A set of minimal 26% (27 keys) keyboard layout designs inspired by the Enigma, the pain27 keyboard (licensed under the CC0 license), the Alpha keyboard (licensed under the MIT license), and the 30wer keyboard.
- Having seen a real Enigma cryptographic machine in a museum and having noticed its unusual, but very compact "25%" layout, I wondered if this could be the base for a very compact Sub-30% keyboard.
- The Enigma had no Space, Shift or other keys than letters, but we need at least one more key, probably working as SpaceFn.
- The outcome is similar to and probably could also be based upon the minimal pain27 keyboard.
(The JSON layout files are meant for usage with the Keyboard Layout Editor and compatible tools.)
The real Enigma keyboard layout plus spacebar based on the pain27.
The real Enigma keyboard layout plus a centered 7u spacebar—compared to the off-center 6.25u spacebar of the pain27.
A less awkward deviation from the standard layout by only moving the P key to where the Enigma moved the L key. Everything else is again identical to the pain27.
Sparked by the Enigma's usage of the spot right of the M key, this is a crossover of the pain27 and 30wer keyboards.
Same idea as with the pain27wer, but based on the Alpha keyboard by simply moving the B, N, and M keys back to their classic position and positioning the SpaceFn key right of the M key instead of between the V and B keys.