Added lineplot, stacked bar, dodged bar, and normalized dodge bar info to the README (#310).
- Added Code of Conduct file in the project.
[1.0.4] - 2023-11-30
- Added GitHub issue templates for bug report and feature request. #297.
- Added some notes on manual testing.
- Added GitHub template for pull requests. #298.
- Fixed broken link to the Acknowledgments section in README (#300, thanks @sehilyi).
- Fixed typo in scatterplot.js. #283.
- Fixed typo in task1_bar_plot.html, correct CSS file now called.
- Fixed initial position out of range. #287.
- Fixed issue with sonification and highlight color in bar plots. #299.
- Updated documentation for all scripts.