elastic search에서 무엇을 검색한 경우, 유사한 것들에 대해 검색 결과를 반환합니다.
What portion of the retrieved data is actually relevant to the search query?
What portion of relevant data is being returned as search results?
Precision and Recall are inversely related. like:
- Precision
- query와 완벽히 매치되는 결과를 반환.
- 반환되는 document가 적을 수 있음.
- Recall
- retrieve lot of result
- 많은 결과를 반환.
- query에 대해 완벽히 매치되는 document가 아닐 수 있음.
- value that represents how relevant a document is to that specific query
- score is computed for each document that is a hit.
- score use 2 type of data.
- term frequency
- inverse document frequency
for example, let's say search term is "How to form good habits"
IDF decrease weight which occur very frequently. our case, habit occurred very frequently.